Année | Titre du projet |
2021 | Test project |
2020 | A Corrosion Comparison of Beet Juice and Road Salt |
2020 | A novel evaluation of the mutagenicity of e-cig liquid and vapour on yeast cells |
2020 | Age vs. Learning Ability |
2020 | Catching Zzzzzzzz's |
2020 | Colour Vs Memory |
2020 | Cool By Nature |
2020 | Coronavirus: Calculated Risks |
2020 | Design, implementation and assessment of HEALIT |
2020 | Does Seaweed Help Reduce Mold Growth in Bread Rolls? |
2020 | Good Vibrations |
2020 | Growing with Gas |
2020 | Human Fibrocartilage Transplantation for Articular Cartilage Defects |
2020 | Indigenous Astronomy |
2020 | Inspecting How Light Impacts Bacterial Counts in Sauerkraut |
2020 | Is Bioplastic our Future? |
2020 | Keeping It Fresh: Cellulose Nano-Crystal Coated Packaging Effect on Shelf Life |
2020 | Liquid Optics |
2020 | Lori's Test Project |
2020 | Memory in Males Aged 12-14 |
2020 | Microplastic in Lake Fishes of Southern Yukon and Northern Stikine: A Baseline |
2020 | Mind the gAIt: Deciphering Gait Patterns With AI Powered Machine Learning |
2020 | Peter Pan's Project |
2020 | Preen Oil vs Mites - The Effect of Chicken Uropygial Oil on Red Mites |
2020 | Reni's Test Project |
2020 | The Benefits of Gardening |
2020 | Which material conducts sound the best? |
2020 | Wildfires |
2019 | 3D Bio-Fabrication of Schwann-Cell-Laden Scaffolds for Nerve Tissue Regeneration |
2019 | A (Not So) Hard Pill to Swallow |
2019 | A Comparison of Frustration Reactions |
2019 | A Fibonacci Solution – Mitigating Landslides and Avalanches (v2) |
2019 | A Flexible TEG Prototype (FlexiTEG) for Wearable Electronics |
2019 | A Hand for Hope |
2019 | A Is for Activities |
2019 | A Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome III |
2019 | A Novel Approach to Alleviate Oxidative Stress in Daphnia magna by D-limonene |
2019 | A Novel Approach to Diagnose Glioblastoma |
2019 | A Novel Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach to Dynamic Traffic Management for Smart Cities |
2019 | A Novel Dielectrophoretic-Based Separation System for Cell Identification |
2019 | A Novel DSSC Using Bio-Photosensitizer Pigments and Diatom Frustules |
2019 | A Novel Neuropsychiatric Wearable System Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy |
2019 | A Pineapple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away – It’s Not So Difficile |
2019 | A Pollution Solution |
2019 | A Predictive Diagnosis for Parkinson’s Disease Through Machine Learning |
2019 | A Quantitative Analysis of Microplastics in Shellfish |
2019 | A Safer Alternative |
2019 | A Screen Time Solution |
2019 | A Taphonomic Comparison of Two Ordovician Fossil Assemblages |
2019 | A.T.L.A.S.T: Auto Temperature Live Alert System Thermometer |
2019 | Activating Insulin Receptors in Fruit Fly Larvae Decreases Movement |
2019 | Adaptable Invaders |
2019 | Adolescent Anxiety and Social Media |
2019 | AeroTronics – A High Pressure Aeroponics System for Sustainable Indoor Agriculture |
2019 | AirTree: Power Through Purification |
2019 | Algae Meets Fungi: Microalgae-Fungi Co-Pelletization for Biofuel Production |
2019 | Algae-Based Carbon Capture System: Modelling Photosynthesis for CO2 Reduction |
2019 | Algae-Mania: Fun with Green Scum |
2019 | Amoxicillin and Vitamin C Working Together |
2019 | An Eco-Friendly Method to Remove Oil and Other Contaminants Using Fruit Peels |
2019 | An Economically Plausible Reduction of Food Wastage in Kenya |
2019 | An Innovative Flood Prediction System Using Improved Machine Learning Approach |
2019 | An Integrated Glucose Meter Using Sweat Diagnostic Technology for Diabetics |
2019 | An Interpretation of Life Through Vibration Motors |
2019 | An Investigation of the Antibacterial Abilities of Allicin |
2019 | Analysis of Canine Musculoskeletal Injuries from Sled Dog Harness Designs |
2019 | Anthocyanins: A Natural Deterrent to Carcinogenesis |
2019 | Antibacterial Properties of Different Kinds of Honey |
2019 | Antibiotics and Antioxidants: Allies in Combating Antibiotic Resistance |
2019 | Aortic Dissection Detection |
2019 | Appealing Limonene |
2019 | Are Pesticide Formulations Genotoxic? |
2019 | Are ‘Eco-Friendly’ Detergents Really More Eco-Friendly? |
2019 | ARim : un nouvel outil d’aide pour le diagnostic de la rétinopathie diabétique |
2019 | Aspirer le passé et creuser le futur |
2019 | Automated MAC Spoofer |
2019 | Automating the Detection and Probability of Wildfires – Tapio |
2019 | AutoParkade: Could this solve long parking wait times? |
2019 | Aww Shucks, Let’s Talk About Oysters |
2019 | B-ALL Leukemia Treatment: Exploiting Dependency on ROS to Prevent Proliferation |
2019 | Bacteria on Your Hands After Hand-Drying |
2019 | Bacterial Counts in Sauerkraut |
2019 | Bannin’ with Tannins: A Heavy Metal Extraction Process for Contaminated Water |
2019 | Battle of the Lotions: How well does your lotion combat dry skin? |
2019 | BCI-Neurokey – Development and Testing of a Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interface |
2019 | Bee Memory |
2019 | BioGrade Yeast: Biomanufacturing with Antifreeze-Yeast on Mars |
2019 | Bite Me |
2019 | Black Cats: MC1R and the FIV Retrovirus |
2019 | Blinkomania |
2019 | Brace Yourself! |
2019 | Breathe in, Breathe Out |
2019 | Brushing Away the Competition |
2019 | BSFL Frass: Improving Plant Health While Minimizing Environmental Impact |
2019 | Calm Your Beating Heart: An Experiment on Ways to Lower Heart Rate |
2019 | Can Cotton Textiles be used to Clean Up Oil Spills |
2019 | Can freshwater stream invertebrates adapt to road salt? |
2019 | Can the Human Body be a Source of Electricity? |
2019 | Can the Past Power the Future? |
2019 | Can Transgenerational Epigenetics be Shown in Eisenia fetida? |
2019 | Can UV Light Save Lives |
2019 | Can You Keep It Quiet? |
2019 | Canada Play |
2019 | Candies to Dye for |
2019 | Carbon Capture: Combating Climate Change |
2019 | CATCHER in the RYE |
2019 | Cedar Tea |
2019 | Cell Phones and Children: A Cautionary Tale |
2019 | Chagas Disease: Decoding Vector-Based Pathogen Recognition |
2019 | Chitosan Oligosaccharides: A Novel Approach to Solving the Global Food Crisis |
2019 | Cold Current Event: Predicting Changes in Ocean Circulation as Glaciers Melt |
2019 | Communication Technique to Reduce Parent Resistance for Non-Antibiotic Treatment |
2019 | Comparing the Effects of Aerobically Decomposed Waste on Plant Development |
2019 | Conserving Momentum with MMDs |
2019 | Convolutional Neural Network to Detect Eyes with Visual Impairment |
2019 | Correction assistée |
2019 | Cotton Carbon Fibre |
2019 | CPR Model #2 |
2019 | Creation of an Intravenous Fluid Administration System for Low Income Countries |
2019 | CRISPR Cas9 and the Human Genome |
2019 | Cytogenotoxic Effects of Local Stormwater on Allium cepa L. |
2019 | Cœur et cerveau au diapason |
2019 | De-Icer Distillery: An Innovative and Environmental Approach to Road Safety |
2019 | DeepWave: Cardiac Arrhythmia Diagnosis Using a Deep Learning ECG System |
2019 | Deflategate: Physically Possible? |
2019 | Delivery of DNA to Stem Cells via Nematocysts |
2019 | Democratizing Aerospace Technologies: A Novel Approach to Space R&D |
2019 | Dessine-moi un mouton |
2019 | Detecting Exoplanets Using Supervised Machine Learning |
2019 | DetectTimely |
2019 | Determination of Wound Healing Effect of Puffball Fungus (Lycoperdon perlatum) |
2019 | Determining Cognitive Abilities of Individuals through Associative Memory Games |
2019 | Developing a Self-Sensing Actuator for Use in Wearable Rehabilitation Devices |
2019 | Developing Bioplastic Walls: Reducing Waste and Restoration Costs After Floods |
2019 | Development of a Timed On-Demand Wireless Heated Washer Fluid System |
2019 | Development of an AI-Based Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Classification System |
2019 | Diamonds in the Rough: Maximizing Diamond Recovery |
2019 | Diesel From the Field |
2019 | Digging Deeper into Den Sites |
2019 | Discovery of a Novel Callus Production Protocol from an Invasive Species |
2019 | Distracted Driver? |
2019 | Do Walleye Fish in Lake Erie Show Presence of Mercury? |
2019 | Do You Eat the Red Ones Last? |
2019 | Do You See What I See? |
2019 | Does Knowledge Increase Empathy and Compassion? |
2019 | Does Neurolinguistic Programming in Media Affect Consumers? |
2019 | Does Sugar Affect Focus and Brain Functionality? |
2019 | Don Don Don |
2019 | Donner pour la cause |
2019 | Douce mélodie de fin de vie |
2019 | Drône-sauveteur |
2019 | Drug Race |
2019 | Du plastique avec ça ? |
2019 | Earth on Fire |
2019 | Eave 7.0: An Autonomous Robotic Eavestrough Cleaner |
2019 | Eco-Friendly Solutions Preventing Redox Reactions for Economic Sustainability |
2019 | Economically Feasible Desalination |
2019 | EEG Coherence as BioMarker for Alzheimer’s Dementia |
2019 | Effect of COX-1 Inhibition on Tumour Organoids Using SC-560 |
2019 | Effect of Ledum groenlandicum Extract on In Vitro Migration of Rat Stem Cells |
2019 | Effects of BMI and SSRI Use on Inflammation in Adolescents with Mood Disorders |
2019 | Effects of Sunscreen on Aquatic Plants |
2019 | Efficacy of Quaternary Ammonium Antimicrobial Application on Textile Substrates |
2019 | Elevator to Everywhere |
2019 | Emergence, une approche statistique pour optimiser la salle d’urgence |
2019 | EMF Exposed! |
2019 | Endotoxin’s Association with Wheeze and Atopy |
2019 | Energy Drink Effects on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate |
2019 | Ensemble contre la résistance |
2019 | Enzyme Monster: The Effect of Alcohol on Enzyme Activity |
2019 | Est-ce que l’ozone est la meilleure façon de purifier l’eau ? |
2019 | Examining Past Trends and Predicting Future Climate Impacts in Sydney, NS |
2019 | Experimental Optimization of a Hybrid Rocket Engine |
2019 | Extensive Development of Statistical Models to Predict Future Health Care Trends |
2019 | Extraction of Caffeine and Quantification Using Thin Layer Chromatography |
2019 | Factors Influencing Ungulate Visitation Rates at a Mineral Lick |
2019 | Farming of the Future: Vertically Expandable Automated Adaptive Farming System |
2019 | FireBot: Augmenting Firefighting with AI |
2019 | Fog On, Fog Off |
2019 | Food Fit for Fairies |
2019 | Food of the Future: A Bite-Sized Solution |
2019 | Food vs. Plastic |
2019 | FoodSpec – A Multispectral Detector for Non-Destructive Testing of Food |
2019 | Football Related Concussions and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy |
2019 | Friends |
2019 | Friperie Marie-Esther : ressortez votre style |
2019 | From Sea and Sky: Biomimetic Wings for Enhanced Aircraft Performance |
2019 | Frozen Plants |
2019 | Fully Functional 3D Printed RC Car |
2019 | Garbage to Gucci: A Novel Approach to Producing an Eco-Friendly Leather Alternative |
2019 | Gaspillage explicable |
2019 | Gene Therapy: A Treatment for Diabetic Cardiomyopathy |
2019 | Germs, Germs, Everywhere |
2019 | Girls vs. Machine |
2019 | Go Green, Drive Clean! |
2019 | Good Thinking or Gut Feeling? |
2019 | Grey is the Way: Developing a Residential Greywater Treatment |
2019 | Grow Big or Grow Home: The Roots to Hydroponic Success |
2019 | Growing Plants on Mars: A Computer Simulation |
2019 | Growth Analysis of Vigna radiata Treated with Four Different Water Media |
2019 | Hand Sanitizer and the Elimination of Home and School-Acquired Bacteria |
2019 | Harnessing Nature’s Power |
2019 | Heads Up: Preventing Concussions in Girls’ Hockey Through Root Cause Analysis |
2019 | HEALIT 3.0 (Hemostasis by Expanding Automatic Life-Saving Innovative Technique) |
2019 | HealthNet: Scalable Production of Prediction Models for Automated Diagnosis |
2019 | Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Correspondence to Visual Stimuli |
2019 | Herd You Were Mooving |
2019 | Here Comes the Sun Glasses |
2019 | Hey, We Love Your Water Bottle! |
2019 | Horse Power: Turning Manure into Power for Small Acreages Using a Biodigester |
2019 | How Clean Is Your House? |
2019 | How Does UV Light Affect Algae? |
2019 | How Old Are Your Ears? |
2019 | Identification of Genetic Similarities between Parasites and Hosts Using CGR |
2019 | Improving Bioplastics Properties by Incorporating Hydrophobic Materials |
2019 | Improving Current Stock-Trading Infrastructure Using a Blockchain Network |
2019 | Insights into Cytokinin Functions: Characterizing Arabidopsis thaliana Mutants |
2019 | Intelligent Architecture – Can AI predict architecture that makes us happy? |
2019 | Interoceptive Awareness and the Novel Use of VR with Arduino Based Sensors |
2019 | Intuition: Web-Based Content Scraper |
2019 | Inuit Essential Oils |
2019 | Investigating the Cleanliness of Soda Fountains |
2019 | Investment in the Digital Age |
2019 | Iqaluit’s Meteorological History and National CO2 Emissions |
2019 | Iqaluit’s Water |
2019 | iRadar (Device to Help Blind People Detect Obstacles) |
2019 | Is It Possible to Repurpose Slag from the Nickel Mining Industry? |
2019 | It’s Hip to Be Square – The Square Pizza: Shaping a Solution to Waste Reduction |
2019 | Jig Jacker |
2019 | Keeping the Balance: The Correlation Between Diet and pH in the Equine Hindgut |
2019 | Kinetikos (Self-Charging Thermal) Phone |
2019 | La cuisine à portée de main |
2019 | La guerre aux superbactéries ! |
2019 | La régénération neuronale assistée par un modèle informatique |
2019 | La règle des 5 secondes |
2019 | Lab Escape Room |
2019 | Language of the Face |
2019 | Laser Tuner: A Novel Approach to Pitch Detection on a Drumhead |
2019 | Le chemin de l’électricité |
2019 | Le cycle évolutif du puceron lanigère de la pruche |
2019 | Le danger du WiFi |
2019 | Le système flash de surveillance du glucose et la dermatite – l’enquête débute ! |
2019 | Learning New Languages: A Sound Approach |
2019 | Les trous noirs |
2019 | Lessening Allergic Activities of Lipid Transfer Proteins in Plant Tissue |
2019 | Let Your Roots Grow |
2019 | Living With Oil |
2019 | Living with Wildfire |
2019 | Looking for Microplastics in Water with Nile Red |
2019 | Losing Your Lunch |
2019 | L’électricité à vélo, c’est possible ! |
2019 | L’impact des routes sur les forêts |
2019 | MAC-2: Estimation of Weight Using a Modified Blood Pressure Cuff |
2019 | Manipulating Microbial Membrane Permeability to Dyes |
2019 | Marine Life Murder! – A Study of Ocean Acidification |
2019 | Mealworms – A Way to Reduce Styrofoam! |
2019 | Medical Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 Altered Stem Cells to Modify Proteins |
2019 | Medicine in My Backyard |
2019 | Metallurgy Mayhem |
2019 | Micro Evolution |
2019 | Microbial Fuel Cells |
2019 | Microplastics – Can Washing a Blanket Pollute the Environment? |
2019 | Microwars – the Battle Most People Don’t Know About |
2019 | Microwave Manipulation |
2019 | Modification of Nuclear Architecture in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma due to Lamin A/C |
2019 | My Plants |
2019 | Nailing (the Issue with) Nail Polish |
2019 | Nanoparticles as a Novel Antimicrobial for Multi-Drug Resistant M. tuberculosis |
2019 | Natural Products as Potential Sunscreens |
2019 | Nature vs. Nurture |
2019 | Nipigon River Landslides: A Study of Soil Moisture on the Risk of Slope Failure |
2019 | No Harm, No Foul: Eco-friendly Anti-fouling |
2019 | Northern NEW-trition |
2019 | Novel Treatment of Algal Blooms with Viral Transfection and Barley Straw Extract |
2019 | Oil Spill Clean Up: Sorbents and Nanotechnology |
2019 | OMG, des insectes ! |
2019 | Optimizing MFCs With a Novel Approach and Controlling Eutrophication |
2019 | Pandemic Influenza Outbreaks: Investigating Vaccine Effectiveness Using Sequence Alignment |
2019 | Perfect Soccer Balls |
2019 | Performant GPU Pathtracing |
2019 | Pharmaceutical vs. Natural Antibiotics and How They Can Improve Each Other |
2019 | Phenotypical Manipulation of Plants with Coloured LEDs |
2019 | Phone 2 Phone |
2019 | Physical Effects of Essential Oils |
2019 | Physiognomy Retention |
2019 | Pi in the Sky: A Sustainable, Web-Based, Automated Greenhouse |
2019 | Pi, ça donne quoi ? |
2019 | Plastic Delicacies: The Consumption and Biodegradation of Polystyrene by Mealworms |
2019 | Pollution pyrolysée |
2019 | Pomelo and Chinese Bayberry Extracts Protect Mouse β Cells from Oxidative Stress |
2019 | Portable House |
2019 | Potential Nutrient Capture from Harvesting Cattails (Typha latifolia) |
2019 | Power of Plants |
2019 | Power Step – Using Piezo Transducers to Generate Electricity |
2019 | Preparation, Property Testing, and Applications of Bioplastic |
2019 | Pristine Waters: A Pioneering Project in Yukon River Microplastic Research |
2019 | Pro-Detector |
2019 | Production of Biofuel Using Crop Residues |
2019 | Protein Based Biosensor: Roadside Detection of THC |
2019 | Protein Problem: A Digitized At-Home Urinalysis Device for Kidney Disease |
2019 | Proteolytic Effect of Fruit Enzyme Homogenate on Different Doneness of Beef |
2019 | Pucksense |
2019 | Raciste mon cher Watson ! |
2019 | Radio Eyes – Blackhole Hunter |
2019 | Rake Wrack Risk: Do Piping Plovers Prefer a Clean Beach? |
2019 | Random Forest Classification of Histopathological Images |
2019 | RC Robotics |
2019 | Ready Set Grow: A guide to Better Microgreens |
2019 | Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions One Household Item at a Time |
2019 | Reflective Sound: Modern Applications of Laser Based Technologies |
2019 | Refuelling Our World |
2019 | Régulateau |
2019 | Regulation of Periostin Gene Expression by Scleraxis |
2019 | Rejoins ta route |
2019 | Respond to My Language |
2019 | Reused Christmas Trees: Creating a Biodiesel from Pine Needles |
2019 | RoboElbo: Innovative Powered Elbow for Brachial Plexus Injury |
2019 | Robot au service du ping-pong |
2019 | Robot of Death |
2019 | Robot Prototype for Sewer Infection Phase 1 |
2019 | Robotic Surgery |
2019 | Safety Under Fire |
2019 | SBSP: Plugging in the Planet |
2019 | Scoliosis Treatment and Rod Study |
2019 | Security Upgrade |
2019 | Seed BioEssays |
2019 | SignSMART V.2 |
2019 | Sleep Deprivation in Fort Resolution, NT: An Unmet Health Problem |
2019 | Slick Sorbents for Cleaning Up Ocean Oil Spills Using Hair, Wool and Jute |
2019 | Slidin’ Sequences |
2019 | Slip Prevention System Using Tribometric, Light, Moisture, and Temperature Sensors |
2019 | Smart Chicken Feed |
2019 | Smart Photo-Active Trojan Horse Nanoparticle for Alzheimer’s Vascular Therapy |
2019 | Smarticle Particles: Laser-absorbing gold nanoparticle solution for airplanes |
2019 | Smartphone-Based Gait Analysis: A Boon for Disease Diagnosis |
2019 | Snow Melt |
2019 | Snow: The Purest of Impurities |
2019 | So Hot It’s Cold: The Mpemba Effect |
2019 | Social Desirability Bias |
2019 | Soft Drinks with Bromine as a Risk Factor for In Vitro Streak Healing Assay |
2019 | Soil Contamination in Oxford House |
2019 | Soil my Undies! |
2019 | Solar Step: Combining Solar Panels and Piezo Cells to Create Clean Electricity |
2019 | Spare Our Air: The Use of Algae Scrubbers in the Oil and Gas Industry |
2019 | Spectrophotometry for Concentration Testing on E. coli Using Relative Absorbance |
2019 | Spill Your Guts! |
2019 | Spin Stove |
2019 | Stand Open |
2019 | Star-Track: Dark Side of the Stars |
2019 | Submergence ! |
2019 | Sunny Side Up |
2019 | Super Cane for Sustainable Energy |
2019 | Sweet Spot |
2019 | Swimming in Acid: The Effects of Olivine on Ocean Acidification |
2019 | Synthetic Violacein: The Power of Designer Pharmaceuticals in the Real World |
2019 | Taking ABiTE out of Cancer: A Novel Aptamer based BiTE for Cancer Immunotherapy |
2019 | Taking Flight: Monarch Butterfly Conservation |
2019 | TDAH : d’un neurone à l’autre |
2019 | Temperature Dependent Approach to Enhance Drug Discovery from Bacteria |
2019 | Testing of Home Remedies Against Wireworms in Backyard Gardens |
2019 | Textile Effluent Remediation: Cationic vs. Anionic Dyes |
2019 | The Berry Best Dye |
2019 | The Biodegradable Nursery Bags From Agricultural Waste |
2019 | The Biomechanics of Running |
2019 | The Chilling Truth |
2019 | The Development of a Research Tool to Improve Snake Husbandry |
2019 | The Effect of Autologous Blood Components on Human In Vitro Articular Cartilage |
2019 | The Effect of Eye Movement on Neck Mobility |
2019 | The Effect of Glucose on Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Wound Healing Assay |
2019 | The Effect of Light Reflectivity on the Reading Ability of Students |
2019 | The Effect of the Carbon Chain Length of an Alcohol During a Combustion Reaction |
2019 | The Effect of the Engrailed Gene & TGF Beta on the Migration of Ovarian Cancer |
2019 | The Effects of Cassia Oil on Bacteria Found in Lungs of Cystic Fibrosis Patients |
2019 | The Effects of Low Earth Orbit on Digital Displays |
2019 | The Effects of Wind on Different Shape Structures |
2019 | The Essential Solution 2.0 |
2019 | The Hydrocyclic Cell – A Novel Improved-Efficiency Fuel Cell |
2019 | The Influence of Colour Suggestion on Taste |
2019 | The Intra-Urban Grow Box |
2019 | The Kibbeh Story: Does Cinnamon or Onion Deter Bacteria Growth? |
2019 | The Kilogram |
2019 | The New Solution for Facial Blindness |
2019 | The Pollen GPS |
2019 | The Poly-Phaeophyceae Method |
2019 | The Power of Hydrogen |
2019 | The Psychology of Colour |
2019 | The Psychology of Handwriting |
2019 | The Relationship Between Life Expectancy, GDP per capita and Obesity |
2019 | The Route of Roots |
2019 | The Water Shepherd |
2019 | The Windfall Solution: An Alternative Winter Road Treatment |
2019 | The ‘Root’ of the Problem: Does Ginger Relieve Upset Stomach by Raising pH? |
2019 | Thermoelectricity: Powering the Ships of Tomorrow |
2019 | This is Warped! |
2019 | Ti-Dye Energy: Natural Dye Combinations in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
2019 | Tidal Flow vs. No Tidal Flow |
2019 | Time to Switch to Switchgrass Bedding? |
2019 | To Be There or Not to Be There… The Case for Vibrant Lines! |
2019 | Tobacco Basil - Tibaakuq Mamaqhaidjut |
2019 | Transition près du zéro absolu |
2019 | Tube-y or Not Tube-y: Traditional vs. Modern Insulin Pumps |
2019 | Turf War |
2019 | Turmeric’s Genome for CRISPR Engineering to Alter Climate Resistant Phenotypes |
2019 | Ulva lactuca: Subcritical Water and Supercritical CO2 Extractions |
2019 | Un coup, c’est tout ! |
2019 | Un stabilisant d’azote, ça vaut le coût ? |
2019 | Un verre de lin s’il te plaît ! |
2019 | Under Pressure |
2019 | Underwater Soundscape |
2019 | Using Artificial Intelligence to Diagnose Diabetes Early |
2019 | Using BCI and AI to Detect Emotions for Mental Health Applications |
2019 | Using Food Waste to Remove Arsenic from Water 2.0 – It’s All About Oranges |
2019 | Using Fucose to Reduce Hemorrhage Rates in Zebrafish Embryos |
2019 | Using Potato Peel Waste as a Polymer Source in the Creation of a Bioplastic |
2019 | Utilizing GIS and Data Analysis to Assess Human Impact on Migratory Bird Species |
2019 | ViraDose: A Novel Application for Facilitating Gene Therapy Dosing |
2019 | Vision Therapy and Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome |
2019 | Voice-Activated Mechanical Shopping Assistant |
2019 | War Games: A Statistical Analysis of the Card Game ‘War’ |
2019 | Water My Seeds Doing in Water Beads? |
2019 | Weeding Out the Alternatives: Is Cinnamon an Herbicide? |
2019 | Weeding Out the Secret to Antibiotic Resistance |
2019 | Whale of a Problem – An Innovation on North Atlantic Right Whales |
2019 | What’s in Your Water? |
2019 | What’s the Pointe? Act II |
2019 | When Life Gives You Potatoes, Make Plastic |
2019 | Which bounces higher? |
2019 | Which is the Best Alternative to Paraffin Wax: Beeswax, Soy, Palm or Coconut Wax |
2019 | Which Moisturizer Best Treats Eczema? |
2019 | Which piezoelectric crystals produce the most electricity? |
2019 | White Fluffy Death a.k.a. Powdery Mildew |
2019 | WICCLET: A Novel Stand Against Autoimmune Disorders |
2019 | Window Parka |
2019 | You Matter |
2019 | ‘No to Photo’ – My Photo Consent |
2019 | ‘Sensing’ Health Improvement: How Auditory Input Can Impact Our Health |
2018 | 3DPocket - Computational Prediction of Ligand Binding Sites in Proteins |
2018 | 3R-Value |
2018 | A Burning Passion for Alcohol |
2018 | A Cure for What ‘Ails’ You: A Study of the Antibacterial Effects of Garlic |
2018 | A Disappearing Act |
2018 | A Fibonacci Solution — Mitigating Landslides and Avalanches |
2018 | A Gift from the Sea: Soothing Eczema with Seaweed |
2018 | A Helping Hand |
2018 | A Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome II |
2018 | A Novel Application to Increase Wellness Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy |
2018 | A Novel Approach for Preventing and Monitoring Back Complications in Equines |
2018 | A Novel Approach to Combat Cancer by Altering Sphingomyelin Content in Cells |
2018 | A Novel Approach to Efficiently Recycle Used Diapers in Optimizing Plant Growth |
2018 | A Novel Approach to Financial Portfolio Optimization Using BioInspired Computing |
2018 | A Novel Approach to Restore Connectivity in Spinal Nerve Systems |
2018 | A Novel Chemogenetic Approach to Treat Drug Resistant Hypertension |
2018 | A Novel Colourimetric Lateral Flow Immunoassay for Breast Cancer Diagnostics |
2018 | A Novel DNAzyme-based Colorimetric Assay for Early Disease Diagnostics under $10 |
2018 | A Novel Intelligent Irrigation System via Python Program |
2018 | A Novel Kidney-Mimicking Microfluidic Device for Hemodialysis |
2018 | A Novel Method Using Essential Oils to Combat Microbial Growth |
2018 | A Novel Microbial Biofiltration Technology for Improving Indoor Air Quality |
2018 | A Novel Optogenetic Toggle Switch for Targeted Anticancer Drug Delivery |
2018 | A Novel Quartz Crystal Microbalance Based Biosensor for Bacterial Detection |
2018 | A Novel Strategy for Preferential Killing of Breast Cancer Cells |
2018 | A Novel Water Filtration System Using Natural Materials |
2018 | A Picture is Worth a Million Words |
2018 | A Preliminary Study: Relationships Between Cannabis, Brain Injury and Sleep |
2018 | A Study of the Prevalence of Gram-Negative Bacteria in School Soil |
2018 | A Sweet Drop Off: Evaluating Metal Organic Frameworks for Drug Delivery |
2018 | A Switchable, Dual-Functioning Trojan Horse for Alzheimer’s Disease Photothera |
2018 | A Tool for Teaching |
2018 | A Unique Approach to Test the Effects of Cell Phone Radiation using Yeast Cells |
2018 | A Virtual Simulation of the Evolution Process |
2018 | A Wearable Mild Traumatic Head Injury Warning Device for Daily Activities |
2018 | A World Without Triclosan is Minty Fresh |
2018 | Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony |
2018 | Aerobiology: The New and Innovative Way to Solve the Pollen Epidemic |
2018 | Affordable Mechatronics Solution for Independent Movement Assistance |
2018 | AI Based Driver Alert System |
2018 | Algae-Based Carbon Capture System: A Sustainable Solution for CO2 Emissions |
2018 | An Engineered Biosensor for Detecting and Quantifying Silver & Copper Ions |
2018 | An Immune Response to ALL |
2018 | An Innovative Predictive Approach to Explore Chronic Disease Trends |
2018 | An Innovative Solution: 3rD World Vision |
2018 | Analysis of Atypical Sensory Adaptation in Schizophrenia |
2018 | Analysis of Nutrient Trends and Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems |
2018 | Analyzing Therapeutic Effect of B.bacterium & L.bacillus on Ovarian Cancer Cells |
2018 | Ancient versus Modern Wheats: Present Day Consumers Dilemma to Good Health |
2018 | Anti-Angiogenic Foods: Beating Cancer at Its Own Game |
2018 | Applying User-Centred Design to Educational Math Games |
2018 | Arduino Home Automation |
2018 | Are Chemicals Needed? |
2018 | Are Natural Products Effective Sunscreens? |
2018 | Around the Roots |
2018 | Artemis and Recovery After Radiation and Chemotherapy Induced DNA Damage |
2018 | Attaquer le 7e continent ! |
2018 | Augmenting Hearing Capabilities of the Deaf with Natural Language Processing |
2018 | Automated Pill Bottle Opener—A Solution for Avoiding Repetitive Strain Injurie |
2018 | B.E. Green: Garbage Removal Design |
2018 | Backpack Potential Energy System |
2018 | Bacteria: What areas of your home are the dirtiest? |
2018 | Bactericidal Actions of AITC on Liquid Culture and Established Biofilms |
2018 | Barcoding Fish: Fishing the Fraud |
2018 | Bee Strong |
2018 | Beneath the Surface |
2018 | Between The Q & T |
2018 | Bioengineered Wings Inspired by the Avian Form |
2018 | Biosecurity Disinfectant Efficacy |
2018 | Blown Away |
2018 | bSEMA: A Novel Approach to Pre-Determining Seismic Activity |
2018 | Bunny Business |
2018 | C.O.D.I.A. (Computer Operated & Delightfully Intelligent Assistant) |
2018 | Can you separate salt from water by freezing? |
2018 | Cancelling the Cancer Before It Cancels You |
2018 | Cancer Detection with Artificial Intelligence |
2018 | Cardio Cardigan - A lifesaving robotic wearable to provide mobility & CPR |
2018 | Carotenoids: The Colours Hold the Secret |
2018 | Carpet Lifting Machine Innovation |
2018 | Catching ZZZ’s (or not so much) — The Awakening Effects of Sleep Deprivation |
2018 | Cede: A Novel Approach to Astronomical Profit |
2018 | Cerealsly!? |
2018 | Chair of the Future |
2018 | ChampTrax: A Novel Approach to Sports Analytics |
2018 | Circadian Rhythm of Phaseolus Vulgaris |
2018 | Clean or not Clean: The Ultimate Guide to Water Filtration |
2018 | Clear Ice vs. Cloudy Ice |
2018 | Colour Association |
2018 | Coloured Overlays: A Dyslexic’s Friend? |
2018 | COMET: A Novel Training Method to Optimize Robustness in Myoelectric Control |
2018 | Commotions cérébrales non détectées... maintenant chose du passé ! |
2018 | Comparison of Blood Glucose Levels Before & During Type 1 Diabetes Camp |
2018 | Computationally Assessing the Structural Stability of HBOCs with MD Stimulations |
2018 | Conformable LEECs using Elastomeric Emissive Materials |
2018 | Control for Groups of Robots - Collaborative Search and Rescue |
2018 | Coping With Diabetes |
2018 | Cost-Effective Extraction of Chitin and Chitosan from Lobster Shells |
2018 | CRAM [Coded Robotic Arm Model] |
2018 | Crickets for Lunch — Turning Waste into Protein |
2018 | Crop Saver |
2018 | Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Mining Efficiency |
2018 | Culture du futur |
2018 | Defining Characteristics of Bismuth Telluride TEGs |
2018 | Delivering of DNA to Tardigrades via Nematocysts |
2018 | Delve Into Dimensions |
2018 | Developing a Novel Bacterial-Induced Cu(II) Crystallization Method |
2018 | Developing Hypoallergenic Plants |
2018 | Developing The Electrocardiogram as a Unique Biometric Identifier |
2018 | Development of an Autonomous Vehicle Using Machine Learning |
2018 | Diabète sucré... à l’érable |
2018 | Diagnosis: Salmonellosis |
2018 | Disappearance ≠ Disintegration ~ The Environmental Impact of Pseudo Flushables |
2018 | Discovering the Mechanism of Edelfosine, an Anticancer drug, Using α-Tocopherol |
2018 | Dissolved Oxygen Levels around the Hydroelectric Dam Construction at Split Lake |
2018 | Do Magnets Affect the Growth of Plants? |
2018 | Do You Move Time? |
2018 | Does Feeding Hens Different Foods Change the Colour of the Egg Yolk? |
2018 | Don’t Meddle With Metal: The Remediation of Pb(II) Wastewater |
2018 | Don’t Stress, Take a Breath |
2018 | Don’t Throw it Away Yet: Using food waste to remove arsenic from water |
2018 | Dragging on — The Effect of Length, Surface Coating and Stern Angle on Drag |
2018 | Driving While Intechxicated: Does Technology Affect Reaction Time? |
2018 | Drowning in Oil |
2018 | Drug Discovery from Actinobacteria Using a Temperature/Culture Mimic Approach |
2018 | E.A.R.T.H.: Environmental Alternatives — Reducing Textile Harm |
2018 | Effect of Chitosan on Plants under Abiotic and Biotic Stress |
2018 | Effect of Epigenetics on Human Emotions |
2018 | Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Plants |
2018 | Effects of Octopamine on Fictive Locomotion in Drosophila melanogaster Larvae |
2018 | Effects of road salt on brook trout and aquatic invertebrates in Harper Creek |
2018 | Electricity from the Unlikely |
2018 | Electromyography |
2018 | Eliminating Tachycardia with Larger Lesions |
2018 | Embarquez... l’avenir s’envole |
2018 | Emergent and Self-Organizing Behaviour in Natural and Simulated Systems |
2018 | Encryption... And All That Jazz: Text-to-Music-to-Text Encrypted Communication |
2018 | Energy Conversion System for Traveller (ECoST) |
2018 | Enhancing SRD of Self-Assembling Polymeric Nanocarriers for Drug Delivery |
2018 | Essential Oils: A Smelly Cancer Treatment |
2018 | Evaluating Stress Reduction Methods in Adolescents by Analyzing Key Bio Signals |
2018 | Experimental Analysis of Environmental Factors: Surface Spread of Oil on Water |
2018 | Exploring 1420 MHz |
2018 | Exploring Artificial Intelligence via Reinforcement |
2018 | Exploring the Genetic Basis of Dengue Virus Transmission |
2018 | Eyes for the Blind |
2018 | Fantastic Bioplastic |
2018 | Fidget Spinners: A Charged Topic |
2018 | Fighting Heavy Metals-Induced Antibiotic Resistance: Dandelion Is the Key |
2018 | Filter the Future: A Novel Approach to Saving Water |
2018 | Filtration of Smog |
2018 | Finding Antagonistic Bacteria to Control Verticillium dahliae |
2018 | Finding the Happy Medium in High Frequency Trading |
2018 | Fish, Feces and Flora: Aquaponics vs. Hydroponics vs. Agriculture |
2018 | Fishing for New Genes to Engineer Personalized Teeth |
2018 | Flocculation for the Population |
2018 | Flu Shot… Why Not? |
2018 | Food Waste: The Solution to Our Plastic Problem |
2018 | For the Crater Good |
2018 | Freezing Point Depression of Salt Solutions: Finding the best De-Icing Compound |
2018 | Frequency in Sound Proofing |
2018 | Freshwater Mussels on the Move: Adaptations for Survival |
2018 | From Brain to Heart: Complications following Insular Ischemic Stroke |
2018 | Fruit Flies Away |
2018 | Gender and the Stroop Effect |
2018 | Generate Bioenergy & Simultaneously Treat Wastewater with MFCs: A Novel Approach |
2018 | Genome Engineering Technologies |
2018 | Geothermal Power Plant Producing Water by Condensation |
2018 | Germination Determination |
2018 | GGATS: GPS Guided Autonomous Transport System |
2018 | Go Green or No Green? |
2018 | Go With the Glow: UV Induced Fluorescence in Great Lakes Biota |
2018 | Golden Pacifier — Tétine d’or |
2018 | Golf Balls: Future of Vehicle Design |
2018 | Got Lift? |
2018 | Groundless Growth |
2018 | Growing Daphnia |
2018 | H.A.L.O.: Heart Ability LOG and Operator |
2018 | Harvest HelpHer: A Sustainable Gardening Solution |
2018 | HCDPS — Hot Car Death Prevention System |
2018 | Heart to Heart |
2018 | Here’s the Buzz About Bee Houses |
2018 | HIRO: An Intelligent System for Drowsy Driving Detection |
2018 | How Do Plants Cope with Dry Days? |
2018 | How Does Fabric Softener Affect the Flammability of Different Types of Fabrics? |
2018 | How Does Music Affect Your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure? |
2018 | How Fly Are Antioxidants? |
2018 | How Medications Affect Your Liver Cells |
2018 | How Plants Help Filter Groundwater |
2018 | How Stressed Are You? |
2018 | Hydroseeding: Plant regrowth help for logging blocks where wood chips are used |
2018 | I Will Remember Hue |
2018 | Identification & Narration System of the Environment (INSE) |
2018 | iMonitor: A Novel Device to Detect Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy |
2018 | Impact of Adrenaline on Adipogenesis in the 3T3-L1 Adipocytes |
2018 | Impacts of Mining on Mother Earth |
2018 | Inhibition of Telomerase by Antisense Therapy in Tetrahymena thermophila |
2018 | Intertidal Foraminifera and Organic Pollution |
2018 | Investigating Aqueous Solution Electrolytes |
2018 | Investigating Diabetes, Obesity, and Adipogenesis |
2018 | Investigating the Short Term Influence of Caffeine on Brain Function |
2018 | Iron Concentrations on Drosophila Birth Rates and Longevity |
2018 | Is Oobleck an Effective Material to Reduce the Impact on Helmets? |
2018 | Ishkode-Fire |
2018 | It Must Be Something in the Water: Reducing Nutrient Levels in Water Sustainably |
2018 | It’s Sweater Weather |
2018 | Joint Solar Panel Cooling and Waste Heat Harvesting with a Stirling Engine |
2018 | Keeping Vulnerable People Safe the S.M.A.R.T Way |
2018 | La face cachée des agents |
2018 | La mémoire auditive ou la mémoire visuelle : laquelle est la plus efficace ? |
2018 | La phorie à la pholie |
2018 | La TBE, fléau ou héros ? |
2018 | Le cerveau en algorithme |
2018 | Le puceron lanigère de la pruche |
2018 | Le tabac sauve des vies ! |
2018 | Lead the Way: The Influence of Stereotype Threat on Women in Leadership Roles |
2018 | Les effets de la pression sur les services |
2018 | Les effets du stress sur les plants de piments habanero |
2018 | Les Maisons Hydro |
2018 | Les mers à la moutarde |
2018 | Let It Snow? |
2018 | Life Band... When Timing Means Everything |
2018 | Light It Up! The Effect of UV Light on the Growth of Crystals |
2018 | Light Orchestrator Part 1 |
2018 | Loco For Logos |
2018 | Low-Cost, Point-of-Care Skin Cancer Detection |
2018 | L’américium — l’élément no. 95 |
2018 | Make it Flow! |
2018 | Maktaaq — Warming Mind and Body |
2018 | Mass contaminants of cigarettes |
2018 | Medicine Teas |
2018 | Memory — Girls vs. Boys |
2018 | Microbial Fuel Cells: Energy for Tomorrow |
2018 | Microplastics in Our Local Shellfish |
2018 | Migratory Confusion in Leatherback Sea Turtles |
2018 | Mnemonic Devices for Memory |
2018 | More Than Worms: Local legume phenols and C. elegans mortality |
2018 | Multitasking Mouse Glove |
2018 | Musical Memory |
2018 | Mycoremediation: One Way Fungi Can Save the World |
2018 | NanoAOX: Localization of Antioxidants via Nanoparticles to Enhance Plant Growth |
2018 | Natural Polymers and Absorption |
2018 | Natural versus Synthetic Preservatives |
2018 | Nature: who knows, who cares? |
2018 | Neural Network Optimization Using Modified Gradient |
2018 | Neutralisez ce fentanyl ! |
2018 | Nom d’une patate! |
2018 | Nonverbal Communication |
2018 | Notre avenir avec le vermicompostage ! |
2018 | Nouvelle approche vers la synthèse de nanocatalyseurs pour la production d’H2 |
2018 | Novel Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Drug Treatment |
2018 | Off the Scales — Using Ozone as a Natural Pesticide |
2018 | Oh la vache! |
2018 | Optimization of an Electrochemical CO Gas Sensor |
2018 | Optimizing Mutation Rates for Genetic Algorithms |
2018 | Optimizing Plant Growth Efficiency by Strategically Combining Organic Waste |
2018 | Our Personality = Our Life |
2018 | Out of the Blue - Into the Dark |
2018 | Oven in an Envelope: Reflections on Parabolas & Solar Energy |
2018 | Oxymétrie oculaire : innover! |
2018 | Pee-Tricity: Generating Electricity from Urine using Microbial Fuel Cells |
2018 | Pesky Mosquitoes III: An Investigation into Mosquito Biting Preferences |
2018 | PHA Production from Degradation Products of Polyethylene Terephthalate |
2018 | Piping Hot Air |
2018 | Pitting Against Artificial Preservatives |
2018 | Plant Absorption of Indoor Pollutants |
2018 | Plant Waste to Biodegradable Bioplastics |
2018 | Power Powder |
2018 | Predicting Alzheimer’s via L-arginine Metabolites and Ensemble Machine Learnin |
2018 | Preventing the Growth of Cyanobacteria Blooms Using Natural Resources |
2018 | Production d’énergie thermique par un chauffe-mains (oxydoréduction) |
2018 | Promising Future of Algae Based Silver Chloride Nanoparticles as Antibiotics |
2018 | Protecting the Protectors: Making K9 Body Armour from Recycled Fabrics |
2018 | Purifying Water: Using Beta-CD-CA Polymer to Remove Bisphenol A |
2018 | QuadSense: An Autonomous Auxiliary Navigation Assistant |
2018 | Qualifying and Quantifying DNA Damage in Breast Cancer with Natural Products |
2018 | QualyL : le cœur robotique |
2018 | Radioactivity vs. Fashion |
2018 | Radon: Silent but Deadly |
2018 | Recettes pour neurones ! |
2018 | Recovering Waste Energy from a Car Exhaust using a Thermoelectric Generator |
2018 | Recycled Warmth |
2018 | Reflection of Ultrasonic Sound |
2018 | Relaxed or Rushed: Tunes for Autistic Kids |
2018 | Removing Microplastics from Tap Water Starts with Sewage Treatment Plants |
2018 | Restoring the Reefs |
2018 | Reuse, Reduce, Reprint |
2018 | Reversible Switching Electrical Pathway using Thermoresponsive-Recycled Polymer |
2018 | Reversible Switching electrical pathway using Thermoresponsive-recycled polymer |
2018 | Road Safety: A Pedestrian Perspective |
2018 | Roadside Vegetation: It’s Not Easy Being Green |
2018 | Rockets are Such a Drag |
2018 | Safer Chick-Ments: An Innovative Solution to Reducing Stress in Chick Shipments |
2018 | Saturization: A New Method for Contrast in Monochromatic Vision |
2018 | Save the Heat: Electric Engine Heat Recovery |
2018 | Saving Ontario Waters |
2018 | Saying Goodbye to E. coli |
2018 | Sea Soil |
2018 | Self-Assembling Bio-Photocells |
2018 | Sensory Effects of Dichoptic Saccadic Adaptation |
2018 | Sights Unseen: Investigating the Phenomenon of Inattentional Blindness |
2018 | Signs of Spring as a Means of Analyzing Climate Change |
2018 | SignSMART: Glove Translates ASL Fingerspelling into Text and Speech |
2018 | Sitting or Standing — Does It Really Matter? |
2018 | Sleep Deprivation in Fort Resolution, NT: An Unmet Health Problem |
2018 | Slip or Grip: Walking on Water with Crutches |
2018 | Small Engine Carbon Capture |
2018 | Smart Escape: A Dijkstra-Based Algorithm for Shortest-Safe Exit |
2018 | SNAP 29 : un nouveau test adapté pour détecter le TDAH |
2018 | So, You Think It’s Clean? |
2018 | So-Dis is Water Treatment |
2018 | Soft Pneumatic Robot |
2018 | South Paw — Examining Paw Preference in Dogs and Connections to Human Handedness |
2018 | Speak Your Mind! A Study of the Correlation Between Brain Waves and Speech |
2018 | Spinal Fusions: Redesigning the Pedicle Probe to Prevent Vertebral Breaches |
2018 | Starving Our Brains |
2018 | Sticky Strength |
2018 | Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve Through Targeted Temperature Therapy 2.0 |
2018 | Sun Protection is so Degrading |
2018 | Sunflower Seed Germination – or, Three’s Company, Four’s a Crowd |
2018 | Super Spice Turmeric as a Poison Detector |
2018 | Supercharged Salad |
2018 | SYN-VIOLA:The Power of Novel, Designer Bacteria in Real World |
2018 | Syphilis |
2018 | Tackling Pseudomonas Biofilm Resistance: Using Bacteriophage-Phenolics Synergy |
2018 | Targeted Oxidation: A New Method for Local Chemotherapeutic Medicine |
2018 | Tes parents en disent quoi? |
2018 | The Answer to Bacteria |
2018 | The Bee Hydration Station |
2018 | The Brain-Gut Axis: IBS-Related Gene Expression in PTSD-Induced Rat Models |
2018 | The C Trailer |
2018 | The CAT (Cold Air Trap) |
2018 | The Clubroot Epidemic |
2018 | The Computerized Comprehension for a Curable Cancer |
2018 | The Development of a Novel Diagnostic Method for Parkinson’s Disease |
2018 | The Echo Belt: Navigation Technology for the Visually Impaired |
2018 | The Effect of Different Acer Species on Adult Asian Longhorned Beetles |
2018 | The Effect of Pseudomonas chlororaphis strain PA23 on Arabidopsis thaliana |
2018 | The Effect of Surface Tension on Plant Growth in Fogponics |
2018 | The Effect of the Lotus Seed on Neurodegenerative Diseases |
2018 | The Effects of Caffeine on Adipogenesis |
2018 | The Effects of Copper, Humic Acid and Fungicide on Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat |
2018 | The Effects of Forest Fires on Soil |
2018 | The Effects of Water Volume and Albedo on the Temperature Increase of Water |
2018 | The Effects of Yoga on Global Cardiovascular Risk: A 3-Month Intervention |
2018 | The Efficacy of Cancer Chemotherapy Combinations with Cranberry Extract |
2018 | The End: A Study of Suicide in Canada |
2018 | The Evolution of Fears |
2018 | The Future of Energy: Canada’s Power Plant |
2018 | The Great Monarch Mission |
2018 | The Green Machine |
2018 | The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Quantum Dots Using Gelatin |
2018 | The Method of Loci: A New Approach to Memory Challenges |
2018 | The Ocean: Not a Rock Concert |
2018 | The Perfect Portable Printer |
2018 | The Power of Water: Finding Alternative Electrodes for Hydrogen Production |
2018 | The Rates that Helium Escapes Through the Porosity of Different Solutions |
2018 | The Role of Microglia TREM2 on the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease |
2018 | The Science of Skiing:Effect of Terrain, Gender & Orthotics on Quadriceps Stress |
2018 | The Solar EV: Applying high efficiency solar modules in sustainable transport |
2018 | The Terpenator |
2018 | The Turm‘oil’ of Fat |
2018 | The Use of Yeast to Prevent Fungal Diseases in Horticultural Produce |
2018 | The Wear and Tear of Bleach Dyed Hair |
2018 | Toilettes aux jardins |
2018 | Tourner pour trouver ! |
2018 | Tracking Bird Migration: A Novel Approach |
2018 | Traditional Medicines vs. Modern Medicines on Germination of Vigna radiata |
2018 | Trainium |
2018 | Trees and Temperature |
2018 | Trop loin de l’école? |
2018 | Trusses and Temperatures |
2018 | Turbines — It’s a Wind Win |
2018 | TWEET: Torsionally Whirling Environmentally Esthetic Turbine |
2018 | Une ferme dans un gratte-ciel ! |
2018 | Ungulate and Canid Interactions at a Mineral Lick |
2018 | Use of EEGs to Analyze Student Attention during Math Assessment |
2018 | Use of Technology to Reduce Medical Complications: Development of a Smart Cast |
2018 | Using Artificial Intelligence to Detect Skin Cancer |
2018 | Using Catalysts to Increase Water Splitting Efficiency in a Homemade Fuel Cell |
2018 | Using Deep Neural Networks to Identify Splice Junctions in DNA |
2018 | Using High Temperature Superconductors in the Search for Life on Enceladus |
2018 | Using Pi to Grow Your Greens: An Experiment in Greenhouse Automation |
2018 | Using Zebra Mussels as a Water Filtration Substrate |
2018 | Utility Stability: The Effectiveness of Self-Built Camera Stabilizers |
2018 | UV-C Light to Prevent Microbes from Taking Flight |
2018 | Value-added Phytochemical Cocktail from Inedible Dragon Fruit Peel |
2018 | Viability Duration of Chemically Fluoresced Red Blood Cells |
2018 | Vivre santé ou sans thé ? |
2018 | VoiceShield: Teaching Computers to Distinguish Real Data From Fake |
2018 | VR — Virtual Relaxation |
2018 | W.A.A.! SMART Infant Health Technology |
2018 | Waste Not |
2018 | Waste Nothing: A Future for the Microbial Electrolysis Cell |
2018 | Water Bear Don’t Care: A First Look at Eastern Ontario’s Tardigrade Fauna |
2018 | Water: An Investigation of Purification |
2018 | Watery going to do?: Reducing the Effects of Drought |
2018 | WATS UP: Water Activated Transportation System Uplifting Physics |
2018 | We Are Stressed Out! |
2018 | What are the variables that affect Afterimages? |
2018 | What’s The Pointe? |
2018 | Which One Shouldn’t You Be Drinking? |
2018 | Which Wood from the Boreal Forest Produces the Most Heat and Burns the Longest? |
2018 | Which ‘Natural’ material is best for filtering water? |
2018 | Who are you calling Bird Brain? Chickens may be smarter than you think! |
2018 | Wind Beneath My Airfoils Bernoulli’s Principle |
2018 | Wound Infection, Thermal Detection |
2018 | ‘Bio’ Mechanical Arm |
2017 | "The Magic Carpet" – Examining Piezoelectricity as a Novel Alternative Energy |
2017 | A "Minor" Experiment with "Major" Results |
2017 | A Blue Biorefinery Approach: Marine Nutraceuticals from Salmon Waste Resources |
2017 | A Comparative Analysis of Hydroponics, Aeroponics, and Fogponics on Plant Growth |
2017 | A Computerized Traffic Light Detector |
2017 | A Device to Harness Kinetic Energy from Walking – The Next Generation |
2017 | A Graphic User Interface for the Retrieval of Genomic Information |
2017 | A Lasting Bond |
2017 | A New Approach to Motif Discovery |
2017 | A New Phase of Water: Is this measurable with surface tension? |
2017 | A New Spin on an Old Idea |
2017 | A New Use for Sound – It's Shocking |
2017 | A New Vision For Diabetic Patients |
2017 | A Non-Pharmaceutical Treatment for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome |
2017 | A Novel and Efficient Method to Detect Olive Oil Adulteration |
2017 | A Novel Approach to Causing Apoptosis in Ovarian Cancer Cells |
2017 | A Novel Approach to Non-Invasive Glucose Measurement |
2017 | A Novel Approach to Protect Dopamine Neurons Using a Peptide and Trophic Factor |
2017 | A Novel Biosensor for the Detection of CNS Injuries |
2017 | A Novel Computational Tool to Advance Ferromagnetic NanoTherapy to Cure Cancer |
2017 | A Novel Eye Tracking System Robust to Head Movements |
2017 | A Novel Lab on a Chip based PCR Sensor for Disease Diagnostics for Under $1 |
2017 | A Novel Method in Predicting Chronic Disease |
2017 | A Novel Way to Recycle Shrimp Shells into Biodegradable Plastic |
2017 | A Ray of Hope for Parkinson's |
2017 | A Seed-E Alternative to Water Treatment |
2017 | A Starchy Revolution |
2017 | A Substitute for Triclosan |
2017 | A Sunnier Future |
2017 | Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen: Possible Cures for Prostate Cancer? |
2017 | Air Gap Thickness and Torque Ripple Induced by Asymmetries |
2017 | Alzheimer's and Visual Perception |
2017 | Ameliorating Salinity Tolerance in Broccoli Plants by Acclimation |
2017 | Amp Tree |
2017 | Amyloid Beta (Aβ) Oriented Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease |
2017 | An Ankle-Dorsiflexion Exercise Program to Improve Seniors' Balance and Gait |
2017 | An Antacid for the Soil? |
2017 | An Effective Artificial Muscle |
2017 | Anaerobic Respiration: A Novel Bioelectrochemical Copper Recovery System? |
2017 | Antibacterial Effects of Microemulsified Essential Oils & Chitosan Nanoparticles |
2017 | Anxiety |
2017 | Are Eyewitnesses Reliable? |
2017 | Are Fingerprint Shapes Inherited? |
2017 | Are You Eating Your Fleece? Exploring Microfibres and Filtration Systems |
2017 | Artificial Neural Network for Autonomous Driving |
2017 | Artificial Pancreas – End to Finger Pricks, A Boon for Diabetics |
2017 | Asclépiade, un cas isolé |
2017 | Attention, bébé à bord! |
2017 | Au plaisir de se revoir |
2017 | Automotive Collision Detection Network |
2017 | Back on Traction |
2017 | Bacteria at Work |
2017 | Bacteria: Be OreGONE! |
2017 | Béquilles-o-jnou |
2017 | Bio-friendly Antimicrobial Replacement to 2017 FDA Banned Drugs: Silver NP/CNC |
2017 | Bioavailability of Chia Seeds |
2017 | Bitten by Lyme Disease |
2017 | BlackFly: l'analyseur de gaz |
2017 | Bridge Structures in the Northwest Territories |
2017 | Bridging The Gap |
2017 | Burning Calories |
2017 | Can Pond Scum Save the World? |
2017 | Can Spices Control Fungal Growth? |
2017 | Can We Fish Better? |
2017 | Cancer "Arch"itecture |
2017 | Cancer Free |
2017 | Canna (bis) |
2017 | Capturing Waste Energy from a Home Furnace using a Thermoelectric Generator |
2017 | Cardiac Pacemaker - A Life Saver |
2017 | Catch the Flow |
2017 | Catch the Wave: Harnessing Electricity from Aqueous Sinusoidal Oscillations |
2017 | Cerebral Hemispheric Lateralization in Relation to Handedness |
2017 | Changes in Volatile Organic Compounds Emission Under Stressed Conditions |
2017 | Charma 2.0 – An Orbital Settlement |
2017 | Cinnamon Essential Oils - Natural Antibiotics |
2017 | Climate Change Is No Hoax |
2017 | Comparative Study Characterizing Wheat Allergenicity in Ancient and Modern Wheat |
2017 | Compound W |
2017 | Concede to Me! The Effect of Exit – Signalling on Yield Rates in Roundabouts |
2017 | Connaître son poids ne suffit pas |
2017 | Convolutional Neural Networks in Qualitative Quality Control Applications |
2017 | Cool Peptides – A novel approach to cryopreservation of organs |
2017 | Copain de liaison |
2017 | Cost-Effective Extraction of Chitin from Lobster Shells |
2017 | Could taking vitamins be bad for you? |
2017 | CPU Load Covert Channels Exploiting Interrupt Latency |
2017 | Cric Crac Croc, on se déhanche |
2017 | Cross Dominance |
2017 | Daphnia vs. Cleaning Products |
2017 | De-Inventing the Wheel |
2017 | Destructor destruction: Could this Bee the end? |
2017 | Detection of antibiotic resistant genes found in E. coli bacteria and phage |
2017 | Determining the Efficacy of POEM and LHM Following Prior Treatments |
2017 | Developing a Dermal Colorimetric Test Patch to Identify Iron Loss in Sweat |
2017 | Developing a Trojan Horse to Treat Alzheimer's Disease |
2017 | Developing an Optimal Stock Trading Algorithm Using Data Mining Techniques |
2017 | Developing Aptamer-Based Targeted Imaging Probes for the Diagnosis of Stroke |
2017 | Development of a Low Cost and Effective Water Filtration System |
2017 | Development of a Portable System for Detection of Bacteria Using DNA Biomarkers |
2017 | Diet and pH Level |
2017 | Division: Impossible (Discovering Cancer's Dependencies for Targeted Treatments) |
2017 | Do Kingdoms Speak the Same Language; Are Phytohormones Mycohormones? |
2017 | Do Study Tips Work? |
2017 | Do You See What I See? |
2017 | Does Music Affect Your Concentration? |
2017 | Does Screen and Text Colour affect Memory Retention? |
2017 | Does the Nose Know? |
2017 | Does Wood Ash Affect a Plants Growth? |
2017 | Don't Feast on Your Fleece |
2017 | Don't Go Green |
2017 | Double A Plus: An Eco-friendly Alternative to the Alkaline Battery |
2017 | Drip – A Precision Agriculture System for the Developing World |
2017 | Du plomb dans la venaison |
2017 | Dull Door Becomes Dazzling Dock |
2017 | E3 Light – Environmentally Efficient Energy |
2017 | Early Spring? Not A Good Thing? Le printemps prématuré? Pas une bonne chose? |
2017 | Eco Death |
2017 | EEG Coherence as a Marker for Alzheimer's Dementia |
2017 | Effects of Faba Bean Ingredients on Glycemia and Satiety in Novel Food Products |
2017 | Efficient Design of Disposable Cough Filtration and Virus Containment Device |
2017 | Eggshell Recycling |
2017 | Electrochemical Synthesis of Ammonia |
2017 | Energy Harnessing Backpack |
2017 | Enfants: esclaves virtuels? |
2017 | Enhancing Electrolysis: Discovering the Separation of the Faradic Currents |
2017 | Ensuring a Healthy Crop |
2017 | Epigenetics Has Exercise Knocking on its Door |
2017 | Est-ce que l’origami est un bon outil d'apprentissage? |
2017 | Evaluating the Effectiveness & Efficiency of a Graphene-Oxide Filtration System |
2017 | Évaporation colorée |
2017 | Experimental Testing of Mathematical Model for Increasing Wind Turbine Power |
2017 | Exploring Pareidolia |
2017 | Exploring Sound |
2017 | Exploring the Novel Use of Eggshells to Address Organic Solar Cell Instability |
2017 | Exploring the Reality of Self-Perception on Physical Appearances |
2017 | Factors that influence the student's decision by the program B@UNAM |
2017 | Fast Runners |
2017 | Feed Bucket Preference and its Impact on Equine Medication Rejection |
2017 | Firm 'n' Cute |
2017 | Fish or chips: brook trout in Harper Creek |
2017 | Flaxseed-Derived Lignan SDG Protects Human Colon Cells from ROS mtDNA Damage |
2017 | Flexi Golf: Innovative Golfer's Stabilizing Stand |
2017 | Flowing Through Distinct Watersheds |
2017 | Fluctuation of Oceanic Microplastics at Depth and Effects on Marine Ecosystems |
2017 | Free Food |
2017 | Free Throw Physics |
2017 | Friendly Fibre |
2017 | From Tank to Table |
2017 | Fuelling our Future with...Waste? |
2017 | Function of Podocalyxin in the Maintenance of the Blood Brain Barrier |
2017 | Gaudí 2.0 Logiciel pour la génération en 3D de colonnes d'apparence organique |
2017 | GEARS: Gravitational Electricity Accumulating Renewable Storage |
2017 | Glucose-Induced Expression of Endothelin1 & its Relation to Diabetic Retinopathy |
2017 | Going Bananas for Clean Hands |
2017 | Going Viral: Exploring and Inhibiting Viral Assembly |
2017 | Golden Ratio: How to Be Beautiful |
2017 | Got cow's milk alternatives? |
2017 | Graphene Oxide Enhanced Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell |
2017 | Green Power of Cactus |
2017 | Grow With the Flow |
2017 | Gutted: The Effects of Gut Microbiota on Health |
2017 | HapticNav: A Vibrotactile Navigation System for the Visually Impaired |
2017 | Harvesting Energy from Radio Waves |
2017 | Head Start Concussion Alert System |
2017 | Heads Up |
2017 | High School Voltage |
2017 | Hitting the Sack: Analyzing Your Sleep Pattern |
2017 | Hot Air Insu-Layer |
2017 | How Attachment Affects Informed Risk Taking in Adolescents |
2017 | How Fast is Fast Acting Pain Reliever? |
2017 | How High/Low Can You Go? |
2017 | How Loud is too Loud? |
2017 | How Much Sugar? |
2017 | Hydrofoils: An Uplifting Experience |
2017 | Hydrogen Sulphide Sensing |
2017 | Hydrological Analysis of Streamflow and Potential Effects of Climate Change |
2017 | Hydroponic Forage: A Feasible Equine Feed Alternative |
2017 | Hydropulsoréacteur |
2017 | I Like Big Eggs... And I Cannot Lie |
2017 | I'm disabled so I can't, let the gloves write for the disabled! |
2017 | iCane The Intelligent Cane: Alternative to Tactile Paving for the Blind |
2017 | Identification of Fusarium species associated with Fusarium head blight of wheat |
2017 | If You Shake It, You Break It |
2017 | Improving ANN Accuracy by Optimizing Hyperparameters through Gradient Descent |
2017 | In a House Not So Far Away... Bacteria Were Growing |
2017 | Increased Activity Improves Motor Neuron Function in a Cell Culture Model of ALS |
2017 | Independence Plus: A Mobility Aid |
2017 | Inducing Delta 32 mutation in CCR5 T-cells to develop HIV immunity in patients |
2017 | Innovative Technology to Remove Emerging Contaminants from Drinking Water |
2017 | Is Ag the new Au Standard of Cleaning? 2.0 |
2017 | Is That 'Oil' You've Got? |
2017 | It's a Small World: The Influence of Culture Shock on International immigrants |
2017 | It's only Brain Surgery! 3D Printing: Developing a Craniotomy Simulation Tool |
2017 | It's to Dye For |
2017 | J&A's Bath Blankets |
2017 | Keep it Cold and Keep it Clean |
2017 | L'ADNe... Euh! C’est quoi? |
2017 | L'Alzheimer avant la plaque Aβ |
2017 | L'or vert du sang blanc? |
2017 | La motivation du harle huppé à choisir où mettre tous ses œufs |
2017 | La physique du ping-pong |
2017 | La soie d’Amérique |
2017 | La vie en vert |
2017 | Landfill Optimization: Converting Solid Waste to Energy |
2017 | Learn The Burn |
2017 | Les bactéries ont la solution! |
2017 | Les effets des accessoires optiques sur la performance d’un panneau solaire |
2017 | Les exoplanètes |
2017 | Les panneaux solaires mobiles |
2017 | Les savons et leurs propriétés |
2017 | Linalyl Acetate: A Novel Phytochemical Based Alternative to NSAIDs |
2017 | Liquid Biopsy: A Novel Diagnostic Technique for Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor |
2017 | L’effet des détergents verts sur les écosystèmes aquatiques |
2017 | L’impact des acariens parasites sur les abeilles en hiver |
2017 | L’investigation de la réaction endothermique dans les compresses froides |
2017 | M.A.R.K. |
2017 | Magnetic Fields and Fluid Flow |
2017 | Making houses energy independent through energy generating walls |
2017 | Marine Brown Algae Extracted Fucoxanthin and Phlorotannin in DSSC |
2017 | Mastermind: The Effect of White Noise on Cognitive Concentration in Females |
2017 | Material Swings |
2017 | Medium Optimization for Cheap, Novel Bioplastic Production From P. Putida |
2017 | Melatonin and the Inhibition of Oxidative Damage to DNA |
2017 | Mi'kmaq Traditional Medicines |
2017 | Microbial-film Power Generation 2.0 – It's about to get cooler |
2017 | MMO Cow: How microbiome changes can lower methane emissions from livestock |
2017 | MSRS - Wearable Technology and IoT |
2017 | Musical Personality |
2017 | NanoGrow: Nanoparticles as a Plant Growth Enhancer |
2017 | Natural Insulin: A Novel Intervention for Sundowning in Alzheimer’s Disease |
2017 | Natural Remedies |
2017 | Need a hand with that? |
2017 | NeurAlgae: A Novel Approach to Harmful Algal Bloom Prediction |
2017 | Neuroprotective Effect of Indomethacin against Glutamate Induced Excitotoxicity |
2017 | Nicotinamide: Novel Skin Cancer Chemoprevention |
2017 | No Apple, Apple Pie |
2017 | Noise-Torious |
2017 | Not Just a Flutter in the Wind |
2017 | Novel Pediatric Cancer Therapy: Targeting Epigenetics to Induce Differentiation |
2017 | Novel Prosthetic AutoGrasp Control System and Human-Prosthetic Interface |
2017 | Nuclei Oxidation Therapy: A New Take on Localized Antineoplastics |
2017 | Oh, Poop! It's Worse Than I Thought! |
2017 | Oncoming Snowmobile Alert |
2017 | One Step at a Time |
2017 | Optimizing DNA Barcoding for Investigating Food Fraud |
2017 | Optimizing Fluid Flow Systems |
2017 | Oral Infections: Does lactoferrin inhibit the bactericidal action of eugenol? |
2017 | Orbital Eccentricity and Solar Energy |
2017 | P is for Potable |
2017 | P.A.L.I.A. contre les chutes |
2017 | Pantal-eau |
2017 | Passive Automated Diagnostic and Detection of Illness and Disease |
2017 | Peptide-Directed Knockdown of Misfolded SOD1 by Chaperone – Mediated Autophagy |
2017 | Perpetual Motion |
2017 | Pesticides MenaSangs |
2017 | Phixing Physio |
2017 | PhysX of FleX |
2017 | Phytoremediation of Zinc Contaminated Mines Using Novel Transgenic A.Thaliana |
2017 | Piezo Power (Energy Harvesting) |
2017 | Piezoelectricity: The Energy of the Future |
2017 | Plant Grafting |
2017 | Plants and Magnets |
2017 | Plants vs. Pollution: The Effect of Airborne Pollutants on Plant Matter |
2017 | Pollution Evolution Solution |
2017 | Positive Reinforcement vs. Negative Reinforcement |
2017 | Power of the Sun |
2017 | Powered by Mud: Microbial Fuel Cells |
2017 | Powering Animal Trackers With Thermal Electric Generators (TEGs) |
2017 | Powering My Small Devices From Soil Bacteria Using MFCs (Microbial Fuel Cells) |
2017 | Pretty Solid |
2017 | Preventing Eutrophication: Phosphorus Management through Reactive Filtration |
2017 | Quel est l’effet des pubs? |
2017 | Quelle est la durée de la mémoire des visages |
2017 | Qui a la meilleure vision : les garçons ou les filles? |
2017 | Radio Telescope |
2017 | Re-Freezing the Polar Ice Caps |
2017 | Reaction Time & IQ |
2017 | Reaction Time: Experienced vs. Inexperienced Video Gamers |
2017 | Reclamation: A systems change to waste management in the operating room |
2017 | Recycled Heat |
2017 | Recyclons les capsules de café |
2017 | Red Willow Tree |
2017 | reduce, reuse, reCompass |
2017 | ReefHub: A Novel Autonomous Coral Reef Conservation System |
2017 | Reflections on Climate Change – Environmental Choices for Urban Roofs |
2017 | Riding the Fluoride |
2017 | Rien n’est bien sans l’éolien! |
2017 | Risk Factors of, and Recommendations for, Alcoholism in Fort Resolution, NT |
2017 | Robotic Innovations Can Change Lives by Completing Common Tasks |
2017 | S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Standby Power Eliminating Circuit Technology for Reducing Energy |
2017 | Salt in Fast Food: No Great Shakes for Your Health |
2017 | Sea Fuel |
2017 | Secreted APPα as a Therapeutic for Diabetic Encephalopathy |
2017 | Self-Driving Vehicles |
2017 | Self-Sustaining Aquaponics System |
2017 | Sensitizing Human Tumour Cells to Cancer Drugs with Cranberry Flavonoids |
2017 | Separation of H20 to Pure Hydrogen & Oxygen |
2017 | Serotonin controls mood-like responses in plants |
2017 | Sew What? |
2017 | Shrubs on Drugs |
2017 | Si la petite mange la grosse |
2017 | Sleep Analysis |
2017 | Sleep Deprivation |
2017 | Sleep... Let's Get to the Brux of the Matter! |
2017 | Slowing Neuronal Degeneration |
2017 | SMART Agricultural Technology |
2017 | Smart Helmet which measures acceleration to detect minor & major brain damage |
2017 | Solar Potential Energy Storage & UV Filter Hybrid |
2017 | Solar Power – The Future of Energy |
2017 | Solar Sausage |
2017 | Solar-Powered Production of Clean Fuel by the Fermentation of C. acetobutylicum |
2017 | Sole Power: A Novel Approach to Energy Harvesting using Piezoelectric Technology |
2017 | Solitary Wave Propagation in a Novel Granular Chain Setup |
2017 | Sound Perception: Men vs. Women |
2017 | Speed vs. Mass |
2017 | Spices are Key to be Kidney Stone Free |
2017 | Steam with Nanoparticles |
2017 | Stimulation of the Vagus Nerve Through Targeted Temperature Therapy |
2017 | Street Smart |
2017 | Stroke Rehabilitation Exoskeleton |
2017 | Sugar or Spice? |
2017 | Swarm Robotics: How Robots Cooperate |
2017 | Sweat Rocks |
2017 | Tap Water Quality at Little Saskatchewan First Nation |
2017 | Temperature's Effect on Apples |
2017 | Thanks to Mr. Earworm |
2017 | The 'Helical Water Coil': A Residential and Commercial Thermoelectric Generator |
2017 | The Anchovy: Remotely Operated Submersible |
2017 | The Answer to Cancer: Killing Breast Cancer Cells with Triptolide |
2017 | The Breaking Point: Increasing Circuit Efficiency and Reducing Heat |
2017 | The C-Heater |
2017 | The Cryptex |
2017 | The Dessert Effect: The Impact of Cattle Stocking on Herbage Intake & Selection |
2017 | The Effect of Apple Juice on Baby Teeth |
2017 | The Effect of DNA Repair Pathway Defects on Anti-Inflammatory Drug Response |
2017 | The Effect of Electromagnetic Radiation on Living Organisms |
2017 | The Effect of Hair Dye on Hair Strength |
2017 | The effect of Urtica dioica on the Alzheimer profile in Drosophila melanogaster |
2017 | The effect of vinegar and glycerine in starch-based bioplastics |
2017 | The Effects of Blue Light Emissions on the Eye |
2017 | The Effects of Introversion and Extroversion on Sport Participation |
2017 | The Effects of Microwave Radiation |
2017 | The Effects of Oil on Mycelial Production of Lignin Peroxidase |
2017 | The Effects of Sunlight on Bacterial Growth in Water Bottles |
2017 | The KNEEd for Power: Harvesting Biomechanical Energy |
2017 | The Never Flutter Gutter |
2017 | The New Káhrhon (Cradle Board) |
2017 | The Piezoelectric Shoe: Energy from Motion |
2017 | The Power of Privilege |
2017 | The Projectile Problem |
2017 | The Role of Proctolin in Turning Behaviour of Drosophila Melanogaster Larvae |
2017 | The Self Maintaining Ecosystem |
2017 | The Speed of Fencing Actions |
2017 | The Strength and Stability of a Willow Back Rest |
2017 | The Study of Genetic Disease Treatment Using CRISPR Proteins |
2017 | The Technosleeve |
2017 | The Tesla Smarkade – Wireless Electric Car Charging Parkade |
2017 | The Ultimate Dryer |
2017 | The Wonderful World of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells |
2017 | Thermal Tolerance in Lake Whitefish Embryos |
2017 | Thought Controlled Smart House and Wheelchair for People with Paralysis |
2017 | To Bandage or Not to Bandage? |
2017 | Toxicity: Is Less Really More? |
2017 | Triboélectricité : repliez-vous! |
2017 | Turmeric: Really the Spice of Life? |
2017 | Turning Residential Water Use Into Power: Could it be a New Source of Energy? |
2017 | Une bouteille d’eau bio |
2017 | Une clé APOrtant la longévité? |
2017 | Une méthode prometteuse pour la conservation d'organes avant transplantation |
2017 | Une vie sans mélodie |
2017 | Viola-Bac; Power of Synthetic Biology in Real World |
2017 | Visualise ta voie |
2017 | Vitamins: Friend or Foe of Your Gut |
2017 | Vitrification and Maturation of Mammalian Oocytes |
2017 | VOLTurus: Power Generation and Water Desalination |
2017 | W.I.N.I.T.S. (Wireless Interconnected Non-Invasive Triage System) |
2017 | Water Erosion: Will Wood Chips Help Prevent Surface Water Erosion? |
2017 | What a Drag - A study of the factors affecting a boat's drag through calm water |
2017 | What Lurks in Your Water? |
2017 | What Should I Wear (to the Battle)? |
2017 | What Your Clothes Are Saying About You |
2017 | When In Drought: Polymers Help Out |
2017 | Which Homemade Electromagnet Produces the Greatest Permeability? |
2017 | Which Plants Grow Best in Which Manure? |
2017 | Who Do I Prefer? |
2017 | Why Can't "Eye" See? |
2017 | Why do Aspens Tremble? Adaptations for Self Cleaning and Pest Control |
2017 | Wiggle it, Just a Little Bit |
2017 | You Beat Me to It! |
2017 | You're a Pain in My Foot |
2017 | Zipf's Law Tested Across Age Groups |
2017 | Łuë Įts'uzi |
2016 | "E-cigarettes: A Risk Factor for ALS?" |
2016 | A "Net" Profit |
2016 | A Biosensor for the Detection of Microbial Contamination |
2016 | A Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away: Briggs-Rauscher Reaction & Antioxidants |
2016 | A Computer Game Aimed at Improving Eye-hand Coordination for the Elderly |
2016 | A Follower Robot |
2016 | A Little Pep In Your Strep! |
2016 | A Low Cost Phantom Model for Point of Care Ultrasound Training |
2016 | A Multifunctional Innovation For Efficient CO2 Reduction |
2016 | A Novel Inexpensive Alternative Approach to X-Ray Radiographic Tests |
2016 | A Novel Method in Tree Biomass Calculation |
2016 | A Perl Program for the Retrieval of Genomic Information |
2016 | A Prototype "Water Coil" for Generating Electricity |
2016 | A Study of Kugaaruk Youth Knowledge Regarding Syphilis |
2016 | Active Solar Tracker |
2016 | Advances on a Digital Microscope |
2016 | Aging in Human Cells is Linked to BubR1 Expression |
2016 | Aiding Biodegration by Limiting Carbon |
2016 | Algae to Biofuel |
2016 | Algatricity |
2016 | An Inexpensive Medical Training Aid for Pericardiocentesis |
2016 | An Investigation on Aeroelastic Flutter Reduction of Suspension Bridges |
2016 | An Untapped Source of Energy: Creating a Water Hammer Arrestor/Energy Harvester |
2016 | Analysis of Electrodermal Activity to Quantify Stress Levels in Autism |
2016 | Analyzing the Bioadhesive and Toxicity Properties of Three Natural Biopolymers |
2016 | Anti-Bio |
2016 | Antibiotics Everywhere! Using Bacteria to Detect Antibiotic Residues in Meat |
2016 | Antimicrobial Wound Dressing from Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles on Cellulose |
2016 | Application of Tool Coatings to Address Tool Wear for Steel & Titanium Machining |
2016 | Apprendre en s’amusant – une approche innovatrice face à l’apprentissage |
2016 | Aquatic Osteoporosis: Remediating the emerging problem of lake calcium decline |
2016 | Are You Cavity Free? |
2016 | Aromatherapy Delays Progression of Neurodegenerative Diseases |
2016 | At A Measured Step: An Orthopaedic Pressure-Based Rehabilitative Insole |
2016 | Attention Athletes...Do You Know What You're Drinking? |
2016 | Automated Theorem Proving |
2016 | Balanced Learning: Yoga for Academic Performance |
2016 | Barrel-ponics: Is it an improvement over traditional farming? |
2016 | Bedded BB Bullets in Ballistics Blocks |
2016 | Biomass Derived Carbon for Innovative Water Purification and Metal Extraction |
2016 | BLINK FOR ME |
2016 | Breathe In, Breathe Out |
2016 | Building A More Ergonomic Keyboard |
2016 | Building My Own Plotter Machine |
2016 | CADSense: A Novel Biosensor Optimized For The Early Diagnosis Of Atherosclerosis |
2016 | Caged In: A Novel Approach to Metal Extraction |
2016 | CALM: A Computational Approach for Landslide Mitigation and Study |
2016 | Camping Stove Efficiency For Summertime Alpine Hiking |
2016 | Can a Train Be Faster Than a Plane? |
2016 | Can Coagulants Reduce Heavy Metals in Leachate? |
2016 | Can Ultrasonic Waves Aid Human Vision? |
2016 | Can You See a Four Leaf Clover? |
2016 | Can You See the Light? |
2016 | Can Your Reflection Relieve Pain? |
2016 | Canary Seed: A New Nutritional Crop for Consumption by Celiac Disease Patients |
2016 | Cardiometabolic Effects of Dietary Probiotics and Gut Microbiota Supplementation |
2016 | Carnivore ou végétarienne? |
2016 | Cavendish Clones: A Solution to Sustainable Water Filtering |
2016 | CDK5RAP2 Novel Approach to NSCLC Diagnosis and Therapeutics |
2016 | Chaga Affects |
2016 | Chaga: King of Medicinal Mushrooms |
2016 | Characterizing RASGRP4 Mutations and Targeting ERK in R-CHOP Resistant rrDLBCL |
2016 | Chemotherapy in a Nutshell |
2016 | Chill Out |
2016 | Chill Out 2.0 |
2016 | Chillin' with Hot Flashes |
2016 | Climate Change: Time to be Enlichened |
2016 | Color me: Excited? |
2016 | Colour Confusion |
2016 | Colour Psychology |
2016 | Comment les bruants à couronne blanche de Gambel migrent-ils ? |
2016 | Common Sensors: Impact Sensors for Helmets |
2016 | Company in the Shower |
2016 | Comparing the Harmful Effects of Bisphenol S to Bisphenol A |
2016 | Comparing the Oral Microbiota Population and Diversity of Indoor/Outdoor Dogs |
2016 | Comparison of Tractography in Mouse Models of Human Diseases |
2016 | Contre les allergies, on agit! |
2016 | Core Temperature Control Glove |
2016 | Counteracting Cataracts |
2016 | Cracher sur le cerveau |
2016 | Creating Electrotrophs to Find Changes that Impact Extracellular Electron Uptake |
2016 | Crooked Chemistry |
2016 | Dancing Bacteria |
2016 | DeBip : détecteur multidimensionnel de bipolarité |
2016 | Découverte depuis l’espace |
2016 | Decreasing the Formation of Carcinogens in Grilled Chicken |
2016 | Delay in Fruit Ripening: An Approach to Reduce Ethylene Production in Bananas |
2016 | Designing an Electric Skateboard |
2016 | Detection of DNA Integtration in Tardigrades after Anhydrobiosis |
2016 | Development of a UVC-LED Device for Water Sterilization |
2016 | Disproving and Rederiving Betz's Law Through Theoretical and Experimental Method |
2016 | Distracted Drivers |
2016 | Does She See He Sees |
2016 | Don't Waste Waste Water |
2016 | Driven to Distraction |
2016 | e-Scent-ial Oil |
2016 | E-Walker: Formulating a Faster and Safer Stroke Recovery with Digital Sensors |
2016 | E.V.A.C. |
2016 | Éclaire ton attention! |
2016 | Éconeau |
2016 | Effects of Cognitive & Sensory Function on Progression of Alzheimer's Disease |
2016 | Effects of Peat, Vegetation & Disturbance on Permafrost in Fort Good Hope, NT |
2016 | Effects of Polyphenols on E-coli Bacteria |
2016 | Efficacy of Colloidal Silver |
2016 | Efficiency Deficiency: Impact of Cervical Spine Curvature on Brain Efficiency |
2016 | Energy Saver 202 |
2016 | Engineering Novel Reporter Gene Vectors for Improved In Vivo Cellular Imaging |
2016 | Entomonoodles: An Exploration Of Entomophagy’s Applications To Refugee Nutriti |
2016 | Enzymatic Hydrolysis by Decomposers |
2016 | Equine Hydroponic Forage: Can it really benefit Equine Nutritional Needs? |
2016 | Errance causée par la démence – sauver la vie des aînés |
2016 | Est-ce que la poudre de curcuma est un antibiotique? |
2016 | Ethanol: Heating Things Up |
2016 | Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Flavonoids in Pomelo Peel Extracts |
2016 | Evolution or Extinction? Time Will Tell for the King of the Arctic |
2016 | Exploring the Effects of Twelve Herbs on Type 2 Diabetes and Their Components |
2016 | Facebook: Fun or Folly? |
2016 | FAK Metastasis |
2016 | Farmland To Filtration: Improving Water Quality |
2016 | Fertiorin Pills: solid fertilizer slow release based on human urine |
2016 | Fighting Antibiotic Resistance Naturally |
2016 | Filthy Water Cannot Be Washed: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products |
2016 | Filtrons l’océan! |
2016 | Fish Fuel |
2016 | Floating an Idea - Preventing Mysterious Drownings in Experienced Swimmers |
2016 | Fogponics: The Future of Food |
2016 | Four Minimums with One Maximum |
2016 | From Plastic to Plants: An Open Source Approach to 3D Bioprinting |
2016 | Fuel Vapour: An enhanced method for fuel efficiency |
2016 | Garbage, Recycling, or None of the Above! |
2016 | Gardening With Aquatic Weed: Pest to Profit? |
2016 | Gas Sensor Applications with Photonic Crystal Fiber&Carbon Dioxide Sensor Design |
2016 | Gender Imbalance: The Influence of the Stereotype Threat on Women in STEM |
2016 | Generating Musical Accompaniment Using Machine Learning |
2016 | Germline ATM Variants Identified in Long-Term Survivors of Pancreatic Cancer |
2016 | Go With the Flow: Continual Monitoring of Pollutant Filtration |
2016 | Gold Nanoparticles: A novel approach to tumour treatment |
2016 | Good Fill, No Spill |
2016 | Graphene Based Batteries/Supercapacitors |
2016 | Graphene Sand Desalinator |
2016 | Graphene: The Next Generation of Printed Circuits |
2016 | Green Aviation = Today's Engines + Alternative Fuels? |
2016 | Grey Water, Green Plants |
2016 | Growing Pains |
2016 | Guns to Heal |
2016 | Halorhodopsin as Novel Industrial Biotechnology Host to Treat Absence Epilepsy |
2016 | Hand Function Recovery Device |
2016 | Headphones: A Catalyst or Scapegoat in Adolescent Hearing Loss |
2016 | Hibernation meurtrière |
2016 | HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviour |
2016 | Homemade Solar Cells |
2016 | How Caffeine Affects Your Teeth |
2016 | How Cold Affects Bacteria Growth |
2016 | How Does Fertilizer and Hormone Affect Different Plant Root Growth? |
2016 | How does the Soil Affect the pH of Water? |
2016 | How Music Affects Horses |
2016 | Human Growth Hormone and Diabetes |
2016 | Human Sleep Patterns |
2016 | Hybrid Supercapacitor – Battery System for Electric Vehicles |
2016 | I Love Music |
2016 | iDentifi: Using Computer Vision to Help Visually Impaired Individuals |
2016 | Identification and Characterization of the Low-Gluten Gene for Celiac-Safe Wheat |
2016 | ImmunoBEAM: A Novel Biomaterial Conjugate as a Therapeutic Vaccination Platform |
2016 | Impact of an Oil Spill and Emergency Response on Thick-billed Murre Feathers |
2016 | Impact Velocity |
2016 | Implementing Biomarkers in Cardiomyocyte Cells for the use in Cardiotoxicity Scr |
2016 | Improving Memory: Spatial vs. Rote Memory |
2016 | Improving the Accessibility and Applicability of Water for Human Necessities |
2016 | Improving the Methods of Detection and DNA Isolation of Bacteria in Milk |
2016 | In Love with the Coco |
2016 | In-Sight |
2016 | Increasing S.I. Engine Efficiency Through Novel Combustion Chamber Geometry |
2016 | Influence of Habitat on Cellobiase Activity in Mushrooms |
2016 | Inhibiting Apoptosis with Caffeine |
2016 | Inhibition of EZH2 in Neuroblastoma Cells |
2016 | Innovative Helmet Design to Reduce Brain Injury |
2016 | Interacting With Electronic Devices Using Eye Movements |
2016 | Invisible Glass |
2016 | IronMax: A New Source of High Iron Food |
2016 | Irradier pour soigner! |
2016 | Is the Media All the Hype? |
2016 | Is Your House Killing You? |
2016 | It's All In The Genes |
2016 | It's Bright, but You Can't See It |
2016 | It's Not Black and White: The Effect of Coloured Light on Lymnae Stagnalis |
2016 | It's only Brain Surgery! Developing a Simulation Tool to Train Non-Neurosurgeons |
2016 | Je meurs de chaleur |
2016 | Jouer pour apprendre : ça aide! |
2016 | Kleiber's Law Applied to Link Population Size With City Growth Aspects |
2016 | La désalinisation illuminée! |
2016 | La formation du Grand lac des Esclaves |
2016 | La guerre des nerfs |
2016 | La guerre froide |
2016 | La loterie quantique |
2016 | La maison pliante |
2016 | La puissance des eaux grises |
2016 | La salinité des courants d’eau communautaires |
2016 | Lake Vostok |
2016 | Landfill Reduction by Reusing Polyethylene |
2016 | Launched by Leftovers: Generating Biofuels from Garbage! |
2016 | Le plastique biodégradable |
2016 | Le sucre... délicieuse drogue? |
2016 | Learning from Flint: Is NaOH the Solution to Pb-Contaminated Drinking Water? |
2016 | Leave the Gas, Save the Grass |
2016 | Leeches Unleashed |
2016 | Les ballons d’eau : la résistance et l’apparence |
2016 | Les dents de la mère |
2016 | Les effets de l’exercice sur la mémoire à court terme |
2016 | Les enfants sales sont les enfants en bonne santé |
2016 | Les épices au secours des infections alimentaires |
2016 | Les limites de la mémoire |
2016 | Less Mass Run Fast |
2016 | Let Cancer Kill Cancer: A novel therapeutic strategy |
2016 | Let's Do the Moringa |
2016 | Let's Roll! |
2016 | LIGHT IT UP! |
2016 | Light the Green |
2016 | LRRK2 controls alpha-synuclein levels via microRNAs in Parkinson’s disease |
2016 | L’aquaponie, est-ce l’avenir? |
2016 | L’écosystème arctique |
2016 | L’endroit idéal pour botter un ballon le plus loin possible |
2016 | L’ultime équipe informatique |
2016 | M.A.R.I.E |
2016 | Macrophage Phenotype and Function: Effects of Islet Hormone Signaling |
2016 | Magneto-Hydrodynamic Drive |
2016 | Making Milk Less Allergenic |
2016 | Malacostracology LC50 |
2016 | Maple Syrup can FIX that |
2016 | Maple Syrup: A solution to assist the goal of self sustenance in space? |
2016 | May the Phosphorus be Extracted |
2016 | Measuring Information Processing of Images and Words at Varying Rates |
2016 | Measuring Knee Stress with a Mechanical Model |
2016 | Mechanical Boots |
2016 | Memory Retention: Power Of The Senses |
2016 | Merveilleuses légumineuses |
2016 | Microbial-Film Power Generation |
2016 | Microporous Silicon as an Alternative Battery Anode |
2016 | Mold in Sandy Bay First Nations Homes |
2016 | Muscle tes satellites |
2016 | Music, Rocks and all that Jazz - How Music Affects Learning |
2016 | Myriophyllum spicatum: A Threat To Habitat Biodiversity–An Invasive Species Pl |
2016 | Near Field Communication Safety |
2016 | No More Dehydration, Use the Solar Desalination |
2016 | No Need for the Bead |
2016 | Novel Camera-Based WSN in Fire Detection |
2016 | Now You See Me |
2016 | On the Pathway to Healing: Risk Factors of Alcoholism in Fort Resolution, NT |
2016 | Oscar Sorting: Sorting the Waste Stream |
2016 | Out of the Elements |
2016 | Peat Moss |
2016 | Personal Escape Pods : A New Emergency Breathing Apparatus |
2016 | Phantom Sensations |
2016 | Phénol-Rince |
2016 | Pi in the Sky |
2016 | Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting From High Traffic Areas in the HRM |
2016 | Piezoelectric Vibration-Sensing Shoe |
2016 | Plant Pigments: A Novel Treatment for Cancer |
2016 | Plants Choice |
2016 | Plants on Drugs: Miracle Fluid - The Effect of Chemical Injection on Plants |
2016 | Plastic Waters |
2016 | Poopalicious: Changing the Microbiome with FMT |
2016 | Pour Qui Notre Cerveau Peut Être Trompé Par Les Illusions |
2016 | Pour Some Sugar on Me |
2016 | Pourquoi suis-je psychopathe? |
2016 | Power from the Simultaneous Burning of Hydrogen During Electrolysis |
2016 | Power of Phi |
2016 | Power Plants of the Future: Optimizing Plant Microbial Fuel Cell Design |
2016 | POWER UP! Wind Turbine Efficiency |
2016 | Powered By Spit |
2016 | Print vs. Screens - Old School vs. Tech |
2016 | Project LEAP |
2016 | Pump Up The Velocity |
2016 | Put Breaks On Neoplasia |
2016 | Quand la TBE sort au resto! |
2016 | Quand l’œil sert d’oreille |
2016 | Qullik 2.0 La mise à jour sur la lampe inuit traditionnelle |
2016 | Really Random? |
2016 | Reconnaissance Sensory Space Glove Prototype |
2016 | Red Light Green Light Fuzzy In-Between Light |
2016 | Refuelling with Sugar |
2016 | Regulation of Fibronectin Gene Expression in Fibroblasts by Scleraxis |
2016 | Reversing Atherosclerosis: Development of a Biocompatible Solvent |
2016 | Reward vs. Punishment: Which is the Better Motivator? |
2016 | Role of ING1 in Squamous Cell Carcinoma |
2016 | RuBisCO and RuBP: The Answer Behind the Enzymes |
2016 | Safe Skies |
2016 | Salivary microRNAs as a Novel Tool for Microfluidic Detection of Breast Cancer |
2016 | Salt vs. Ice |
2016 | Salt Water Electricity |
2016 | Samqwan Muin - Tardigrades |
2016 | Sauve ta peau! |
2016 | SERT Genotype and Expression Do Not Align in Human Cancers or Cortical Extracts |
2016 | Sexed Semen: Product for Today, Progress for Tomorrow |
2016 | Should I Shovel My Solar Panel? |
2016 | Slowing Down To Power Your Town |
2016 | SMART Drone Technology |
2016 | Smart Prosthetic-Smart Object: A New Approach to Interactive Control and Design |
2016 | Smart Water Monitoring System: Using Microcontroller Technology |
2016 | Soapless Water |
2016 | Soil Sterilization |
2016 | Soil Your Undies |
2016 | Solar Siding: Harnessing the power of T.E.G’s |
2016 | Solar-Potential Energy Storage and Water Purification Hybrid System |
2016 | Solvent-Polymer Composite Deposition 3D Printing |
2016 | Something in the Way They Mooove |
2016 | Spruce it Up 2! |
2016 | Starving the Cancer |
2016 | Stop Being Bullied Part-2 (A Novel Approach To Ease Bullying) |
2016 | Stop Light on Sweetener Street: Sweeteners and the Gut Microbiome |
2016 | Stripping Down the Sugars |
2016 | Styrofoam - A Problem We Need to (dis)-Solve |
2016 | Sugar Science |
2016 | Synthetic 3-D Printed Heart |
2016 | Synthetic Limpet Teeth for Improved Joint Performance |
2016 | Syphilis on the Rise |
2016 | T1D Mouthguard |
2016 | TAGUCHI Method Applied for Optimizing the Performance of a Trebuchet |
2016 | Taking a Look at Peripheral Vision in Athletes |
2016 | Teen Stress |
2016 | Temperature Manipulation Desalination |
2016 | Temperature Tangles |
2016 | Temps et Gratzel : électrisant? |
2016 | Terminal Damage |
2016 | Testing the Acceptance of Phantom Limb in Non-Amputees |
2016 | The Answer to Cancer: Could Triptolide Be The Cure? |
2016 | The Audio Maze |
2016 | The Bane of the School Bathroom |
2016 | The Best Goggle Tint for the Dark |
2016 | The Correlation Between Enhanced Neurological Function and Bilingualism |
2016 | The Development of Adaptive Wheels |
2016 | The Dog Intelligence Test |
2016 | The Door Pedal |
2016 | The Effect of Antacids on the Breakdown of Enteric Coated Pharmaceuticals |
2016 | The Effect of Dissolved Oxygen and pH on Wetland Aquatic Invertebrate Diversity |
2016 | The Effect of Incubation Temperature on the Viscosity of Yogurt |
2016 | The Effect of Worms on the Decomposition of Food Waste |
2016 | The Effects of Guanosine on Essential Neurotoxins in the Parkinson's Disease |
2016 | The Effects of Nanosilver on the Ionic Silver Resistant Plasmid (pMG101) |
2016 | The Fourth R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Regrow! |
2016 | The Genius Genus: Aspen Adaptations |
2016 | The Graphene Enhanced S.W.I.F.T. Unit |
2016 | The Green Way: Making Use of Waste |
2016 | The Identification of Natural Products from Cinnamon for Diabetic Treatment |
2016 | The Impact of Modelled Exit Signalling Behaviour on Other Drivers In Roundabouts |
2016 | The Impact of Restorative Yoga and Streching on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate |
2016 | The Key to Unlocking BCa |
2016 | The Management of Diabetes in Northwest British Columbia |
2016 | The Movement Patterns Of The White-Tailed Deer |
2016 | The Power of Honey |
2016 | The Quest for A Smart Autonomous UAV, Part One: To Engineer A Drone |
2016 | The Raincycler: Hydroelectric Rainfall Generator |
2016 | The Recipe for Electricity |
2016 | The Remediation of Britannia Mine through Phytoremediation and Chemical Washing |
2016 | The Role of Fabric in the Prevention of Nosocomial Illness |
2016 | The Role of Panx3 and CCN1 in Intervertebral Disc Health in Mice |
2016 | The Root of Ethanol Production |
2016 | The Silver Bullet: A Novel Antibody-AgNP Complex for Cancer Treatment |
2016 | The Sweet Spot |
2016 | The Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Their Effects on Plant Growth |
2016 | The Thermovoltaic Cell |
2016 | The Ultimate Angle |
2016 | The World's First Biological Power Plant |
2016 | Thermo-electric generators to charge electronic devices in the wilderness |
2016 | Thinking in Reverse |
2016 | Time Flies |
2016 | Tiny Titans: Silver Nanoparticles |
2016 | To Gyro or Not To Gyro |
2016 | To Study Synergy Effect of Medicinal Plants on Antimicrobial Activity of Garlic |
2016 | Toxic Tampons |
2016 | Transport de marchandises dans le Grand Nord canadien |
2016 | TrICKED |
2016 | True Colours: Exploring the Science of the Stroop Effect |
2016 | Tumor-Specific TCR-pMHC Database |
2016 | Turning LEDs Into Power: Considering if LED Power Generators are Possible |
2016 | Un Minecraft... pour la santé! |
2016 | Un pigment antioxydant |
2016 | Uncovering the Thermal Response of Ferromagnetic NanoTherapy to Cure Cancer |
2016 | Under Pressure! An Investigation of Performance Under Perceived Pressure |
2016 | Une alternative verte |
2016 | Une perspective nébuleuse |
2016 | Using a Low-Density Field to Improve Water Vessel Speed and Efficiency |
2016 | Using Genetic Algorithms to Create Safer Self-Driving Cars |
2016 | Valeurs 2.0 |
2016 | Vermicomposting |
2016 | Video Games Before Bed: Does it Affect my Sleepwalking? |
2016 | Vitamin C: C for Captured? |
2016 | Vote CDJ – une nouvelle façon de pratiquer la démocratie |
2016 | Vous en saliverez! |
2016 | VSV-EBOV contre Ébola |
2016 | Walking Analysis: A Gait-Way to a Better Future |
2016 | Waste Not, Want Not (Biofiltration of Household Greywater) |
2016 | Wasted Water - Do We Really Need Watering Restrictions? |
2016 | Water Saving Shower Head: Multi-iterative Design Incorporating Atomized Flow |
2016 | Wearable Sonar Technology |
2016 | What Amount of Arsenic Trioxide Helps Stop APL Cell Invasion? |
2016 | What are the Beneficial Effects of Curcumin? |
2016 | What is Virtual Reality? |
2016 | What Kids Know About Global Warming? |
2016 | What's Hot What's Not? |
2016 | What's the Best Anti-Butt? Algae, Coconut or Banana - Designing Eco-Fliters |
2016 | What's The Scoop |
2016 | Where does the Head Rest Best? |
2016 | Where's The Real Beef? |
2016 | Wi-Fi: Our Well Being or Mind Deceiving |
2016 | Wi-Tricity on Wheels: Solar/Hydro Hybrid Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles |
2016 | Wiggling Towards A Pollution Solution |
2016 | Worm Wars: The Soil Awakens |
2016 | Would you Eat these Peas? |
2016 | XTreme Ultra Body Fuel with BDNF Protein Enhancers |
2016 | You're Exposed |
2016 | You're Out! An Electronic Baseball Umpire |
2016 | Your Eyes Are...RED? |
2016 | « Feuillez » y penser! |
2016 | « Santé »-vous bien quand vous dinez? |
2015 | 1 + 8 = 9, défluorons! |
2015 | A Big MiSteak |
2015 | A Bloody Mess: The Cool Blue Light of Luminol |
2015 | À cœur ouvert... |
2015 | A Huge Impact Due To A Small Quantity! |
2015 | A Low Cost Gel Block Model for Ultrasound Guided Training |
2015 | A Novel Application of Swarm Intelligence in Policing |
2015 | A Novel Approach to Bioenergy Production Using Primary Effluent and Coal |
2015 | A Novel Approach to Energy Generation & Storage: Axial Flux with Supercapacitors |
2015 | A Novel Investigation Using Engineered Technologies to Reduce Tank Car Incidents |
2015 | A Novel Mathematical Model for Ferromagnetic NanoTherapy to Cure Cancer |
2015 | A Novel Method to Identify Genes in Electron Transfer of Exoelectrogens |
2015 | A Novel Paediatric Spine Board |
2015 | A Possible Solution for Ionic Pollution |
2015 | A Race to the Next Generation |
2015 | A Sticky Situation 2.0 |
2015 | Abrase-moi ! |
2015 | Adaptive Wheel |
2015 | Advanced Breath Interface and Control Systems For Robotics |
2015 | Alevin! |
2015 | Algae: A Clean Road To The Future Part 2 |
2015 | An Eye For Colour: Digital Analysis of the Colour Palette in Artist's Paintings |
2015 | An Inspection of Recollection |
2015 | Ancient Solutions |
2015 | Antibiotic Resistance Threat: Testing Alternative Therapies |
2015 | Anticancer Therapy: Targeting MAD1 Overexpression with SGOL1 and PP2A Inhibition |
2015 | Are There Differences in How Lettuce Genotypes Respond to Light Sources? |
2015 | Are you Losing Energy Down the Drain? |
2015 | Artistic mood |
2015 | At a Snail's Pace |
2015 | ATP Starvation: Targeting Cancer Glucose Metabolism Using Metformin And MCT4 ASO |
2015 | Attention à la baisse de pH ! |
2015 | Au cœur de l'infiniment petit : les nanoparticules |
2015 | Avocado Milk Emulsion |
2015 | Baby Got...Your Back? |
2015 | Backcountry Fire Starters |
2015 | Bacteria Fighting Foods |
2015 | Bacterial Infections: Natural or Synthetic Antibiotics? |
2015 | Balanced Homodyne Detector Laser Microphone |
2015 | Battling Biofouling: The Development of an Environmentally Sensitive Coating |
2015 | Beam Me Up Scotty (Robotic Teleportation Through Skype) |
2015 | Being Fair Isn't Fair: circadian resetting by electronic light and eye colour |
2015 | Benford's Law |
2015 | Beta Cells' Ability to Secrete Insulin under Glucotoxic Conditions |
2015 | Beyond the Waste |
2015 | Binaural Beats: Bio-feedback Via Brainwave Entrainment |
2015 | Biochar Filtration of Phosphorous |
2015 | Brain Energy Conversion Contraption (B.E.C2) |
2015 | Brain Nurture |
2015 | Breathable Rock: A Novel Approach to Isolating Oxygen in CaSO4 H2O for on Mars |
2015 | Brickin' Awesome Eco Brick |
2015 | Bubbling with Energy |
2015 | Building a Better Black Box |
2015 | Calgary Suburban Snake Survival |
2015 | Can deactivated no-rinse disinfectant regain microbial toxicity in a low pH? |
2015 | Can Parkinson's Disease Be Cured through Neurogenesis? |
2015 | Can We Improve the Quality of Water in Developing and Third World Countries? |
2015 | Can We Prepare? Altering Innate Behaviour & Preparing for Invasive Fish Species |
2015 | Can you Drink Wastewater? |
2015 | Canned Heat |
2015 | Capturing the Value of Melody |
2015 | Catching Combine Fires |
2015 | CEEP - A Novel Approach for Environmental Trace Elemental Analysis |
2015 | Cell Phone Effects |
2015 | Ces cellules qui guérissent... |
2015 | Chemlogic: A Logic Programming Chemistry System (2ed.) |
2015 | Chia : une cure précolombienne |
2015 | Childhood Cancer Chemotherapy: The promise of non-genotoxic options |
2015 | Chill Out! |
2015 | Clarifying the Function of Vitamin E |
2015 | Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind |
2015 | Colour Confusion - The Stroop Effect |
2015 | Colour Distinction |
2015 | Colourful Choices |
2015 | Combining Gold Nanoparticles with Indium and Panitumumab to Inhibit Cancer |
2015 | COMPEL: A Novel Comprehensive Physical Environment Influenced Landslide Model |
2015 | Computer-Aided Discovery Of Novel Invadopodia Inhibitors To Prevent Metastasis |
2015 | Concentrated Solar Water Purifier with Capillary Feeder and Heat Recuperator |
2015 | Concentrating on Neonicotinoids |
2015 | Conception d'un distillateur et de distillats de Ledum groenlandicum |
2015 | Correlation between tissue changes & back pain in a mouse model of intervertebra |
2015 | Countertop Cold Storage: An Innovation Using Peltier Chip Technology |
2015 | Crudely Corrosive: The Effect of Light & Heavy Crude Oils on Pipeline Corrosion |
2015 | Curling Rocks! |
2015 | Curly Horses: The Answer to Allergies |
2015 | Curry, Spice and Everything Nice |
2015 | De Paume en Paume : le danger sur nos mains |
2015 | Dead Zones |
2015 | Determinants of the Accuracy of Blood Pressure Measurement: A Novel Strategy |
2015 | Development of a low voltage UV-LED device for water disinfection |
2015 | Development of Assistive Technology for Recovery from ACL Injury |
2015 | Development of Latent 2-D Footwear Impressions: An Improved Methodology |
2015 | Disappearing Monarchs: 7 Years of Study, One Shocking Fact |
2015 | Do Cell Phones Inhibit Growth? |
2015 | Do Verulam Ordovician Fossils vary due to the composition and level of Strata? |
2015 | Does beta carotene protect human skin cells from ultraviolet radiation? |
2015 | Does Temperature Effect The Speed Of A Puck? |
2015 | Does Your Wood Have Gas? Part Two |
2015 | Dois-je nourrir mon intelligence? |
2015 | Don't Cry Over Spilled Oil |
2015 | Don't Get Burned: An Analysis of Sunscreen |
2015 | Don't Soak Up the Sun |
2015 | Driven By Fast Food |
2015 | Driving our Cars on Wood and Water |
2015 | E-Cigarettes: Do Pre-teens Need E-Ducation? |
2015 | E-cigarettes: Friend or Foe? |
2015 | Early immunological experience and the development of allergies |
2015 | Earthquakes: Improving Building Resiliency |
2015 | Ébola : prêt, pas prêt ? |
2015 | Ebola No More! |
2015 | Effect of Hypoxia on Learning and Memory |
2015 | Effect of Vitamin C on Macrophage Function |
2015 | Effects of Statins on Scleraxis-Mediated Collagen Expression in Fibroblasts |
2015 | Egg Substitutes for Baking |
2015 | Eggs-amining the Connection Between Foraging Behavior and Egg Characteristics |
2015 | Electromagnetic Radiation |
2015 | Elucidating the Role of CDK5RAP2 in NSCLC |
2015 | EMMA: ElectroMyographically Manipulated Arm - The Future of Prosthetics |
2015 | Endangered Alberta-Climate Change at OUR Doorstep |
2015 | Engaging High School Students With Social Engineering |
2015 | Engineering Optimal Gear Ratios for Robotics |
2015 | Evaluating antimicrobial plant-derived compounds |
2015 | Every Drop Counts - An Intelligent Farming System |
2015 | Exoskeleton Arm Utilizing Flexible Air Muscles |
2015 | Experiments in Collective Robotics |
2015 | Extracorporeal Sonic Wave Therapy for Inoperable Tumours |
2015 | Extracts of partridgeberry (V. vitis-idaea) contain potent anti-cancer compounds |
2015 | Eye See the Light |
2015 | Fast...Faster...Fastest - Testing Velocity of Different Types of Tennis Strings |
2015 | Feet or Superfeet? |
2015 | Filtering Estrogenic Substances from Liquid Waste at the Household Level |
2015 | Finding A Natural Fertilizer |
2015 | Food Fight: Comparing Conventional and Organic Produce |
2015 | Food for Thought: Preventive Management of Neurodegenerative Disorders |
2015 | Fuel of the Future |
2015 | Fugitive Coal Dust Solutions in South Delta |
2015 | Fusion + Fission = Future |
2015 | Game On! Winning the Battle Over Pain |
2015 | Gel Electrophoresis |
2015 | Germs Everywhere - An Innovative Germ Awareness and Hand Washing Program |
2015 | Get a Grip: Low Cost Solutions to Improve Grip for 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands |
2015 | Go Bananas!!! |
2015 | Gone With The Wind: An Experimental Apparatus For Building Response To Wind |
2015 | Goodnight Sun! |
2015 | Gourmande scientifique |
2015 | GPS Footprint: A Modern Approach to Emissions |
2015 | Green Oil: Improving the Extraction Efficiency of Bitumen from the Oil Sands |
2015 | Hand Sanitizers at Work: Which Does the Job Best? |
2015 | Harnessing Energy from Traffic Utilizing Piezoelectric Crystals |
2015 | Hear It or See It Here 1st |
2015 | Hi-Yah! |
2015 | High Frequency Hearing Loss |
2015 | High Tech Trapper |
2015 | Hot House |
2015 | How Clear is Your Focus? |
2015 | How Do a Variety of Foods Affect Blood Glucose Levels? |
2015 | How Do You Like Them Apples? |
2015 | How does caffeine affect the heart rate of daphnia? |
2015 | How Does The Strength of a Permanent Magnet Vary with Temperature Change |
2015 | How Fast Does Ice Melt? Extent and Implications of Glacial Retreat in the Skeena |
2015 | How Many Sugars are in Your Smoothie? |
2015 | How our Thoughts Affect Horses |
2015 | How Temperature Affects the Flow of Crude Oil |
2015 | Hypertos: A launch into the web based era. |
2015 | I'm Lovin' It! Producing Biopolymers From Fast Food Waste |
2015 | Identification of A Novel Anti-adipogenic Compound from Dandelion |
2015 | Identification of Carbamazepine Degraders |
2015 | Identification of Plant Defense Genes in the Arabidopsis-Sclerotinia Pathosystem |
2015 | Imagine this!: Curing Disease with Protein Folding Simulations |
2015 | Improving the Everyday Classroom |
2015 | Influence of animal and plant hormone to increase Algae biomass production |
2015 | Ingenious Tri-Kayak Rack |
2015 | Inheritance of Hair Morphology |
2015 | Inhibiting Pathogenic Infections: A Polyphenol and Carotenoid Based Approach |
2015 | Inmeshtigation: comparison of water vapour collection of 3 mesh sizes |
2015 | Inuit Shades |
2015 | Invest With Hal |
2015 | Investigating Ceramic Calcium Phosphate Cements as Bone Replacing Material |
2015 | Investigating Correlations and Variations of Lymnae stagnalis |
2015 | Investigating Reclamation Potential of Native Plants |
2015 | Iron Nanoparticle Based In-Situ Anti-Coagulant Delivery |
2015 | Is PET the right BET? |
2015 | Is the Grass Always Greener when the Water’s Cleaner? |
2015 | Is Vaccinating an Udder Misteak? |
2015 | Isolating Genes for Gastric Carcinoma Treatment via Expression Meta-Analysis |
2015 | Jitter Bug: How HFCS Affects the Longevity, Fertility & Behaviour of Drosophila |
2015 | Killing Viruses: The discovery and characterization of novel RdRP inhibitors |
2015 | Kinesiology Plus - A Biofeedback Device for Retraining Harmful Muscle Memories |
2015 | L'asphalte, ça craque ! |
2015 | La chromatographie des bonbons |
2015 | La deuxième vie du pétrole |
2015 | La lâcheté triomphe |
2015 | La perception des couleurs selon la couleur des yeux |
2015 | La purification de l'eau |
2015 | La suite de la suie |
2015 | La Vénus Lacque |
2015 | Le carburant des sportifs ? |
2015 | Le cerveau : droit ou gauche? |
2015 | Le danger de la recongélation |
2015 | Le moteur FuzioTeK |
2015 | Le pansement qui pense |
2015 | Le pouvoir de la musique |
2015 | Le pouvoir des glucides |
2015 | Le savoir des diabétiques dans les régions urbaines et rurales |
2015 | Le stress en héritage |
2015 | Lead it Go: Purifying Lead Contaminated Water with Common Seashells |
2015 | Lenz's Law |
2015 | Les bactéries chez les petits |
2015 | Les effets nocifs du cannabis |
2015 | Les ondes électromagnétiques |
2015 | Les protéines recombinantes |
2015 | Life's 2nd Chance with Gene Therapy |
2015 | Lignin Adsorption: An Innovative Approach to Water Purification |
2015 | Limitations of Beta-Blockers |
2015 | Love that Dirty Water |
2015 | Low Cost Solutions to Improve Tie Longevity |
2015 | Machine Learning Based Smart Bed Monitoring System |
2015 | Magic Mushrooms |
2015 | Magnetic Energy! |
2015 | Mauvaises herbes... et si c'était la solution? |
2015 | Maximizing Solar Panel Output Through Utilization of Photovoltaic Concentrator |
2015 | Mechanics of the Throwing Motion |
2015 | Message codé : méninge-Hits ? |
2015 | Mi'kmaq Runner |
2015 | Micro Hydro - Do a Lot, With a little |
2015 | Microcontroller Controlled Laser Area Denial (M-CLAD) |
2015 | Microwave Assisted Extraction of Polyphenols from Cocoa Powder |
2015 | Migration clima-tique |
2015 | Mind over Matter. . . Or Matter over Mind? |
2015 | Miracle Versus Entity |
2015 | Monitoring Medication Adherence-Part 2 |
2015 | Multi-Hydrocarbon Based Approach to Water Retention Technologies |
2015 | Multi-Turbine VentusCapio |
2015 | Music and Distraction |
2015 | Naviguer sans s'aveugler |
2015 | Ne clignez pas! |
2015 | Need A Hand? |
2015 | Neuro-Chapeau= Éveil au volant |
2015 | Neutralize Your Thinking |
2015 | NOGOS: A Novel Nano-Oligosaccharide Doped Graphene Sand Composite Water Filter |
2015 | Obliterating Osteosarcoma with M109 |
2015 | Off Your Dock, Into Your Garden |
2015 | Oh No Organics: A Study on the Effects of Antibiotics in Retail Ground Beef |
2015 | Oil Spill Rescue: Putting Dawn to the Test |
2015 | One Man's Waste is another Man's Power |
2015 | Optimizing the Tack |
2015 | Organic: Is It Better? |
2015 | OUCH That Vaccination Hurt! Convert the Hurt With Single-Sensory Distraction. |
2015 | Overview of Mexico's City Rivers |
2015 | Paediatric Chronic Pain Application |
2015 | Pain! M.R.Why? |
2015 | Panneau solaire attaché à un traqueur du soleil vs panneau stationnaire |
2015 | Pareidolia: An Absence of Music |
2015 | Pendulum Transportation System |
2015 | Perfect Toast: Using Microcontroller Technology |
2015 | Pesticide ou peste ici? |
2015 | Phagocytosis in Burn Patients |
2015 | Pharmaceutical Antibiotics or Natural Antibiotics: Which is More Effective? |
2015 | Phenylalanine Self-Diagnostic Test for Phenylketonuria Patients |
2015 | Photon Filtration: A Novel Printer for Ink-Free Reusable Paper |
2015 | Physical Activity = Better Concentration |
2015 | Physics Accelerometer Lab: Your Amusement Park PAL |
2015 | Pifithrin and Phenylalanine as a Novel Cancer Treatment |
2015 | Pimatizi Bimide: Bio Fuel |
2015 | Plaquettes : un trésor pour le X |
2015 | Polarization-Selective Mirror based on a Silicon Nitride Photonic Crystal Slab |
2015 | Poo is Cool |
2015 | Power Your Car From Your Dinner Table |
2015 | Predictive Perceptron Networks: Temperature Forecasting Using Machine Learning |
2015 | Preference Bias |
2015 | Pressure Cooker |
2015 | Prevent Cancers - "Zeolite-X" Filtering Out Radiation from Radioactive Tobacco |
2015 | Qualitative/Quantitative Analysis Of Heavy Metal Contamination |
2015 | Quality of different soils and composts through soil testing |
2015 | Quand le cerveau tient « tête »! |
2015 | Quantum Computers: Bits of Matter |
2015 | Quel est ce bruit? |
2015 | Quelle tique t'a piqué? |
2015 | Quelles tomates désirez-vous ? |
2015 | R U Driving Distracted 2 |
2015 | R.E.D.M.A. - Residential Emergency Detecting Multifunctional Apparatus |
2015 | R.S.P. The Robotic Snow Plow |
2015 | Radon Mitigation, Absolute and Bronchial Dose: A Sixteen Month Experiment |
2015 | Raspberry Pi Smartphone Garage Door System |
2015 | Ready, Set, Go! |
2015 | Regulation of Adipokines and Fat Growth by Master-switch Protein Kinase |
2015 | Release the Heat |
2015 | Remedies Recovered From Roof Top Resources |
2015 | Resilience and Recovery |
2015 | Reversing Atherosclerosis: A Paradigm shift in cardiovascular disease treatment |
2015 | Rhomboid Protease 4 mRNA Expression In A Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease |
2015 | Root Microbiomics: The Next Big Thing? |
2015 | Safe Ride |
2015 | Safety for Schools |
2015 | Saving Nature's Sunblock |
2015 | Saving the Planet One Wetland at a Time |
2015 | Savior from the Sea!!! |
2015 | Seeing is Believing |
2015 | Silent Music: A Novel Approach to Anxiety Reduction Using Tactile Sound |
2015 | Simulating Brains in Artificial Organisms |
2015 | Small But Mighty-The Environmental Impact of Microbeads |
2015 | SMART Car Seat |
2015 | Smart Speed & Smart Intersection |
2015 | Smarter Than A Child-Proof Container |
2015 | SmartOc : un outil pour une cardiotocographie intelligente |
2015 | Smile: Improving Dental Health Through Technology |
2015 | Solar Concentrator Tracker |
2015 | SOS For Your SOS |
2015 | Speech Recognition - A Fresh Approach |
2015 | Stirling Engine |
2015 | Stop Being Bullied |
2015 | Stop Icy Drownings |
2015 | Strength of Common Construction Softwoods |
2015 | Stressed To The Limit Too |
2015 | Stretch or Snap: The Effects of PH on Hair Durability |
2015 | Success With Knowledge: The Theory of MEGIE |
2015 | Super Sign |
2015 | Take Your Best Shot |
2015 | Taking the Flyway |
2015 | Targeting the subunit interface of an enzyme overexpressed in cancer |
2015 | Teen Perceptions and Personas |
2015 | Testing the effect of colloidal silver on antibiotics fighting E.Coli |
2015 | That Conversation Can Wait! |
2015 | The 'God' Particle: Dark Matter Brought to Light? |
2015 | The 3rd Wheel |
2015 | The ABC's of Mouthwash |
2015 | The Affect of Fatigue on a Soccer Player's Ability to Perform Skills |
2015 | The Attraction of Distractions |
2015 | The Automatic Drawer |
2015 | The Baby Life Saver (BLS) |
2015 | The Best Parabolic Reflector |
2015 | The Cheerios Effect: Uncovered |
2015 | The Effect of Differing pH Levels on Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Cells |
2015 | The Effect of Playing a Musical Instrument on One's Memory Capacity |
2015 | The Effects of Pesticides and Neuroprotective Agents on Dopaminergic Neurons |
2015 | The Effects of Stroke-Like Oxidative Stress on the Insulin Pathway |
2015 | The Every-Other-Day Diet |
2015 | The Fight Against PCa |
2015 | The Flooding Fraser River |
2015 | The Implementation of Nanoparticles to Eliminate Aspergillus Fungi |
2015 | The Importance of DDXXXE Motif for the HIV-1 Nef Protein in the GI tract |
2015 | The in vitro glycemic response of various breakfast cereals |
2015 | The Magic of Mustard |
2015 | The Modex: Real Time Musical Analysis |
2015 | The Mystery of Bipolar Disorder |
2015 | The Nose Knows Not |
2015 | The Oil Eater |
2015 | The Proof is in the Prints |
2015 | The Road to Zero Tolerance |
2015 | The S.S. Power |
2015 | The S.W.I.F.T. Unit - Putting Heat and Electricity Where You Need It! |
2015 | The Scholar's 3-D Printer |
2015 | The Secret to Pumpkin |
2015 | The Skies of Tomorrow |
2015 | The Triangle Solver |
2015 | The Ultraponic Gardening System |
2015 | The Water Wheel Cart Plus - Improving the Quality of Life in Developing Nations |
2015 | ThermIS: Automation of Viral System Detection |
2015 | Thermovoltaics: Powering the Future |
2015 | Thinking about thinking: instinctive versus non-instinctive methods in archery |
2015 | This Is My Jam |
2015 | Ticked! |
2015 | Tidal Potential: Harnessing the Power of the Tides |
2015 | Tidal Power Pump |
2015 | To Bee or Not To Bee: Overwintering Techniques and Losses of Honeybees in Algoma |
2015 | Tobacco Use and Effects in Gjoa Haven Youth |
2015 | Trainium |
2015 | Traitement amélioré contre le cancer |
2015 | Transformation extrême ! |
2015 | Tribology and Surface Patterns |
2015 | Tsunami Protection Barriers |
2015 | Ultrasound Flaw Detection in Underground Power Cables |
2015 | Un remède attirant |
2015 | Understanding Sound Machine |
2015 | Up and Over |
2015 | UPOD: The Sixth Sensor |
2015 | Using Radio Waves to Harvest Energy |
2015 | Using the Perception of Facial Emotions to Aid in Diagnosis of Mood Disorders |
2015 | Utilization of aptamers as a novel therapeutic tool for Parkinson's Disease |
2015 | UV Death Rays |
2015 | Vegetable Oils and Amines: A Novel Approach for Capturing and Utilizing CO2 |
2015 | Verre l'avenir ! |
2015 | Warm up's Effect on Reaction Time |
2015 | Waste to Watts II |
2015 | Water for the Thirsty World |
2015 | Water Quality |
2015 | Watercress Cleans Toxic Chemicals From Waterways |
2015 | Watt a Waste: Boundary Layer Effect + Axial Flux Generator = Clean Energy |
2015 | What Blocks WIFI signals |
2015 | What Garlic Components Can Inhibit Superbugs? |
2015 | What's the Drift? Where's the Drift? |
2015 | Which Beverage Causes the Most Tooth Erosion? |
2015 | Who knew being "dense" could be better! Mysteries of what the brain hears Part 2 |
2015 | Wi-Tricity |
2015 | Wildfires - Protect Your Home! |
2015 | Wind Turbine Energy |
2015 | Wind Warping |
2015 | Worm Grub |
2015 | X-treme Body Fuel |
2015 | Youth, Vitamin D and Activity - What's The Connection? |
2015 | Zip'N'Clean |
2015 | “The Strength of Dogs' Olfactory System Among Different Breeds”. |
2014 | "Eye" See It! |
2014 | "FISH"ing for Fatty Acids |
2014 | A Better Wind Turbine - The C Airfoil |
2014 | A Computational Analysis of Multiple Sclerosis: A Novel Diagnostic Procedure |
2014 | A Fractal World |
2014 | A Smarter Case |
2014 | A Sticky Situation |
2014 | A Study on Drop Damage and Durability Improvements to Smartphones |
2014 | A Thaw-ful Situation: A Freezing Apparatus for Experimental Permafrost Failure |
2014 | Achats san$ bon « sens » |
2014 | Acid Snow |
2014 | Addressing Forgetfulness as a Contributor to Inactivity: A Text Message Solution |
2014 | Agricultural Antiperspirants: Controlling Stomata using Hygroscopic Compounds |
2014 | AlgEYE: Automation of Algal Hydrogen Production |
2014 | Algorithm for Improved Cooking Time and Temperature Estimation |
2014 | Alpaca Power: Environmentally Friendly |
2014 | An Innovative Approach to Multi-core Processor Interconnection Networks |
2014 | Analyzing Changes in Bacterial Communities in Microbial Fuel Cells |
2014 | Ancient Knowledge - Modern Approach |
2014 | Anti-Aging and UV Protection: Dandelion is the Answer |
2014 | Antimicrobial Properties in Evergreen Tree Leaves |
2014 | APParel APPeal |
2014 | Applying Science to Super Mario |
2014 | Aqua Pura 2 - Water Purification With Household Materials |
2014 | Aquaponics |
2014 | Asafoetida: The Miracle Herb |
2014 | Au rythme de l'haptique |
2014 | Au-delà de Pasteur |
2014 | Augmenting Solar Energy: Application of Thermoelectric Effect on Photovoltaics |
2014 | Autonomous Landmine Detection System |
2014 | Avez-vous laissé des traces? |
2014 | Bacteria in Ice |
2014 | Bicycle Physics: What Gear? |
2014 | Bioremediation |
2014 | Boys Are Gross |
2014 | Breathe! A Study of Vital Lung Capacity in Singers and Non-Singers |
2014 | C'est tout dans la tête... Le Phénomène de Placebo |
2014 | Calf's First Drink |
2014 | Can My Self-Formulated Fish Food Provide a Sustainable Ecosystem? |
2014 | Can Popular Acne Treatments Stimulate or Exacerbate Cancer Growth? |
2014 | Can we Improve the Quality of H20 in 3rd World Countries |
2014 | Can We Use Plants to Control the Amount of Phosphorus in Lake Winnipeg? |
2014 | Can You Boost EL4 Cells to Fight AIDS? |
2014 | Can You Hear Me Now? Effectiveness of Non-Electronic Bone Conduction Hearing Aid |
2014 | Can You Hear What I Hear? The Relationship Between Loudness, Frequency & Volume |
2014 | Canine Feline Halitosis Part One |
2014 | Catch of the Day |
2014 | Catching Bullets |
2014 | Cellphone Distractions: A Response-Time Analysis |
2014 | Cérès : le drone agricole |
2014 | Chemlogic: A Logic Programming Computer Chemistry System |
2014 | Clean and Green Polystyrene |
2014 | Co-Cultivation of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria and Yeast for Biofuel Production |
2014 | Coffee: Does Garcinia cambogia Assist in Weight Loss? |
2014 | Cold Cuts: A Cooled Cutting Board Using Peltier Technology |
2014 | Cold Feet? |
2014 | Colour in Advertising, Does it Really Matter? |
2014 | Computers Can Learn Too |
2014 | Concentrated Photovoltaic Thermoelectric Hybrid Systems (C.P.T.H.) |
2014 | Connais-tu tes tables? |
2014 | Controlling HDR5: The H2S Detecting Rover 5 |
2014 | Coronavirus tue les neurones |
2014 | Coup de cœur : garde le rythme |
2014 | Crème! Que ça pique! |
2014 | Cruising Without Bruising |
2014 | Curry Cures |
2014 | Cycling Safety Matters |
2014 | De-icing Light Aircraft |
2014 | Death Rays |
2014 | Deciding the Point: A New Curling Measuring Stick Revealed |
2014 | Deciphering Recycling |
2014 | Decomposition of Fast Food vs Homemade Food |
2014 | Denaturing DNA: Using Common Transcription Factors to Reprogram Cells |
2014 | Depression |
2014 | Detecting cyber-bullying through data mining |
2014 | Detection of Antibiotic Resistant E. coli in Retail Meat |
2014 | Determining the Potency of Various Biological Products Against F. graminearum |
2014 | Development Of A Novel Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin Based Treatment For HIV |
2014 | Diabetes in the Mi'kmaq Population, Why Such High Rates? |
2014 | Dietary Approaches to Improve Heart Function in Obesity-Associated Heart Failure |
2014 | Distractions and Driving Don't Mix |
2014 | Do Light Bulbs Have A Dark Side |
2014 | Do Pigs Prefer Porridge? |
2014 | Do You Feel the Burn? |
2014 | Do You Know About Cancer-Killing Natural Solutions? |
2014 | Does Light Cause Crime? |
2014 | Does smell affect memory? |
2014 | Does the Ocean Have a Beat? |
2014 | Does the stimulus of the modern chair elicit a sedentary response? |
2014 | Does Your Wood Have Gas? |
2014 | Early Cancer Detection: A Fluorescence-Based Approach |
2014 | Eco Melt |
2014 | Effect of Green Tea and Fish Oils as Novel Treatments for Cardiac Hypertrophy |
2014 | Effect of Oregano Oil on Broiler Chicken Production & Coliform Bacteria Levels |
2014 | Effects of Acid/Base Solutions on Knightia Fossils and Taphonomy of Descendants |
2014 | Effects of Folic Acid on Cells |
2014 | Effects of Music on Different Activities |
2014 | Effects of Music on Driving |
2014 | Efficient Lighting Options vs. The Banned Incandescent |
2014 | Enhancing Conceptual Memory by Sleep Learning Part II |
2014 | Enlightening Plant Growth |
2014 | Environmental Impact of Shifting Consumer Hygiene Trends |
2014 | Environmental Influences on the Mutational Landscape of the Mouse Genome |
2014 | Evaluating Therapeutic Potential of Lactobacillus and Aspartame on Cancer Cells |
2014 | Exploring Cellular Automata Music |
2014 | Exploring Piezoelectricity |
2014 | F.E.R.E.C: A Fuel for the Future |
2014 | FAE1 gene markers for identification of high erucic acid Brassica napus plants |
2014 | Feeding the Bumblebees: Analysis of Fatty Acids from Peace River Pollen |
2014 | Feeding, Fueling and Forging the Future |
2014 | Fermentation of thin stillage for biofuel production by Clostridium thermocellum |
2014 | Fertilizer Fiasco: Is Denitrification the Answer? |
2014 | Fertilizer from Flue: Carbon Capture and Storage using Activated Charcoal |
2014 | Fight Fire with Fire |
2014 | Fight the Bite - Will they Choose Dark or Light? |
2014 | Finding the Sweet Spot: the Violin-Player-Listener System |
2014 | Fishing for Microplastics |
2014 | Flood Water Purification at Home |
2014 | Flu Vaccine - The Benefits Outweigh the Risks |
2014 | Follow In My Footsteps: Discovering the Personality Profile of a Conformist |
2014 | Forcing for Climate Change? Computational Modelling of Earth's Climate Systems |
2014 | Fracturing Our Future |
2014 | Free Energy: Part 2 |
2014 | Free-Space Laser Communication |
2014 | From Lignin to Bioplastics! |
2014 | Frustration Revealed: Biofeedback |
2014 | Gaia's Horn of Plenty - Is Seed Harvesting The Answer? |
2014 | Gas Eaters |
2014 | Gauchers recherchés |
2014 | Gaudy Grammar |
2014 | Gene(s) that Allow Tigriopus californicus to Survive Under Thermal Stress |
2014 | Geographical Data I/O |
2014 | Go With The Flow: Benzoquinone-Fulvic Acid-NaCl Flow Battery |
2014 | Golden Music: The Golden Ratio in Musical Compositions |
2014 | Great Jeans or Great Genes |
2014 | Green Gold: Phytoremediation of the Long Lake Gold Mine |
2014 | Greening the Blue Skies: Reducing Induced Drag From Trailing Vortices |
2014 | Handsfree Distractions |
2014 | Happy Gilmore : fait ou fiction? |
2014 | Harnessing Wind Energy for Use in an Automobile |
2014 | Harpoons |
2014 | Hay Aliens |
2014 | Heart Beats 4 Music |
2014 | Heat Recovery System: New Snow Melt Solution |
2014 | Heat Recovery Ventilators: Alternative Benefits |
2014 | Hémodialyse sans gain |
2014 | Herbful Herbs: Analyzing The Effectivity Of Herbs To Neutralize Pathogens |
2014 | Here Comes The Sun |
2014 | Hidden Bacteria |
2014 | Hit or Miss: The Science of Distracted Driving |
2014 | Household Plants, the New Air Purifiers |
2014 | How are Microorganisms Useful to Humans? Part 2 |
2014 | How Crude is Your Oil? Comparing the Toxicity of Light and Heavy Crude Oil |
2014 | How Sizes of Sound Holes in Acoustic Instruments Affect Volume Projection |
2014 | Hypertos Operating System |
2014 | I - Power - My - Pod |
2014 | iControl |
2014 | Identification and Functional Properties of Phosphorylation Sites on Scleraxis |
2014 | Identification of FtsW Lipid II Flippase Inhibitors using Computational Virtual |
2014 | Implications of Dreissenid Mussel Death and Degradation on Water Quality |
2014 | Increasing The Bioavailability Of Curcumin: A Novel Treatment for Cancer |
2014 | Inhibiting Fructose Transport |
2014 | Intelligent Intersection |
2014 | Interactions Between Plant Hormones and Nutrients in Relation to Plant Growth |
2014 | Inuit Games: A Study in Injury |
2014 | Investigating Protein Aggregation States in AD and TBI using CSM |
2014 | Investigating the Correlation Between CDK5RAP2 and NSCLC |
2014 | Investigating the Leidenfrost Effect on the Hydrodynamic Efficiency of a Ship |
2014 | Investigation of Wind Turbine Blades with Tubercles |
2014 | Ionization and Separation of Cations and Anions from Inorganic Compound KI |
2014 | Iron Ladies |
2014 | Is Bigger the Better? |
2014 | Is Radioactively Contaminated Seafood Being Sold in Canadian Grocery Stores? |
2014 | iScan |
2014 | Island Invaders |
2014 | It's Ear-resistible! |
2014 | iWriter: A Novel Method of Communication for ALS Patients |
2014 | Jocks, Girdles and Guards - A Dilatant Anomaly! |
2014 | Killer Pain Killers |
2014 | Kinetic Advantage |
2014 | Knot Again |
2014 | L'absorption d'eau en utilisant l'hydrogel |
2014 | L'essence écologique |
2014 | L'exposition au froid et le diabète |
2014 | La dextérité, un univers de complexité! |
2014 | La fibre alternative |
2014 | La logique digitale |
2014 | La plus grosse boule de neige! |
2014 | La qualité de l'eau |
2014 | La ruée VERT l'or |
2014 | La théorie du ballon-panier |
2014 | Labourer : est-ce préserver? |
2014 | Le moteur SymBioZ |
2014 | Le sens du cœur |
2014 | Le somnambulisme |
2014 | Le son brillant |
2014 | Lending a Helping Arm |
2014 | Les brises-glace |
2014 | Les phytoplasmes chez la graine |
2014 | Life in a Dish |
2014 | Linear vs. Logarithmic Changes: What Works Best for Human Senses? |
2014 | Lourds vs légers |
2014 | Magic Maple Manipulation |
2014 | Magnetorheological Fluid: Can It Save Us From Earthquakes? |
2014 | Manie.COM |
2014 | Mass transfer: A treatment for heart disease? |
2014 | Math = Ca$h |
2014 | Metabolism: The Achilles Heel of Prostate Cancer? |
2014 | Microbes In Makeup |
2014 | Microbial Fuel Cells |
2014 | Microfilters: Harnessing Twitter For Disaster Management |
2014 | MOAP-1 as a Regulator of Inflammation in the Colon |
2014 | Monitoring Medication Adherence: Part 1 |
2014 | MonitorMe - The Internet of Living Things |
2014 | mRNA Injection for Cleft Palate |
2014 | Multi-tasking with Technology: Does it Affect Student Learning? |
2014 | Mummy in the Maze |
2014 | Musical Eggs |
2014 | NANO: Enhancing The Performance of A Solar Collector With Nanofluids |
2014 | NanoPower |
2014 | Need Spellcheck? |
2014 | New Algorithms for Approximating Logarithms With k-th Order |
2014 | Ni'n Ketu L'nuisi |
2014 | Nicotine Overkill? |
2014 | Non-Binary Data Storage |
2014 | Now You See It, Now You Don't |
2014 | Nutrients In, RFOs Out |
2014 | Oil RiDD'rs: Fully Biodegradable Booms for Oil Spill Recovery and Containment |
2014 | On The Mark |
2014 | One Little Cell, A World of Possibilities |
2014 | Open-Source, Breath-Controlled Robotics for Prosthetic Applications |
2014 | Operating Chamber as Prevention to Surgical Site Infection |
2014 | Où va votre argent? |
2014 | Ped-E-Board |
2014 | Peltier Power: Scavenging Heat From Solar Panels to Generate Electricity |
2014 | Pénurie d'eau potable à venir? |
2014 | Phage Busters |
2014 | Pharmaceutical Pollution and Plants |
2014 | Phosphate Filtration of Potato Wash Water |
2014 | Photodynamic Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (PACT) for Eradicating Mould Pathogens |
2014 | Photon Communicator |
2014 | Physics of a Curveball |
2014 | Picture This!: A Novel Approach to Limb Donor Identification & Prosthetic Design |
2014 | Pitch Please! |
2014 | Plowing: Spring or Fall |
2014 | Poisonous Gases: Is Your Home at Risk? |
2014 | Poo Power |
2014 | Power of Suggestion |
2014 | Prevalence and Consequences of GNA13 Mutations in PMBCL |
2014 | Prevalence of Neuropsychiatric Disorders in Patients with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome |
2014 | Prisonniers de la toile |
2014 | Producing Value-Added Biomaterials from Lignocellulosic Waste |
2014 | Progression of Intevertebral Disc Degeneration in Mice Lacking Expression of CCN |
2014 | Project SP |
2014 | Prototype for the teaching of Physics (CANICATRÓN) |
2014 | Pump It! |
2014 | Quantitative Analysis of Circulating Tumor Cells in Prostate Cancer Patients |
2014 | Quel âge ont vos oreilles? |
2014 | Quel est le meilleur désinfectant? |
2014 | Qui a brisé mon Jell-O? |
2014 | Quorum sensing: A novel approach for identifying anti-microbial herbal plants |
2014 | Radiation Abomination |
2014 | Red Apple - Green Apple |
2014 | Reducing Populations of Lymnae stagnalis Part II |
2014 | S.A.F.E. |
2014 | Safe Pulling: Safer Than Ever |
2014 | Searching for Joules |
2014 | Searching for Sails |
2014 | Sensing Beyond the Way |
2014 | Severe Tornado Outbreaks: Finding Mechanical and Thermodynamic Relationships |
2014 | Shade is Cool |
2014 | Shocking! |
2014 | Simulating the Evolution of the Hyades Star Cluster |
2014 | Ski Wax: Can We Do Better? |
2014 | Skin Cells to Bone Marrow |
2014 | Slurp! |
2014 | Small Particles, a Big Effect: Nanoparticles and Blood Cells |
2014 | Snow To Heat Sidewalks? |
2014 | Socks that Block! |
2014 | Solar Steam Generator |
2014 | Solution Stirling |
2014 | Solvent-Based Cellulose Crystallinity Minimization to Improve Biofuel Production |
2014 | Spot On! How to Create an Appaloosa Llama |
2014 | Star in a Jar |
2014 | Storm Force Winds: The Optimization of Building Design |
2014 | Strength of an Electromagnet Phase 2 |
2014 | Student Behavior |
2014 | Study of Nitrates and Phosphates in the Fisher River |
2014 | Sugar Sugar Can it Kill Me |
2014 | Sustainable Smart Sanitizer |
2014 | T3Board - Anti-tendinitis keyless keyboard |
2014 | Targeting Glycolysis in Prostate Cancer Using ASO against MCT4 |
2014 | Tea Time |
2014 | Technological innovation means more radiation |
2014 | Telemetric Vest: Wearable Computing for Patient Welfare |
2014 | Testing Antimicrobial Properties within Animal Saliva |
2014 | Texting With Vodka |
2014 | That's Shocking |
2014 | The 5 Second Rule |
2014 | The Ants Go Marching None By None |
2014 | The Bouba Kiki Effect |
2014 | The Calculated Crisis |
2014 | The Effect of Water Contaminants on the Germination of Radish Seeds |
2014 | The Effects of Body Mass Index and Weight Loss on Pulmonary Blood Pressure |
2014 | The Effects of Oil Spills on Marine Wildlife |
2014 | The Friendly Fire-Retardant |
2014 | The Fuel Cycle of the Future Part 2 |
2014 | The Girl with Half a Brain |
2014 | The Green Sticker |
2014 | The Heinous Carcinus maenas |
2014 | The HMSD: A Novel Aid for the Visually Impaired |
2014 | The Musician's Toolbox |
2014 | The Physics Of Curling |
2014 | The Piano Tuner's Dilemma |
2014 | The PipeLime: a Novel Solution to CO2 Emissions from Cars |
2014 | The Science of Music: Studying the Relationship between Musical Enjoyment and... |
2014 | The Sugar Rollercoaster |
2014 | The Time-Integral of Distance: Uncovering A New Property of Fundamental Physics |
2014 | The Turbo-Eco Cookstove Plus: Improving Living Conditions in Developing Nations |
2014 | The UDrink Project |
2014 | The Ugly Truth |
2014 | The Vitamin A Metabolite: The Embryonic Development of L. stagnalis |
2014 | Thrival or Survival |
2014 | Throttling a Two Stroke Engine Through Crankcase Compression |
2014 | Tiens-toi droit! |
2014 | To Chew or Not to Chew? |
2014 | To Grow or Not To Grow |
2014 | To Kill a Mockingbug |
2014 | To Paraben or Not to Paraben? |
2014 | To Steep, Or Not To Steep |
2014 | Tolérance à la douleur |
2014 | Torsion Core "Plywood" |
2014 | Trendsetter |
2014 | Trouble in Paradise: Can shell recycling help buffer ocean acidification? |
2014 | Turn It Up (Our Perception of Loudness) |
2014 | Twisted Carbon Fibre Aerogel: A Cellulose Based Hydrophobic Superabsorbent |
2014 | Ultrasonic Vision |
2014 | Un arbre de Noël dans les yeux |
2014 | Un dentifrice ingénieux |
2014 | Un moment, s.v.p. |
2014 | Un nouveau test d'analyse du syndrome d'Asperger |
2014 | Un remède au cancer? |
2014 | Uncovering The Truth About Coal Dust in South Delta |
2014 | Under The Weather |
2014 | Undivided Attention |
2014 | Une idée brillante |
2014 | Unimpaired |
2014 | Unlocking the Geology of Mars |
2014 | Up in Flames |
2014 | Urtica Dioica: Effect on Locomotor Function in a Drosophila Model of Chronic... |
2014 | Using the Literacy Cube to Model Student Fluency, Comprehension and Numeracy |
2014 | Vast Waste to Watts Taste |
2014 | VAVI: Virtual Aid for the Visually Impaired |
2014 | Veggie Plastics |
2014 | Veggie-Ponics: Growing Above the Call of Duty |
2014 | Visual and Molecular Detection of Blackleg in Canola |
2014 | Vitamin C |
2014 | Waste to Water: Biodegrading Naphthenic Acids with Novel Sand Filter Bioreactors |
2014 | Water Source of Springs in Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park |
2014 | Watered by the Sun |
2014 | Wave Pendulum |
2014 | What a Dam Problem |
2014 | What Colour Was That? |
2014 | What Goes Down, Must Come Up... Or Does It? |
2014 | What is the H. pylori Asso. Disease Burden in a N. Canadian Aboriginal Community |
2014 | What Makes Ice Melt the Fastest? |
2014 | What's The Buzz? Your Future Hearing Loss |
2014 | Which is Better? |
2014 | Which Liquid Causes Tooth Decay The Fastest? |
2014 | Which rabbit food results in the best weight gain for young rabbits? |
2014 | Who Can Find a Four Leaf Clover? |
2014 | Who do you trust? |
2014 | Who knew being 'dense' could be better! The Mystery of what the brain 'hears' |
2014 | Why My F# Sounds Different From Yours: The Fingerprints of Musical Instruments |
2014 | Wi-Fried: The Effect of Wi-Fi on Plant Growth |
2014 | WiFi: Better Architecture for Better Reception |
2014 | Windows Allocation Unit Size: Measuring Speed Differences Between Block Sizes |
2014 | Winnipeg Road Treatments |
2014 | Wood Fuels My Car |
2014 | You Throw Like A Girl |
2014 | Your Attention, Please! |
2014 | You’re Hot and You’re Cold: Using the Seebeck Effect to Produce Usable Energy |
2013 | 175,000 tons: Can it just disappear? |
2013 | A BAC platform for engineering oncolytic reovirus |
2013 | A Compost Cure for Cold Canadian Climates |
2013 | A Holistic Treatment for Recurring Cystitis |
2013 | A Mechanical Sunflower that Turns With The Sun |
2013 | A Sindbis Virus short-hairpin RNA Screen to Increase Virus Replication in Cancer |
2013 | A Star in the Hands of Humanity |
2013 | A Stressful Story: The Knee! |
2013 | A System for the Passive Modification of the Wavelength of Light in a Greenhouse |
2013 | A Unique Mouse Model to Understand Human Disease Progression from MDS to AML |
2013 | A.R.O.C Anti-Rollover Car |
2013 | Achieving Accuracy in SMBG |
2013 | Advanced Aerodynamic Aircraft Wing System |
2013 | Advanced Recreational Aircraft Design |
2013 | Age of the Phage 2.0 |
2013 | Air Vortex Machine |
2013 | Airport Ice Protection... Helping the environment take off or crash & burn? |
2013 | Algae: The Biofuel of the Future? |
2013 | Alternative essentielle II |
2013 | An Analysis of Bacteria on Drinking Fountains |
2013 | An Arm For An Arm |
2013 | An Efficient Solution to Free Hot Water |
2013 | Anohcītwāwin ēkwa nēhiyawītwāwin “intoh-pahkēkin ēkwa pahkēkin |
2013 | Another One Bites the Dust - Part 2 |
2013 | Antimicrobial and Cytotoxicity Activity of Centella asiatica |
2013 | Antioxidants Induce Severe Death to Human Normal Cells |
2013 | Aqua Pura: Water Purification with Household Materials |
2013 | Arduino Based Medical Emergency Response System |
2013 | Arrow Plastic Synthesis and Biodegradation |
2013 | Arsenic in Produce: Part II |
2013 | Asbestos in Swift Creek |
2013 | Assessing Environmental Toxicities: Amphibians as Bioindicators |
2013 | Atlast A Proper Controller |
2013 | ATV Forklift |
2013 | Autism Awareness |
2013 | Automatic CPR Device |
2013 | Automating the Diagnosis of Heart Conditions |
2013 | Autopsie d’une extinction |
2013 | Bacteria Hysteria |
2013 | Balloon Warming |
2013 | Bench the Bacteria: A Radical Sanitizing System |
2013 | Biochar in the Soil |
2013 | Biochar Optimization for Plant Growth |
2013 | Biodiesel Production Can Be a Fishy Business |
2013 | Biogas from Biomass - Producing Energy From Waste Organic Material |
2013 | Black Ice |
2013 | Black Ice Vehicle Detector |
2013 | Bottling |
2013 | Brain Candy: The Influence Of Stimulation On Your Cognitive Brain Function |
2013 | Brighten the Taste |
2013 | Building a Better Horseshoe |
2013 | Building a Biomass Gasifier to Achieve an Alternative Energy Solution |
2013 | Building a Hydraulic Animatron |
2013 | Building a Low-Cost Semimicro Balance |
2013 | Building the Canadian Arctic |
2013 | Burning Water: H2O into HHO |
2013 | Ça pousse dans le JELL-O! |
2013 | Can Horses Recognize Colour? |
2013 | Can Imodium Affect Glioma? |
2013 | Can the Big 5 Test Predict Belbin’s Team Roles? |
2013 | Carbohydrate Selection for Diet Management, Weight Control, and Disease Prevention |
2013 | Casiers bondés de homards |
2013 | Catalase and detoxification |
2013 | Cellulosic Ethanol: Energy for the Future! |
2013 | Characterizing RNF20 and RNF40 in Class Switching of B Cells |
2013 | Charge |
2013 | ChewGlu |
2013 | Chlorella Can Cure: “Eat it, Beat it” |
2013 | Clean Copper |
2013 | Clean-All Pt.2 |
2013 | Coloured Cups of Cocoa |
2013 | Commercial Mouth Rinses: Oral Cleansers or Filling Degraders? |
2013 | Controlling Telerobots over the Web using Natural User Interface (Kinect) |
2013 | Copper Stopper: The Antibacterial Police |
2013 | Coral Growth Under Artificial Light Sources |
2013 | Crater Morphology as an Indicator of Martian Subsurface Ice |
2013 | Cruise Control 2.0 |
2013 | Deadly Fumes That Kill Legumes |
2013 | Deicing by Design |
2013 | Des protéines et des plantes! |
2013 | Des regards dans l’obscurité |
2013 | Destination Deactivation |
2013 | Development of an Aptamer-based MRI Contrast Agent for Thrombin Detection |
2013 | Diabetes in Indo-Canadians |
2013 | Diabetes in the Mi’kmaq Population - Why such high rates? |
2013 | Dim or Bright? Do Two Different Light Bulbs Always Have the Same Order of Brightness? |
2013 | Disease in Disguise |
2013 | Distracted Driving |
2013 | Divided We Fade, United We Cure!!! |
2013 | Does Armouring Protect or Harm Our Beaches? |
2013 | Does Brand Name Matter? |
2013 | Does Turmeric Enhance the Regeneration of Planaria maculata? |
2013 | Does Wet or Dry Food Pick Up More Bacteria |
2013 | Don’t Bug Me - Viral and Bacterial Infections |
2013 | Don’t Let It In! |
2013 | Don’t Let It Out! |
2013 | Double Bubble, Boil and Trouble |
2013 | Double Slit Experiment |
2013 | Douleur et distraction |
2013 | Dreissenid Mussels – Nutrient Bio-accumulators |
2013 | Drinking Water: An Environmental Filtration System Part 2 |
2013 | Drums |
2013 | Ease Your Workout with Electrolytes |
2013 | Eating Disorders |
2013 | Effect of Differential Molecular Weight Proteins in Rescue of Oxidative Damage |
2013 | Effect of Soft Tissue on Torsional and Compressional Strength of Porcine Spines |
2013 | Effects of Coconut Oil on Alzheimer’s Disease |
2013 | Effects of Folic Acid on Senescence and Migration of HeLa Cells |
2013 | Effects of Language Fluency and Priming: An EEG Study |
2013 | Efficacy of Inhibitors In Cataract Suppression |
2013 | Efficient Wastewater Denitrification using Simultaneous Bacterial Degradation |
2013 | EffiClasse : l’école du futur |
2013 | Egg Shells = No Bacteria |
2013 | Eggshells: Simple, Practical, Cost Efficient Remedy to Address Cadmium Pollution |
2013 | Électricité statique |
2013 | Electro-Grow |
2013 | Electrolytes in Drinks |
2013 | Ellagic Acid Selectively Inhibits Cardiotoxic Effects of Chemotherapy Drug |
2013 | Emerging Fusarium chemotypes: Threats to Crop Production |
2013 | En Garde: Fencing Dummy Fights Back |
2013 | Enhancing Conceptual Memory by Sleep Learning |
2013 | Enhancing Demographic and Path-Based Analysis Using 3D Video Content Analysis |
2013 | Environmental Distribution of Giardia and Cryptosporidium |
2013 | Est-ce que la couleur de vos yeux affecte la vision dans la noirceur? |
2013 | Ethanol - The Next Generation |
2013 | Evading Erosion: Which Plants Are Effective at Controlling Shoreline Erosion? |
2013 | Exercise for an Embryo! |
2013 | Expected Progeny Differences |
2013 | Eyes, Ears and Memories |
2013 | eyeScale: A Food Recognition System |
2013 | Fabulous Fingerprints |
2013 | Factors That Affect Flourescence |
2013 | Fatal Factors |
2013 | Feel The Burn - The Truth |
2013 | Fire, Cease-fire |
2013 | Fishy Filters: Reducing Phosphorus Levels in Lakes & Rivers in Central Ontario |
2013 | Flame On |
2013 | Flexural and Flammability Properties of Straw-Plastic Composites |
2013 | Fractura Fibula |
2013 | Free Energy |
2013 | Free Fall |
2013 | Freshwater Flow Effects On Cleanup of Potential Oil Spills |
2013 | From Cosmic Rays: Matter and Anti-Matter |
2013 | Frost Buster |
2013 | Fully Biodegradable Adsorbent Pads to Clean Small Scale Marine Oil Spills |
2013 | Fun in the Sun! Increasing Grätzel Cell Efficiency Using Diatom Frustules |
2013 | Gauche ou droite... utilise-t-on notre côté dominant? |
2013 | Gene Therapy for Epilepsy |
2013 | Germ Killer |
2013 | Get Your Vote On! |
2013 | Going Dotty: The Distribution and Effects of Rust on Highbush Cranberry |
2013 | Gosh, My House Keeps Moving! |
2013 | Greasy Situation |
2013 | Green Against Green: Bio-herbicides |
2013 | Grey is the new Green |
2013 | Groundeffect Aircrafts: Is it a more energy efficient way to travel? |
2013 | Grow-option |
2013 | H2O: A Novel Energy Source |
2013 | H2S turns flowering energy to growing new leaves |
2013 | He Huffed, He Puffed |
2013 | Healing With Resin |
2013 | HeaLit |
2013 | Heated Header-Aches |
2013 | Heating it Up! Finding the Specific Solution |
2013 | High Efficiency Solar Thermal Collector |
2013 | Hit Me With Your Best Shot |
2013 | Hit The Ground Running |
2013 | Hockey and Bacteria Share the Same Bag |
2013 | Hold On to Your Hats! |
2013 | Honey, I bought some of the new soap; it’s called Rum |
2013 | Hot or Cold? |
2013 | How are Microorganisms Useful to Humans? |
2013 | How Does Your Olla Grow? |
2013 | How Fast Does Your Ride Glide? |
2013 | How Music Affects Learning Ability in Teenagers |
2013 | How Pop Affects Blood Sugar? |
2013 | How Strong are your Clothes? |
2013 | How Temperature Affects a Golf Ball |
2013 | Hull of a Good Design |
2013 | Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis |
2013 | I Shine Not Burn - Bioluminescence |
2013 | I Swear to Tell the Truth |
2013 | iAid: A Novel Navigation Device for the Visually Impaired |
2013 | Identification of Novel Anti-Microbial Compounds in Curcuma amada |
2013 | Impact of Greywater on Plants |
2013 | Improved Methods for Robotic Eye Surgery |
2013 | Improved Robotic Watering System |
2013 | Improving Painless Fillings In The Developing World |
2013 | Improving The Conservational Efforts of the Galapagos Islands |
2013 | Inflammation in Pancreatic Islets: Contribution of Islet Macrophages |
2013 | Innovative Building Solutions |
2013 | Insulating Properties of Seal Fur, Fat, & Meat |
2013 | Intellectual Interference |
2013 | Interior Layer Deposits in Capri Chasma on Mars |
2013 | Is WiFi safe in schools? Making sense of the debate |
2013 | Is Your Water Pure? |
2013 | Jammed Up! Investigating a Universal Jamming Gripper |
2013 | Just The Right Light-An Investigation Using Bright/Dark Illumination Principles |
2013 | Kinectricity: The Road to Change |
2013 | Knowledge |
2013 | Kraft Lignin: A Novel Solution to Oil Spill Recovery using Industrial Waste |
2013 | La course du géant vert |
2013 | La meilleure quantité de lumière par jour pour les plantes |
2013 | La science du patinage de vitesse courte piste |
2013 | Lace It Up |
2013 | Langage, histoire d’enfants? |
2013 | Le son qui nous guide |
2013 | Le statut des réseaux sociaux |
2013 | Le tabagisme et la capacité fonctionnelle respiratoire |
2013 | Le taux de mercure dans l’omble de fontaine |
2013 | Left or Right? |
2013 | Les bactéries : chien vs humain |
2013 | Les colonies avec et sans Arsenophonus |
2013 | Les plantes : sont-elles des thermomètres? |
2013 | Les Télomères |
2013 | Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow! |
2013 | Lève mes ailes |
2013 | Light My Fire |
2013 | Lignin: Thermal Insulation |
2013 | Limites Biomatériaux? |
2013 | Long Term Effects of Hyper Gravity on Plant Growth |
2013 | Look Out! |
2013 | L’électricité au robinet |
2013 | L’énergie bleue |
2013 | L’identité de Cengiz |
2013 | Machine Vision |
2013 | Magnetic Motor Phase 2: Proving Efficiencies |
2013 | Maison écolo |
2013 | Marc de café, marre de jeter! |
2013 | MARTHA: Medication Automated Reminder Technological Health Assistant |
2013 | Massive Energy |
2013 | Meal Metamorphosis |
2013 | Medicines from Sea Squirts |
2013 | Micro-Matter, Macro-Mystery |
2013 | Mind Your Caffeine |
2013 | Minute Mania |
2013 | MIPE: Microprocessor with Integrated Programmable Execution units |
2013 | Mitochondrial Dysfunction as a Factor in the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease |
2013 | Mon toit à l’air propre |
2013 | Money Down The Drain: Mastitis in Dairy Cattle |
2013 | Multitâche, est-ce le temps que tu lâches? |
2013 | Muscle + Determination = Vitesse |
2013 | Music: Harmful or Helpful |
2013 | New compound MnO2+PPy increases redox reactions to improve capacitive behaviour |
2013 | Nick of Time |
2013 | Nitrogen: The gas that saves you money? |
2013 | Nomadic Furniture |
2013 | Nu ou non? |
2013 | Nyctalopia - Out of the Darkness |
2013 | Of Prime Importance - Testing For Prime And Composite Numbers |
2013 | Oil in the Undergrowth |
2013 | Oil: Floral Suffocation |
2013 | Opposites Make a Powerful Difference |
2013 | Ouïr pour vivre |
2013 | Overproduction of Reactive Oxygen Species: A Principal Cause of Cancer |
2013 | Particulates MATTER: Can a catalyst prevent PM from going up in smoke? |
2013 | Pawfect Solution |
2013 | Pergélisol : bombe climatique |
2013 | Phast Phalanges |
2013 | Piezoelectric Generator |
2013 | Plagiarism: How Much and Why? |
2013 | Plants and Carbon: A Love Story |
2013 | Plants That Bug Superbugs |
2013 | Poison-Us Puckers? |
2013 | Potential of Probiotics in the Treatment and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer |
2013 | Potentiels Atlantide |
2013 | Pour faire chuter les chutes! |
2013 | Pressure Points: A New Way To Manage Stress? |
2013 | Prévention de l’hypothyroïdie : un test simple et peu coûteux |
2013 | Project Unlike: A Novel Psychometric Screener to Quantify Facebook Overuse |
2013 | Protecting Our Fine Feathered Friends |
2013 | Prunus armeniaca: The Non-Toxic Shoreline Oil Spill Cleaner |
2013 | Pure Future Biodiesel II |
2013 | Purification of Indoor Air Through Absorption of Volatile Organic Compounds |
2013 | Qajaq Perceptions |
2013 | QR for the ER |
2013 | Quality of Water |
2013 | Quand un et un font trois! |
2013 | Quantifier le non quantifiable |
2013 | Rain, rain, go away! An examination of flooding in Thunder Bay |
2013 | Rain, Rain, Go Away: The Piezoelectric Roof Tile |
2013 | Rat Vocalization in Social Encounters |
2013 | Ray, Mel, and the Beanstalk! |
2013 | Reactive Oxygen Species and Cell Viability of Transfected Human Cardiac Myocytes |
2013 | Recherche sur les activités qui stimulent le cortex préfrontal |
2013 | Reduce, Recoil, Reload, Redone! |
2013 | Reducing E. coli From The Inside Out |
2013 | Reducing Populations of Lymnae stagnalis |
2013 | Reduction of Vibrations in Emergency Ski Patrol Toboggans |
2013 | REFLEX: The Auto Pilot |
2013 | Refracting Rays |
2013 | Résistance ou pestilence |
2013 | Rester réveillé! |
2013 | Revolutionary Texas Gate |
2013 | Rings of Time |
2013 | Rock, Paper, Keyboard |
2013 | Salted Soil and its Effects on Plant Growth |
2013 | Sanitation By Sun |
2013 | Saving the World - One Ligand at a Time: Novel Streptococcus pneumoniae Ligand |
2013 | Scum of The Earth |
2013 | See, Say, Do - A Plan to Improve Reading Comprehension in Young Readers |
2013 | Sensing the Way |
2013 | Shaking Up the Salt Intake |
2013 | Sign Language Translator: A Human Interface Device |
2013 | Silver Nano-Particle Therapy: A New Cure For Cancer |
2013 | Simulating The Formation and Evolution of Galactic Star Cluster Hyades |
2013 | Skeletal Muscle Inflammatory Cytokine Expression Predicts Metabolic Disease Risk |
2013 | Skype on Wheels |
2013 | Smart Scope: An Electronic Stethoscope Integrated with Smartphones |
2013 | Soap Busters - Finding Safer Soaps for Students and Schools! |
2013 | Solide? Liquide? ...Les deux? |
2013 | Sow With Gypsum; Grow With Gypsum |
2013 | Soybeans and Starch: A Bird’s Natural Hero |
2013 | Step Up The Power |
2013 | Storm Raider |
2013 | Storm Surge: The Catastrophic Wave Diminution System |
2013 | Strength Of An Electromagnet |
2013 | Stress and Social Media |
2013 | Subliminal Stimuli - Can You Be Subliminally Misled? |
2013 | Sudbury’s Toxic Soils and their Effects on Garden Vegetables |
2013 | Sugar in the Classroom - A Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Experiment |
2013 | Sunny Cells Up: Served Hot or Cold? |
2013 | Take A Pass On The Salt |
2013 | Targeting Slit-2 Robo Signaling as a Novel Therapy for Diabetic Nephropathy |
2013 | Tea Time! A Breast Cancer Treatment? Green tea + omega-3 effects on cell growth |
2013 | Tech Attack |
2013 | Testing Soil Quality At Little Saskatchewan Borne By The Spring Flooding Of 2011 |
2013 | Testing Streams |
2013 | Testing Water Quality at Little Saskatchewan FN Borne By The 2011 Spring Flooding |
2013 | The 5-Second Rule: Myth or Truth? |
2013 | The A Protector |
2013 | The Active ingredient Turmeric: the Double-Edged Sword |
2013 | The Anti-Diabetic Activity of Rosemary Through its inhibition of ~-glucosidase |
2013 | The Birth Order Connection |
2013 | The Coconut Factor |
2013 | The Cow Swatter |
2013 | The Effect of Color on Memory Retention |
2013 | The Effect of Temperature, Salinity and pH on Brine Shrimp Hatching Success |
2013 | The Effect of Various Vitamins and Free Radicals on Seed Germination |
2013 | The Effect of Various Wavelengths of Light on Yeast |
2013 | The Effects of Hypoxia on Embryonic Development |
2013 | The Effects of Music on Grade Five Students |
2013 | The EZ B Controlled Rover 5 Robot for Detecting H2S |
2013 | The F.I.R.S.T. Frame (Front Impact Reduction SysTem) for Commuter Bicycles |
2013 | The Future of Math Fact Mastery |
2013 | The Hairy Truth about Your Beauty Products! |
2013 | The Hollow Flashlight |
2013 | The Intelligent Adapter |
2013 | The Little Tube that Breathes Iron |
2013 | The Nose Knows |
2013 | The Perils of Texting in Class ... ;) |
2013 | The Spin Zone |
2013 | The Spots in the Lots |
2013 | The Stink of Cancer |
2013 | The Teeter Pump |
2013 | The use of Ca-alginate beads to remove heavy metal contamination from water |
2013 | The Vacuum Factor |
2013 | The X Factor - The Xylitol Advantage |
2013 | Theory of Flight |
2013 | They’ve Invaded! |
2013 | This Little Piggy Got Oregano |
2013 | Tire’d of Waste |
2013 | To Play or Not To Play - Act II |
2013 | Triple E: The Cattail Way! |
2013 | Tubercles on Sailboat Rudders: A Whale of an Idea? |
2013 | Turboréacteur turbocompressé |
2013 | Turning Forward |
2013 | tw-Lexa: A Social Media Analysis Algorithm |
2013 | Un effet phénolménal! |
2013 | Un gant pour malvoyants |
2013 | Under Pressure |
2013 | Une huile contre la scoliose! |
2013 | Une présence mortelle? |
2013 | Unlocking Apollo’s Suitcase |
2013 | Upcycling: The Pop Can Solar Heater |
2013 | Using a Gravity Well As A Simulation 2.0: Planets Orbiting a Binary Star System |
2013 | Using an ‘Infinite’ Energy Source to Disinfect Water |
2013 | Using? Substances & Chester Teens |
2013 | Utilizing Bioassays to Explore the Effects Mediated by Cigarette Butts on Plants |
2013 | UTUS : un système universel pour la stadification automatique du cancer |
2013 | Valorisation de la biomasse |
2013 | Variables of ppm, pH, and conductivity of Snow around Norman Wells, NWT |
2013 | Véleau |
2013 | Versatile Simulation Robot |
2013 | Volts ’n Dirt ...Hmm |
2013 | Water Works |
2013 | What’s The Better Insulation? |
2013 | What’s Under the Skin, The Human Cell, Components and Abnormalities |
2013 | Wild Diesel Destroyers |
2013 | Wind and Water Turbines for Fisher River: A Feasibility Study |
2013 | Wind Energy |
2013 | Wind Turbine Blade Design and Optimization |
2013 | Wind Turbine Efficiency: 2nd time around |
2013 | Wonders of Waste |
2013 | Would you like some mold with that? |
2013 | Write To An A+ |
2013 | You Can’t Beat Free Heat |
2013 | Your Privacy |
2013 | Zombie Cells: Fact or Fiction |
2013 | “Thing” The Robotic Arm |
2012 | "Pineing" for the Future |
2012 | "Shoe" Me the Haptic Way |
2012 | 6 Layer Density |
2012 | A Better Gripper |
2012 | A Change of Heart |
2012 | A Fibrous Answer to Oil Spills? |
2012 | À la rescousse de la vue |
2012 | A Novel Approach to Electromagnetic Bearing Systems |
2012 | A Novel Cold Cathode Source For Determining Lead Contamination |
2012 | A Novel Rooftop Wind Turbine for Convenient Residential Use |
2012 | A Novel Study Exploring Photothermal Therapy for Protein Denaturation in Cancer |
2012 | A Reliable, Portable, Monitoring Device for the Prevention of Accidental Drownin |
2012 | A River Runs Through It - Retrofitting the Urban Environment to Reduce Flooding |
2012 | A simple fruit fly behaviour assay to study the Circadian Effect |
2012 | A Slippery Situation |
2012 | A Sniff A Day, Let the Memory Stay!!! |
2012 | A Stirling Idea |
2012 | A Study of Hair |
2012 | A Study of the Leaf Striping in Barley |
2012 | A Turn for the Better |
2012 | Absorption des couches |
2012 | Adjustable Circular Cutter for Baseplates in the Ostomy Pouching System |
2012 | Age of the Phage |
2012 | Agent Aloe Vera: Its use in water purification |
2012 | Airborne Attack: Phase Two |
2012 | Algal Biofuels: A Greener Solution |
2012 | All Jacked Up |
2012 | All Shook Up: Liquefaction |
2012 | Allez vert en noir et blanc! |
2012 | Alternative Current: The Third World Electrical System |
2012 | Alternative Text Entry |
2012 | An EASy Way To Keep Your Valuables Out of Your Laundry |
2012 | An Efficient Solution to "Free" Hot Water |
2012 | An Iota of Colour on Io |
2012 | Another One Bites The Dust |
2012 | Antibiotic Activity in Oregano |
2012 | Arctic Offshore Drilling & Temperature Effects on Cleanup of Potential Oil Spill |
2012 | Are Two Drops of Water Alike? |
2012 | Are Yellow Traffic Light Times Set Correctly? |
2012 | Are You In Tune? |
2012 | Are You Sure? |
2012 | Articulating Qamutiq |
2012 | Attached to The Weather |
2012 | Attention and Vocal Attractiveness in Men and Women |
2012 | Automated Personal Trainer |
2012 | Autonomous Gamma and Beta Radiation Detection and Mapping Robot |
2012 | Bacteria vs the Common Cleaning Myths |
2012 | Bacterial Presence and Contamination of Washed Hands After Using Air Hand Dryers |
2012 | Balles de golf |
2012 | Bananiers : Un défi équatorien |
2012 | Battle of the Ecofridges: Traditional Zeer Pot vs. Scrap Metal Fridge |
2012 | BBs: Ballistics gone Bio |
2012 | Big or Small; Narrow or Wide: Text Presentation for Early Readers |
2012 | Biochar: A Low Cost Solution for Water Treatment Using Industrial Waste |
2012 | Bioethanol Research: Here Today, Here Tomorrow |
2012 | BioFabric |
2012 | BioHydrogen Fuel from Photosynthetic Bacteria: Studying Single Stage Reactors |
2012 | Bioindicators Reveal the Most Eco-Friendly Road Salt Part 2 |
2012 | Bioremédiation des nanotubes de carbone multiparois |
2012 | Bipolar Tesla Coil Theory |
2012 | Bisphenol A in Epoxy-Resin Lined Baby Formula Cans |
2012 | Block Those Rays! |
2012 | Boue = Electricite?! |
2012 | Bovine Artificial Insemination and Sexed Semen |
2012 | Break the Ice! How does ionic interference affect the strength of ice? |
2012 | Buildings in Earthquakes |
2012 | Buoyancy |
2012 | Callelo: a novel bioherbicide |
2012 | Can Antioxidants prevent free radical damage, and possibly extend life? |
2012 | Can I light a door knob? |
2012 | Can Tires Provide an Alternative to Furnace Oil? |
2012 | Can UV What Birds See? |
2012 | Can You Give Cleaning A Greener Meaning? |
2012 | Can You Hear Me? |
2012 | Can Your Diet Prevent Alzheimer's? The effects of Lysine on APP Processing |
2012 | Canada Post: Garbage Host |
2012 | Carbon Fingerprint |
2012 | Casting Call for Worms - A Sustainable Approach to Fertilizer |
2012 | Caution-Corrosive: Is This Your Water? |
2012 | CH3CH2OH-white latex paint as an antifouling agent |
2012 | Clean-All |
2012 | Code nhr-80 : Élixir de Jouvence |
2012 | Coil Guns |
2012 | Cold Play: What will keep the puck cold for the entire play? |
2012 | Color Changing Car |
2012 | Comment les aliments fonctionnels affectent-ils la consommation du glucose? |
2012 | Comparing Performances of Solar Photovoltaic Panels in Canada |
2012 | Comparison of Contemporary and Original Norms of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale |
2012 | Composite vs. Non-Composite Images |
2012 | Computational Methods for the Screening of Novel Neuraminidase Inhibitors |
2012 | Concussion Minimization |
2012 | Constructing an Infrared Camera Touchscreen |
2012 | Constructing Economical and Durable Rural Roads using Stabilized Soils |
2012 | Corresponding With the Brain |
2012 | Creative Capacity: Discovering the Education Path to Divergent Thinking |
2012 | Crush That Thrush |
2012 | Des douleurs me hantent! |
2012 | Detoxification of Jatropha oil-Cake from Phorbol esters |
2012 | DiagP53: un classificateur génétique pour le diagnostic du cancer du sein |
2012 | Differentiating the Potential for Injury between Hardball and Softball |
2012 | Discours des mots ou des maux? |
2012 | Distraction Factor |
2012 | Do Re Mi - The Effect of Auditory Stimuli on Memory |
2012 | Do You Feel Lucky? |
2012 | Do You Multitask? |
2012 | Do You Want Worms With That? |
2012 | Does An Electric Field Affect Plant Growth? |
2012 | Does H2O2 Grow Too? |
2012 | Dog's Eye View |
2012 | Don't Be a Melon Head! |
2012 | Don't Sweat It: Measuring Biofeedback |
2012 | Double Trouble:The Effects of Multitasking and the Dangers of Distracted Driving |
2012 | Dress to Impress! |
2012 | Drinking Water: An Environmental Filtration System |
2012 | Drying Laundry: Fast and Efficient! |
2012 | Du cacao pour une peau saine! |
2012 | E. Coli Be Gone |
2012 | Eau lala Bactéries à l'horizon |
2012 | Echolocation |
2012 | Eelgrass in Depth |
2012 | Eenie Meenie Miny Mo |
2012 | Effect of Cold Infared Lasers on Tree Seed Germination |
2012 | Effect of Curcumin on RSV Replication and Virus Induced Cytokine Production |
2012 | Effect of Distraction on Reaction |
2012 | Effects of Folic Acid on Cellular Senescence |
2012 | Electricity from Fluorescent Protein Solar Cells |
2012 | Electrolytes |
2012 | Énergie lunaire? un appareil unique pour capter l'énergie dans les marées |
2012 | Energy densities of fuels produced from plastic that has undergone thermal depol |
2012 | Enhancing Chemotherapy |
2012 | Enhancing the User-Immersive Experience with a Natural User Interface |
2012 | Enhancing Wetland Bioremediation |
2012 | Environmental Distribution of Giardia and Cryptosporidium |
2012 | Exhaustive Energy |
2012 | Experimental Grout |
2012 | Family Spines |
2012 | Feeding the Bees:A Seasonal Protein Analysis for Bumblebees of the Peace |
2012 | Fermented Wastes Rule and They Make... Fuel?! |
2012 | Feu dans la cuisine |
2012 | File ScanX |
2012 | Finding a Better Brain Booster |
2012 | Finding Cures for Childhood Brain Tumors |
2012 | Finding Natural Fire Retardant Solutions |
2012 | Fire Shield |
2012 | Fish Egg-xaggeration? FINS and the Cytochrome "B"arcode |
2012 | Flammability of Fabric |
2012 | Food for Thought: Diet and Behaviour for Autism |
2012 | Free Energy |
2012 | From Salicin to Aspirin:A Drug Story |
2012 | From Salted Streets to Salty Streams |
2012 | From Tank to Tap: Are Carcinogens Being Introduced into Piers Island Water? |
2012 | From The Ground Up Pt III |
2012 | Fruit Flavour: The Double Benefit of Aroma Volatile Treatments |
2012 | Fucus Has Mucus |
2012 | Fun in the Sun - Improving the Efficiency of Grätzel Cells |
2012 | Fur: Keeping the Heat! |
2012 | GeoAir |
2012 | Geotropism and Red Kidney Beans |
2012 | Get a Grip on It! |
2012 | Get into the Spirits Part II |
2012 | Girls...Get Moving! |
2012 | Go Green Be Clean |
2012 | Go Green or Grow Green |
2012 | Go with the Flow |
2012 | Gold Nanoparticles for Targeted Cancer Treatment |
2012 | Gone With The Wind Tunnel (testing for better ballistic missile design) |
2012 | Gravitational Energy |
2012 | Gravitational Growth? |
2012 | Gravito-Meissner Effect in Neutron Star Systems |
2012 | Green Cleanup |
2012 | Grow with the Flow |
2012 | Hand Sanitizers Creating Super Bugs |
2012 | Harvesting Free Energy |
2012 | Have we been doing it WRONG all along? |
2012 | Helping the Grain Industry: Developing a RT-PCR based purity test for Durum |
2012 | Hemispheric Dominance and School |
2012 | Here Today, Gone CO2morrow |
2012 | HockeyStrophique |
2012 | Homemade Biodiesel |
2012 | Horloge Internes |
2012 | Hot Rods: An Invention to Keep Hands Warm While Ice Fishing |
2012 | How Does Hot and Cold Effect the Bouncing of a Ball? |
2012 | How Much Bang for Your Puck? |
2012 | How Much Is This Going to Hurt? The Effect of Temperature on Paintballs |
2012 | How pure is it? |
2012 | Hypermobility: A Blessing or a Curse? |
2012 | I Put That...On Everything! |
2012 | I'm Lichen It! Biotic de-Stress Foliar Spray |
2012 | iBELT: Training the Ear to See! |
2012 | Identification of New Aurora Kinase Inhibitors: Treatment of Human Neuroblastoma |
2012 | Idle Free |
2012 | Immunofluorescence |
2012 | Improving Compliance to Lifesaving Medications |
2012 | Improving Ear Protection |
2012 | Infrared Black Ice Detector |
2012 | Innate Immune Responses to Oncolytic Virotherapy |
2012 | Interplanetary Shipping 3 |
2012 | Introvert or Extrovert? |
2012 | iPod Hydro Charger |
2012 | Is It Wise To Sanitize |
2012 | Isolation: quelle est la meilleure solution pour nos manteau? |
2012 | It's the Gear...Or Is It?: Modern Hockey Equipment and Concussions |
2012 | Jatropha Cucas Seed Cake as an Organic Fertilizer |
2012 | Je vois des étoiles |
2012 | Join the Resistance |
2012 | K-9 IQ "How Smart Is My Dog?" |
2012 | Keeping It Old School! |
2012 | Kippypult |
2012 | L'exercise: Est-ce qu'on en fait assez? |
2012 | L'opium du peuple |
2012 | La Dilatation Des Metaux |
2012 | La gravité et la lune. |
2012 | La Jeune Coopérative Purimax |
2012 | La nature à la rescousse! |
2012 | La question |
2012 | La quête de l'ombre jovienne |
2012 | La Suspension Magnétique |
2012 | La technologie et la vitesse: la différence entre les costumes de bain |
2012 | La théorie de la relativité : vraie ou fausse ? |
2012 | Le mystère de K5 |
2012 | Le Super E. Coli |
2012 | Les fractales: une nouvelle source d'inspiration musicale et scientifique |
2012 | Les Télomères et la Vieillesse |
2012 | Let's Cross That Bridge When We Come to It |
2012 | Let's make Some Noise . . . Or Not! |
2012 | Lighten the Pressure |
2012 | Magnetic Motor: Potential Clean Energy |
2012 | Magnets: Farm Tool of the Future Part 2 |
2012 | Magnolia: Effects on Breast Cancer Cells |
2012 | Making Biodiesel from Used Canola Oil |
2012 | Mate Selection: Drosophila Melanogaster |
2012 | Measuring Melodies: Does Pattern Predict Preference? |
2012 | Milk Replacer Metering and Mixing Station |
2012 | Mind blowing Heart thumping Finger Snapping . . . Gaming! |
2012 | Minds & Media: Does Screen Time Affect School Performance? |
2012 | Mixed Signals: Are the Synesthetes Among Us? |
2012 | More than Just Brushing |
2012 | Multitasking: Leave it to the Computer |
2012 | Muscles Make Speed |
2012 | Musical Modulations: The Modex Reloaded |
2012 | Musing on Music |
2012 | Mutagenic Meat |
2012 | Mycoremediation of the Oil Sands |
2012 | Myth Busters: Is There Arsenic in Our Water? |
2012 | Mythbusting Mouth Guards |
2012 | Nanocrystalline Cellulose: A Renewable Antioxidant |
2012 | Natural chelating agents cleaning our environment |
2012 | Natural or Conventional ? Does Mother Nature Provide? |
2012 | Novel Learning in the Brain: Insights from Neuroimaging & Augmentative Training |
2012 | Now ... Where Did I Put My Comb? |
2012 | O-O-O: Making it Last with Ozone |
2012 | Obtenir des camélines à forte teneur en huile et résistante à la jaunisse |
2012 | Oh No! Acid Rain down the Drain: Reducing the Harmful Effects of Acid Rain |
2012 | On My Whistle: A Command System for Hearing Impaired Soccer Players |
2012 | On the Chopping Board- Eliminating Bacteria Naturally on Chopping Boards |
2012 | One Step Towards a Greener World |
2012 | Optical Illusions - Does Colour Affect the Illusion? |
2012 | Optimization of Newspaper Biodegradation by Fungal Co-Inoculation |
2012 | Optimizing Environmental Factors in C. reinhardtii Based Hydrogen Bioreactors |
2012 | Paw Prints Through the Forest: Tracking Grey Wolves in Superior National Forest |
2012 | Pb or not Pb: That is the Question |
2012 | Peel Potential - The Effects of Citrus Peel Extract on Polystyrene Foam |
2012 | Perception of Natural Colour |
2012 | Périr la bouche grande ouverte |
2012 | Perpetual Motion Machine |
2012 | Picky Plants and Their pH Preferences |
2012 | Pills on your plate? |
2012 | Plant-A-Thon |
2012 | Plantibiotics: A "CACE" Study |
2012 | Plug & Play Multi-Sensor Platform For Emergency Assist Robot |
2012 | Polyrecyclage II |
2012 | Pomegranate: The Fruit of Life for Cancer |
2012 | Pothole Prevention |
2012 | Pounding Cancer with PTEN |
2012 | Powerful Waste |
2012 | Pre-exposing RAW264.7 Macrophages to Microbial Product, PAM3CSK4 |
2012 | Pro.Tech.Neck: The Future of Hockey Neck Guards |
2012 | Prunus Armeniaca: the Fuel of the Future |
2012 | Pure Future Biodiesel |
2012 | Que ta nourriture soit remède! |
2012 | Quick! Sound the Alarm: Rescuing Objects From A Non-Newtonian Fluid |
2012 | Radon in Nova Scotia |
2012 | Raise it to a Boil! Calculating Calories |
2012 | Reduce,Recycle,Reuse |
2012 | Reduce...Recoil...Reload |
2012 | Reflex: Get Your Facts Straight |
2012 | Refraction Action |
2012 | Renouv-eau |
2012 | Revealing the Invisible World of Radon |
2012 | Reversing Radiation: Are Antioxidants the Answer? |
2012 | Robotic Watering System |
2012 | Rubens Tube. |
2012 | Rubik2D2 |
2012 | Run Like Barefoot - Which Shoes Should I Choose? |
2012 | Running Temperature |
2012 | SA-SHA: Reducing Arterial Turbulence Through External Stents |
2012 | Salty Notion |
2012 | Sécurité d'auto |
2012 | Shedding Light on Microalgae to Biofuel Production in Cold Environments |
2012 | Silly Strums Funny Vibes |
2012 | Sleep on This |
2012 | Smart Knee Assistant |
2012 | Smart Start |
2012 | Smartphone-Based Fall Detection |
2012 | Snow's Deep Mystery in the West Kootenay Region of B.C. |
2012 | Soap vs. Mold |
2012 | Soccer and shoes:the un-toe-ld story |
2012 | Soleil, où es-tu? |
2012 | Sports Drinks: What Do They Really Do? |
2012 | Stack \'Em Up |
2012 | Staying Aligned: Basic Ballet Necessities Under Scrutiny |
2012 | Stealing Your Money One Bump At a Time |
2012 | Stop Talking Dirty |
2012 | Striking Difference |
2012 | Studying the Anti-parasitic Activity of a Novel Synthetic Compound |
2012 | Stumped: a dendrochronological study of the Sahtu |
2012 | Subsonic Open-Circuit Wind Tunnel |
2012 | Sudden Impact |
2012 | Sunscreen: The Good, The Bad And The Metallic Taste In My Mouth - Part 3 |
2012 | Super Plants:Seed Preconditioning in Bok Choy Plants to Increase Crop Yield |
2012 | Tailings Transformation: Microbial Bioremediation of Oil Sands Tailings |
2012 | TeloMice: The Effects of Telomere Enhancing Products on Mice |
2012 | The Acousto-Thermal Effect |
2012 | The Algal Alternative: A Biofuel Investigation |
2012 | The Antioxidant Effect |
2012 | The Battle Against Aging |
2012 | The Case of the Itchy Sheep: Ovine Ectoparasitism |
2012 | The Confinable Cosmos |
2012 | The Depth Of A Movement |
2012 | The Effect of Baroque Music and Silent Sitting on Concentration |
2012 | The Effect of Caffeine On Video Game Scores |
2012 | The Effect of Oxidative Stress on Protein Profile of Cells |
2012 | The Effect of the Colour of Physical Items on Human Memory |
2012 | The Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Youth |
2012 | The Effects of Prunus armeniaca (apricot kernel) on HeLa Cancer Cells |
2012 | The Effects of Vitamin D on Muscle Function |
2012 | The Efficient 2-Stroke Engine |
2012 | The Environmental Impact and Bioaccumulation of Pollutants in Wascana Creek |
2012 | The Golden Fleece: Innovative ways to clean up oil |
2012 | The Grass is Always Greener |
2012 | The Heat Is On |
2012 | The Little Piggy With The Right Idea, I "Wood" Build A House From Straw |
2012 | The Living Wall: An Educational Innovation |
2012 | The Piezoelectric Flashlight |
2012 | The Placebo Effect? |
2012 | The Power in You |
2012 | The Power of the Placebo |
2012 | The Prick of a Finger |
2012 | The Problem with Pickerels |
2012 | The Rail Gun:A Renovating Ratio |
2012 | The Road to Novel Antibiotics |
2012 | The Secret to Stealth Technology |
2012 | The SkiBreeze - A Ski Innovation |
2012 | The Surface Tension of Water |
2012 | The Twitter VS Facebook 2012 |
2012 | The Ultimate Fate of Our Universe |
2012 | The Viability of Immobilized Enzyme as a Biocatalyst |
2012 | The Wave Nature of Light |
2012 | Thylakoid-Sensitized Solar Cell Using Shade Plants and Sunny Plants |
2012 | Time 2.0, A Much Needed Update |
2012 | To Clench, or Not to Clench |
2012 | To Play or Not To Play? |
2012 | To See or Not To See |
2012 | Too wet or not too wet |
2012 | Traditional Technology Surpasses Modern Technology |
2012 | Trashbot: The Path of the Future |
2012 | Triclosan: Double Danger Take 2 |
2012 | Tubercles: The Leading Edge of Wing Design |
2012 | Tuning the Elementary Mind |
2012 | Ultrasonic Assessment of Tissue Perfusion in an Islet Cell Transplantation Model |
2012 | Umahiqi: A Study of Stroke in Nunavut |
2012 | Un champignon emballant! |
2012 | Uncovering the Cardiac and Gastrointestinal Safety of Two Amyloid-ß Inhibitors |
2012 | Understand-ING Replicative Senescence |
2012 | Une musique «entraînante» |
2012 | Une piscine écolo? J'y plonge! |
2012 | Unspoken Speech Detection Using a Non-Invasive Brain Computer Interface |
2012 | Unveiling Dark Matter: A Study of Dark Matter and its Effects on Galaxy Clusters |
2012 | Up,Up and Away-A wind Tunnel Experiment |
2012 | Urban Sky Farming |
2012 | Using High Voltage Source for Low Voltage Load |
2012 | Using Nuclear Matrix to Detect Colorectal Cancer Cells |
2012 | Vanishing Calcifiers |
2012 | Vortex Cooling |
2012 | War of the Wasps: comparing the parasitism effectiveness of the wasps D. insular |
2012 | What Gas Gives You More |
2012 | What is the optimal design to harness wind, solar & thermal energy? |
2012 | What Moves Us |
2012 | What You Don't Know About Your Hand Cleansers |
2012 | What's A Bean's Favourite Colour? |
2012 | What's Holding you Back? |
2012 | Wheelchair Bowling Ramp |
2012 | Where Does the Wind Test Best? |
2012 | Where the Butterflies Roam |
2012 | Which anti-fouling product is best? |
2012 | Why Are You Looking So Green? |
2012 | Wind Amplification in a Multi-Stage System: Let's Amp Up the Power! Part 2 |
2012 | Wind Turbine Efficiency |
2012 | Wind Turbine Noise Stress and Immune Function |
2012 | Your Age vs. your memory |
2012 | Your Health and Five 'S' Home Screening |
2012 | «c» à Montcalm! |
2011 | "C" the Difference: Boosting Efforts To Lose Weight |
2011 | "LBS" A Turn For The Better |
2011 | "Water, water everywhere, Nor any drop to drink" Atmospheric Water Condensers |
2011 | "Watt" a Waste |
2011 | 3D Hearing |
2011 | A "Power Full" Separation |
2011 | A Balanced Approach to Art |
2011 | A Boost Up |
2011 | A Colourful Spectrum: Effects of UV Radiation and Colour Pigmentation |
2011 | A Hairy Ordeal |
2011 | A Portable Solar Water Purification System |
2011 | A River Runs Through It – Mitigations to Reduce Flooding in the Urban Environment |
2011 | A Study of Warm Mix Asphalt |
2011 | À tension: Pont d'eau |
2011 | A Time for Change |
2011 | A-maze-ing Drosophilae |
2011 | Absolute Pitch - Nature or Nurture? |
2011 | Absorption des couches |
2011 | AC Lightning: the Shocking Character of a Tesla Coil |
2011 | Accessible Exercise |
2011 | Acidification ou calcification? |
2011 | Acro-Rat-ics! |
2011 | Airborne Attack |
2011 | Alternative Energy |
2011 | Alzheimer/Dementia Assistant Technology |
2011 | An Unexpected Antidote |
2011 | Angle of Attack |
2011 | Anthocyanin and the Autumn Phenomenon |
2011 | Antioxidants: Bouncing to Growth |
2011 | Apodora: Markov Chain-Inspired Microsearch |
2011 | Apple Aroma: Enhancement of Apple Volatile Production Using Precursor Treatments |
2011 | Applications of Biofuel Technologies in Third World Countries |
2011 | Aromatherapy: Think Fast ! |
2011 | Art of Deception |
2011 | Astronaut Candidate by Heart |
2011 | Automated Drinking & Driving Deterrence System |
2011 | Automatic Fire Extinguisher |
2011 | Avatouch 2.0: "Upgrading" Real Life with a Rich Augmented Reality Experience |
2011 | B.p. une nouvelle source de résistance pour le colza? |
2011 | Bacteria |
2011 | Bacteria Everywhere |
2011 | Bacterial Presence and Contamination of Washed Hands |
2011 | Bag Those Bugs |
2011 | BAMHA: "vert" la performance! |
2011 | Batteries: Is The Pink Bunny Best For You? |
2011 | Battery in a Bucket |
2011 | Battle of the Blueberries |
2011 | Battle of the Bridges |
2011 | Battling Bacteria With Essential Oils |
2011 | Berry Nutritious |
2011 | Better home heating and generator systems |
2011 | Bigger Faster Stronger Sooner |
2011 | Binocular Rivalry Polygraph |
2011 | Bio-remediation of Naphthenic Acids by the Unicellular Algae C.reinhardtii |
2011 | Biochar: A carbon-negative soil enhancer |
2011 | Biodiesel, The Fuel of The Future? |
2011 | Biofilm Eradication Using Novel Enzyme and Antibiotic Combinations |
2011 | Biofouling Of Boat Hulls |
2011 | Biofuels and Fossil Fuels: A Comparison |
2011 | Biofuels! The Alternate Solution to Greenhouse Gas Emmisions |
2011 | Bioremediation with Basidiomycetes |
2011 | Birth Order, Personality: Are They Connected? |
2011 | Bitter Sweet Sugar! |
2011 | Blood Glucose: Does It Affect Your Memory? |
2011 | Bottoms Up! |
2011 | Building Touch Sensors With Conductive Paper |
2011 | Bullying: Amusing or Abusing? |
2011 | Busy Biomonitors |
2011 | C You Later: Degradiation of Vitamin C |
2011 | Can Algae Efficiently Convert Car Emissions Into Wholesome and Healthy Oxygen? |
2011 | Can I Make An Ostrich Fly? |
2011 | Can Photons Make A Good Bandage? |
2011 | Can Wii Have Better Hand-Eye Coordination |
2011 | Cancer: Western Cures vs. Eastern Cures |
2011 | Carbon: A Solution for Water Pollution, Part Two |
2011 | Casiers vs tuyaux pour les homards |
2011 | Catch the Windy Wave to $ave! Phase Two |
2011 | Cavitation Hydrophobia |
2011 | Ce que nous mangeons pour dîner, les bactéries mangent pour goûter |
2011 | Cells and Stock Markets: Defining, Quantifying and Applying Complexity |
2011 | Chamomile vs Bacteria |
2011 | Chauffer vert! |
2011 | Chemicals in Chopsticks |
2011 | Chill Out! Abiotic Stress Tolerance in Plants |
2011 | Choosing A Colour- That's For The Birds |
2011 | Clash of the Chemicals |
2011 | Cloning the Future |
2011 | CO2 Sequestration: Bio-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage |
2011 | Colour of Plants |
2011 | Comment les différentes couleurs de lumières affecte la photosynthèse |
2011 | Community Compost |
2011 | Compost Bio-Ethanol |
2011 | Compost Disposal in Saanich: An Economic and Environmental Comparison |
2011 | Computer Controlled Heart Assist Pump |
2011 | Conservative Hunting |
2011 | Corn Stalk Coffee Cups |
2011 | Croissance en atm contrôlée |
2011 | Dégradation du méthylmercure |
2011 | Designing an Intelligent Classifier for Diagnostic Reasoning |
2011 | Detecting Narrative Authors |
2011 | Determining Heavy Metal Contamination in Soil Using Spectroscopy |
2011 | Diabetes: A Northern Study of A Silent Killer |
2011 | DiagnAssist: Outil d'aide au diagnostic du cancer du sein |
2011 | Differential Toxicity of the Three Lower Mainlands' Treated Effluent on Water |
2011 | Do You Have the Twitch? |
2011 | Does an Increase in Nitrate and Phosphate Affect the Growth of Algae? |
2011 | Does Eco-Friendly Mean Good For The Environment? |
2011 | Does Light At Night Boost Appetite? A Study on Mice |
2011 | Does the water quality affect the rising of yeast? |
2011 | DomoWeb: Maison automatisée |
2011 | Dream Catcher |
2011 | E-Mission Control |
2011 | Eco Friendly Road Salt? What Do Daphnia Say? |
2011 | Eco-friendly vs Commercial Cleaner: what makes the bugs in your bathroom run? |
2011 | Effective Effluent Expurgation: Naphthenic Acids Removal |
2011 | Effects of Folic Acid on Blood Cells |
2011 | Efficient Combustion |
2011 | Electric Colours |
2011 | Electric Snow Transportation |
2011 | Electronic Pollution |
2011 | Emergency Measures Access Plans; E-MAP |
2011 | Enamel ErosionThe Erosive Effect of Various Beverages on Human Teeth |
2011 | Enhanced Solar Energy Collection |
2011 | Enviro-Friendly Packing Frenzy |
2011 | Environmentally Friendly and Efficient Energy Transmission |
2011 | Etes-vous plus creatif qu'un deuxieme annee? |
2011 | Evaluation of broadleaf weed control using the fungus Phoma macrostoma |
2011 | Evaluation of Snow Fungus Polysaccharides on Benzo[a]pyrene-induced DNA Damage |
2011 | Evergreen Ever Gone? The Anti-cancer Properties of Oils from Evergreens |
2011 | Examination of the Microbial Effect of Red Sea Water Incursion into the Dead Sea |
2011 | Exercice à contre courant! |
2011 | Exhaustless Defrost - The Simplest Solution! |
2011 | Expedited spike-culture-derived variant population for mutation-mining in wheat |
2011 | Extreme Immobilization |
2011 | F.F.O.F.F. (French Fries or French Fake) |
2011 | Figure Out Your Fingers |
2011 | Filter Braced for the Pharmaceutically Laced |
2011 | Fish, Fish, Fish |
2011 | For Better or For Worse: A Relationship Between Equine Conformation and Lameness |
2011 | For Want of a Cup... |
2011 | Forget me, forget me not... |
2011 | From Green to Gold |
2011 | From The Ground Up: Part 2 |
2011 | Frost-Free Flight |
2011 | Fuel for the Future |
2011 | Fun with Physics: Computer Models |
2011 | Genetic Modification of Clostirdium thermocellum for Improved Biofuels Production |
2011 | GigaGreen |
2011 | Give Your Brain a Workout |
2011 | Go Green with R.E.D. (Rain Energy Device) |
2011 | Going Green: The Aspen Solution |
2011 | Grab It, Drop It: the design of a robotic arm |
2011 | Grade Tune Up |
2011 | Harnessing the Hidden Heat |
2011 | HE: Escouade anti-pathogène! |
2011 | Head to Toe Toasty Rice Bag |
2011 | Heads or Tails/Pile ou face |
2011 | Heat transfer in an Igloo |
2011 | Heavy Metal Levels in the East Kootenay Watershed |
2011 | Hidden Behind the Rainbow |
2011 | High Heels and their Negative Effects on Our Body |
2011 | Hockey Stick Flex and it's effect on speed and accuracy of a shot |
2011 | Homemade Water Purification System: Phase II |
2011 | Horse Hues II |
2011 | How Brain Activity Alters Our Perception of Time |
2011 | How Distracted Are You? |
2011 | How Does Eye Colour Effect Peripheral Vision |
2011 | How Does Technology Affect Your Attention Span? |
2011 | How Does Vitamin A Affect Adult Stem Cell Function |
2011 | How Does Your Garden Grow? |
2011 | How Hot Is Your Shot? |
2011 | How Sexist are the Students at my School? |
2011 | Human Observation |
2011 | Hybrid House: Building Energy Efficiency by Working With Nature |
2011 | Hybrid Qulliq Oils |
2011 | Hydrogen Bioreactor: Optimizing Hydrogen Production in C. reinhardtii Algae |
2011 | Hysteresis: A Lasting Memory |
2011 | I Nailed It! |
2011 | I need my glasses |
2011 | I was only following orders |
2011 | Insulation |
2011 | Insulation: Heat Retention |
2011 | Intestins: le duel! |
2011 | Investigation of water droplets climbing up hot saw blades |
2011 | Is It Malaria? |
2011 | Is It Timber Time? |
2011 | Ischemic Preconditioning: Effect on Muscular Endurance |
2011 | Isn't That Slick... |
2011 | It's Not Waste Until It's Wasted! |
2011 | Jeux de hasard: Une démarche au stade adolescent pour écarter la dépendance |
2011 | Jouer à l'aveuglette! |
2011 | Keeping Seniors Safe: The Sequel |
2011 | Knee Tension |
2011 | Kwakwaka'wakw Uses of Devil's Club |
2011 | L'antimatière contre le cancer |
2011 | L'art de la science |
2011 | L'effet Stroop |
2011 | La CNF-1, ça respire! |
2011 | La conservation des aliments |
2011 | La meilleure charge de poudre noire |
2011 | La nature, une source de génie |
2011 | La Viabilité d'Utiliser Le Pouvoir Solaire Chez Moi |
2011 | La voiture à essence vs la voiture électrique |
2011 | Lagoon Lake |
2011 | Lake Winnipeg: A Sea of Phosphorus Troubles? |
2011 | Le pouvoir solaire |
2011 | Le Sodium |
2011 | Leached! Can Material Barriers Control Agricultural Leaching? |
2011 | Lead it out of the bag |
2011 | Leaky Landfills: Liners vs. Leachate |
2011 | Learning What's Best? |
2011 | Les Algues : l'avenir de l'essence |
2011 | Les effets de la méditation sur le cerveau humain |
2011 | Les fractales |
2011 | Les marais filtrants |
2011 | Les secrets de l'immortel |
2011 | Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow |
2011 | Liberation Determination |
2011 | Light Amplification to Improving Solar Cell Efficiency |
2011 | Light O Light |
2011 | Light Seeking Robot Innovation |
2011 | Maglev Train |
2011 | Magnetic fields: Tools for Healing or Health Hazards? |
2011 | Magnets: Farm Tool of the Future |
2011 | Maison de terre sécuritaire |
2011 | Making Connections: introducing the artificial nerve |
2011 | Managing Mould: Five 'S' Home Screening |
2011 | Maple vs Ash |
2011 | Marvelous Mites, the effects of food combinations on C.lactis reproduction |
2011 | Maximizing Wind Turbine Blade Efficiency |
2011 | Mechanical Testing of Polyethylene |
2011 | Mechanisms of Action of Small Molecules in the Rescue of ΔF508-CFTR |
2011 | Mechanoreceptors |
2011 | Meddling with Metals |
2011 | Memory: Short-term Capacity |
2011 | Mexico Vivo: Know Your Biodiversity |
2011 | Modelling Population Growth |
2011 | Modern Germ Warfare: Propagation, Annihilation and Mutative Spores |
2011 | Mop It Up |
2011 | Moulin à vent Solaire |
2011 | Move That Body! The Muscular System |
2011 | Multi-Criteria Decision Making...In Dandelions! |
2011 | Musical Corruption |
2011 | Nanobots in a Virtual World |
2011 | Natural Antibiotics: Do They Really Work? |
2011 | Naturia-Pure |
2011 | Net Energy Evaluation of an Automotive Wind Driven Generator |
2011 | New Wave Agriculture |
2011 | No Bull About It! |
2011 | No Idle Matter |
2011 | No power, no water, no food, no problem! |
2011 | Noises Beware; My Decibel Meter is Listening |
2011 | Non! Pas dans ma bouche |
2011 | Novel Approaches of Inducing Death in Leukemic B-Cells Using Synthetic and Biolo |
2011 | Novel Concepts to Decontaminating Oiled Birds |
2011 | Nutritional and bacterial growth comparison between different types of milk |
2011 | O-GlcNAcylation: Suppressing Cancer Progression |
2011 | Oceans and Acidification |
2011 | Odd Food Preservers |
2011 | Oil Over Again |
2011 | Oil Sands: Friend or Foe? |
2011 | Old Fashioned Deep Freeze |
2011 | On Farm Algae Production |
2011 | Optic Disc Drusen Detection |
2011 | Optical Illusions |
2011 | Optimal Performance |
2011 | Optimizing 2D-Circulating Fluidized Bed Performance: How Factors Affect Cluster |
2011 | Pacemaker Battery Improvements |
2011 | Passive RFID Based Object Locator |
2011 | Pensez-y le potentiel de l'entraînement virtuel |
2011 | Perceived Results Vs. Actual Results |
2011 | Perceptions of Obesity (EMIC) |
2011 | Perfectly Problematic Plastics |
2011 | Phage Typing: E-coli vs. Phage |
2011 | Photocatalytic Degradation of Formaldehyde |
2011 | Photoheterotrophic Microbial Fuel Cell |
2011 | Physics of a Tackle |
2011 | Phyto Filter |
2011 | Phytoremediation: Removing Lead Using Plants |
2011 | Piezo Eléctricité: La voie de l'avenir |
2011 | Playground Prescription |
2011 | Population Dynamics in Algal Bioreactors |
2011 | Potential Production of CH3CL in an Instream Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactor |
2011 | Pour bien "fer" |
2011 | Practical String Theory: Does Temperature Affect Vibration Decay of Strings... |
2011 | Precycling |
2011 | Préférence O-LED |
2011 | Prêts pas prêts, transfectez! |
2011 | Protection against iron neurotoxicity |
2011 | Pumping Plaque; Reducing Arterial Turbulent Flow Through External Stents |
2011 | Putting a Lid on Concussions - Materials Testing and a New Helmet Design |
2011 | Quick Licks for Oil Slicks |
2011 | R U Paying Attention? |
2011 | Radiation Ringtones |
2011 | Raining Power! |
2011 | Recognizing Facial Expressions |
2011 | Recovery By Regeneration |
2011 | Recycling Explanded Polystyrene: Its Effectiveness as Home Use Insulation |
2011 | Reflecting on Refractions |
2011 | Refreshed? |
2011 | Remember That? |
2011 | REZ Diet |
2011 | Rise Up |
2011 | Rover Robotics: A Better Approach to Rover Planetary Exploration? |
2011 | Running on Empty? Fuel up with Carbs |
2011 | S.M. Gates |
2011 | S.O.S.: Stop Oil Spills- Results of an LC50 Study on Artemia Salina |
2011 | Saler ses légumes |
2011 | Save Your Seashells- Save The Environment |
2011 | SaveMySites |
2011 | Saving the Ojibway Language |
2011 | Scoliosis |
2011 | Searching for Neuroprotectants in Natural Compound |
2011 | Show and Tell |
2011 | Simulating Water Flow using Topographical Models |
2011 | Sissonne: The relation between knee angle and impact force |
2011 | Sled runners - Which Goes Faster? |
2011 | Sleep? Haven't Heard of It. |
2011 | Slippery Search for the Coefficient of Friction |
2011 | Slumber Sucking: A New Apparatus to Measure Infant Sucking Characteristics |
2011 | Slurpy Colour Magic: Colour Disappearance versus Sugar Concentration |
2011 | Smart Slime |
2011 | Solar Cycle |
2011 | Solar Heat - The Way of the Future? |
2011 | Sound Effects |
2011 | Sound Localization: The Shape of The Ear |
2011 | Sounds Good to Me! |
2011 | Spirit Mission by Interplanetary Shipping |
2011 | Spitter Spatter What's The Matter? |
2011 | Spotting the Difference |
2011 | Stimulate Your Brain |
2011 | Stimuli In = Action Out? |
2011 | Stop In The Name Levee! |
2011 | Stretch for the Best |
2011 | Studying Canard Configuration under Low Airspeed Conditions and Its Applications |
2011 | Sunny Days, Sweeping the Clouds Away |
2011 | Sunscreen: The Good, The Bad And The Metallic Taste in My Mouth - Part 2 |
2011 | Super Aqua Splitter |
2011 | Supergrass II: Lemongrass Essential Oils' Cytotoxicity on Colorectal Cancer Cells |
2011 | Suppressing weed germination using allelopathy of Alliaria petiolata |
2011 | Surviving Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest |
2011 | Synthesizing a Novel,Bio-Selective "Smart Antibiotic" |
2011 | Tea Time! Relax Your Way to Better Health |
2011 | Teleporter of Sound |
2011 | Temper Trap 2: Tempering Air from Unconventional Sources |
2011 | Terminal Velocity of Drops Rising in Water due to Buoyancy: What a Drag! |
2011 | Terra Ferma |
2011 | The "Dish" on Bacteria |
2011 | The ABCs of Hand Washing Etiquette:Are Hand Sanatizers Better Than Soap? |
2011 | The Airless High Efficiency Dryer |
2011 | The Dark Side of Light |
2011 | The Digital Ear Trainer |
2011 | The Effects of Household Stability on High School Students Self Esteem |
2011 | The Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation on Arabidopsis thaliana |
2011 | The First Advantage |
2011 | The Flywheel: A New Spin on Energy Storage |
2011 | The Fractal Geometry of Blood Clots |
2011 | The Fungus Amongus |
2011 | The Germ-inator |
2011 | The Hazards of Nanosilver Uncovered |
2011 | The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram |
2011 | The Hydro-Step: An Innovation in Renewable Energy Technology |
2011 | The Implement to Reduce Carbon Emissions |
2011 | The Innovative Computer Mouse 2.0 |
2011 | The Leaking Problem |
2011 | The Life and Times of a Cut Flower |
2011 | The NEWspaper Fuel: Enhancing Cellulosic Ethanol Production |
2011 | The Next Generation Wind Power |
2011 | The Performance of Structures During Earthquakes |
2011 | The Power of Music |
2011 | The Promotion Effect |
2011 | The Psidium Theorem |
2011 | The Race to Remediate Crude Oil Spills |
2011 | The Recycling CanTraption |
2011 | The Role of Gastrin-Releasing Peptide in Neural Excitation of Rat Paraventricula |
2011 | The Role of the Adventitia in Hypertension |
2011 | The Rotating Table |
2011 | The Science Behind Snowflakes |
2011 | The Scratch-O-Maniac |
2011 | The Skid Lid Helmet Helper |
2011 | The Social Obsession |
2011 | The Solar Cell Movement |
2011 | The Solar Tracker |
2011 | The Truth To Youth |
2011 | The Use of Nanocellulose in Producing a Flexible Organic Light Emitting Diode |
2011 | There's Bugs in my Bag! |
2011 | Time Is Money? Will Time of Use Pricing Help Save $ and Can I Make a Difference? |
2011 | To Bee or Not to Bee: How can the life span of leaf-cutter bees be extended? |
2011 | To Eat or Not To Eat |
2011 | Too Noisy For You? |
2011 | Totty Potty |
2011 | Toxic Tailings: Considering Carbon Clean-Up |
2011 | Train Your Brain with Exercise |
2011 | Transformer Efficiencies |
2011 | Transporting Vaccines: The Cold Chain |
2011 | Trash to Gas: Renewable Biogas Energy |
2011 | Treading on Thin Ice |
2011 | Trehalose: A Novel Stemcell Cryoprotectant |
2011 | Tri-Energy Vehicles - Ski-Seff |
2011 | Triclosan: Double Danger |
2011 | Trouve-moi |
2011 | Turmeric as the New Soap? |
2011 | Une eau électrifiante! |
2011 | Velocitization |
2011 | Vert la piézoélectricité! |
2011 | Viability of Carbon Capture through Algae |
2011 | Vivaldi Helped Me Get an A in Math! |
2011 | Vos paupières sont lourdes... |
2011 | WAAS With the GPS? |
2011 | Wake Up and Smell the Coffee (Cup)! |
2011 | Water Filtration for Developing Countries |
2011 | Waves of Change |
2011 | We are what we eat: Food shopping habits in the Hamilton population |
2011 | We Got Our Tailgates Down |
2011 | We've got Chemistry: Aphrodisiacs,Pheromones and Attraction |
2011 | Weather Harvester |
2011 | What is a more efficient way to sort bottles and cans |
2011 | What type & colour of roof is the most thermally efficient in Fort McMurray? |
2011 | What's In Your Salt Shaker? |
2011 | Who'll Stop the Rain? |
2011 | Will Crayfish Fight Over Temperature as a Resource? |
2011 | Wind Amplification - Let's Turn Up the Power! |
2011 | Wood Types: A Test to See Which Holds the Most |
2011 | Wood Wars |
2011 | Your Brain on Music |
2010 | "Pine"-ing "Fir" Hydrocarbons |
2010 | A Brighter Future with Safer Water Fountains |
2010 | A Bug's Life: From Bad Oil to Good Soil |
2010 | A computer Input Innovation for People with Parkinson's Disease |
2010 | A Concrete Solution |
2010 | A Feasability Analysis of Wind Energy Conversion |
2010 | A Floral Solution to Pollution |
2010 | A Fuel of the Future |
2010 | A Greener Green Bin |
2010 | A Greener Wind: Designing A More Efficient Wind Turbine Blade |
2010 | A Helping Hand |
2010 | À la recherche d'ADN |
2010 | A New Focus: Reflecting Towards Higher Power Output of Photovoltaics |
2010 | A Radical Theory:Why Antioxidants May Not Always Be Good |
2010 | A Stable Plasmoid: The Ball Lightning Effect |
2010 | A Statistical Approach to the Applications of Fractal Geometry |
2010 | A Step in the Right Direction |
2010 | A Thumb Generation |
2010 | ACE (Autonomous Cooperative Exploration) |
2010 | Achieving Copenhagen's International CO2 Targets with a Bees Inpsired OA & ANNs |
2010 | Advanced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Myelin Using Novel |
2010 | Aerodynamics of Transport Trucks II |
2010 | Airborne Wind Turbines - Our Future is Up in the Air |
2010 | Alerte au CO2 |
2010 | Algae into Biofuel: A study of interaction between two species |
2010 | Algae: Arctic's Ally |
2010 | Algebraic Loop |
2010 | Alkaloids to be, or not to be in Catharanthus |
2010 | Allium sativum as a Potential Antimicrobial against Group A Streptococcal Infect |
2010 | Another Tale My Grandfather Told Me |
2010 | Antibacterial Properties of Plant Oils |
2010 | Aquifer Recovery |
2010 | Arctic-Ceuticals |
2010 | Are Fingerprints Hereditary? |
2010 | Armes à dégradation massive |
2010 | Au menu: allergie alimentaire II |
2010 | Augmenter l'énergie potentielle du moteur à combustion |
2010 | Automotive Wind Driven Generator |
2010 | Avatouch: A 3D Computing User Interface |
2010 | Ayons la foi, aidons le foie! |
2010 | Bad Viruses Doing Good Work |
2010 | Banishing the Bugs in Your Bottle |
2010 | Battle of the Heating Supplies |
2010 | Beans Under Influence |
2010 | Beverage aids |
2010 | Bio-Binding: A Microbial Precipit-Action |
2010 | Bio-Not-Diesel: Algae Invasion |
2010 | Biodegradable Bags: Fact or Folly? |
2010 | Blanding's: A Species at Risk |
2010 | BMI of 3rd Graders |
2010 | Brain Drain |
2010 | Brainwaves |
2010 | Breath Taking |
2010 | Bugs in a Bag |
2010 | Building a Better Brain |
2010 | C au max |
2010 | C'est Courber: Mesurer l'indice de réfraction des solutions sucrées |
2010 | Cadmium, mium! |
2010 | Can a Video Game Controller Control A Robot |
2010 | Can Different Swimming Strokes Affect Your Heart Rate? |
2010 | Can Hydrogen Peroxide Aid in the Efficiency of the Combustion of Ethanol? |
2010 | Can Stress Bring Out The Best? |
2010 | Carbon Conquered by Sea, Salt, and Sun |
2010 | Carbon Counts |
2010 | Carbon to Go! |
2010 | Carbon: A Solution for Water Pollution |
2010 | Catch the Windy Wave to $ave! |
2010 | Caution Bacteria Alert |
2010 | Charge It Up! |
2010 | Chemosensitizers: The Answer to Cancer |
2010 | Chip Champion |
2010 | Choisir la bonne balle de squash |
2010 | Climate Change: Fact or Fiction? |
2010 | Cna Yuo Raed Tihs? |
2010 | Colour and Memory |
2010 | Comment Les Trains Maglev Travaiellent |
2010 | Comparing the Efficiency of Paper-Based and Computer-Based Approaches for Memori |
2010 | Comparison and Production of Biofuels |
2010 | Complaining About Training |
2010 | Corrosion: A Natural Phenomenom |
2010 | Crank Remote - Saving the Landfills One Crank at a Time |
2010 | Crash, Boom, Bang, Let's Make Skating Safer! |
2010 | Cryobiology |
2010 | Cytotoxicity of Dandelion Extracts on Melanoma Cells |
2010 | De-PHI-ing Nature |
2010 | Decoding Depression |
2010 | Design and Study of Dye Sensitized Titanium Dioxide Solar Cells |
2010 | Detecting Stares: More Than Coincidence? |
2010 | Developing & Degrading Starch Based Plastics |
2010 | Dice it up! |
2010 | Diffusion Through Osseous Matter |
2010 | Discovering ERK5's Role in Inhibiting Breast Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion |
2010 | Do String Players Have Longer Left Fingers? |
2010 | Do You Remember? |
2010 | Do You See How I See? |
2010 | Does Eye Colour Effect Peripheral Vision? |
2010 | Does Nagging Help? |
2010 | Does Spelling Really Matter? |
2010 | Does Temperature Effect Wind chimes |
2010 | Does the Ball Make a Difference? |
2010 | Don't Do Drugs Crustacean Bugs! |
2010 | Don't Flip Your Lid |
2010 | Don't Look At Me Like That! |
2010 | Drag Is A Real Drag |
2010 | E-Lawn |
2010 | Effect of CO2 on chronic cold tolerance and fertility in Drosophila melanogaster |
2010 | Effect of Household Cleaners on Bacteria |
2010 | Effect of phospates on the oxygen levels in pond water |
2010 | Effects Of Fertilizers On PEI Sweet Potatoes |
2010 | Effects of the Brassica genes STM and CLV1 on Arabidopsis shoot organogenesis |
2010 | Efficiency in Infancy: A Four Month Longitudinal Study In Infant Handedness |
2010 | Electric Gun? |
2010 | Electricity: The Behaviors and Effects |
2010 | Emergency Measure Access Plans; EMAP |
2010 | Emergency Preparedness hat |
2010 | Engines That Run Themselves |
2010 | Enhancing Educational Resource Accessibility |
2010 | Erosion : The Breakdown |
2010 | Est-tu branché |
2010 | Euglena as an Indicator of Water Quality |
2010 | Evaluating the Effects of the Retention Properties of Charcoal on Plant Growth |
2010 | Excuse Me |
2010 | Exercising Your Mind |
2010 | Eyewitness: Truth or Fiction |
2010 | Fatty Acids and the Efficacy of Chemotherapy on Breast Cancer |
2010 | Feel the Pressure, Hear the Beat |
2010 | Fiber Optic Enhanced Lighting |
2010 | Fighting BAC! |
2010 | Fill 'er Up: Can Ethanol be Made Cost Effectively at Home? |
2010 | Flame Spectroscopy |
2010 | Fledglings and Fleas |
2010 | Foiled Again! |
2010 | Follow the Flow |
2010 | Following the Rain II |
2010 | Fraises et huile d'origan |
2010 | Freezing - Warm |
2010 | From 3D to UBP Unidentified Brain Power |
2010 | From the Bottom Up: Self-Assembly by Lateral Capillary Forces II |
2010 | From The Ground Up |
2010 | Frosted Link: Navigateur Web |
2010 | Fuel For Your Fire! |
2010 | Game On! How Do You React? |
2010 | Gender, Exercise, and Heart Rate |
2010 | Get Into the Spirits |
2010 | Get Smart About Smart Meters |
2010 | Get The Most Out Of Your Game |
2010 | Global UNwarming |
2010 | Go Green - Go Plastic |
2010 | Going Bananas |
2010 | Grassick Incorporated: Building the Best Herd |
2010 | Green Energy by Electrolysis |
2010 | Ground Effect Transportation in the Arctic |
2010 | Grounds for Change |
2010 | H.H. - D.D. Hero High-speed Driver Deterrent |
2010 | H20, Good to Go? |
2010 | Habitat Preferences of the Endangered Badger of South-eastern British Columbia |
2010 | Hand Gestures |
2010 | Handwashing and Gloves: Making the Right Choice, Part III |
2010 | Happy as a Pig in Mud |
2010 | Hard Water Headaches: Softening Solutions |
2010 | Holy Cali, Got Metal? |
2010 | Home Water Treatment Plant |
2010 | Homemade Electrophoresis |
2010 | Horse Hues |
2010 | Houses For Haiti |
2010 | How Clean Is Your School?? |
2010 | How Green is Your Sales Receipt? |
2010 | How is the carbon dioxide you exhale affected by exercise |
2010 | How Outdoor Solar Lighting Really Impacts the Environment |
2010 | How Sweet It Is |
2010 | How to Build a Robot |
2010 | Huntington's Disease: A Neurodegenerative Genetic Disorder? |
2010 | HV: l'altitude à p'tit prix! |
2010 | Hydroéléctricité: Micro vs Maco |
2010 | Hyper Heartbeat: Fertilizer Freakout |
2010 | iCharge It, A Portable Electric Power Generator |
2010 | In a Blink of an Eye |
2010 | Induction and detection of chemotatic protein S100A8 in RAW 264.7 cells |
2010 | Insect Inspection |
2010 | Investigating effects of Capsaicin Induced Apoptosis via an Extrinsic Pathways |
2010 | Investigating Ice: A Slippery Subject |
2010 | Invisible Plough |
2010 | Is Its Bark Worse Than Its Bite? |
2010 | Is Kindness Contagious? |
2010 | Is Perception Reality? |
2010 | Is Your House Really Green? |
2010 | Isolation |
2010 | Jorrie and the Beanstalk and Aloe Vera |
2010 | Jump To It! Force and Stress During Take-Offs in Figure Skating |
2010 | Jumping Genes: DNA on the Move |
2010 | Just Cork It |
2010 | Kicking Cancer With KAI-1 |
2010 | Knock Out: Momentum of a Kick Boxers Punch |
2010 | L'Alka Seltzer & L'eau |
2010 | L'appareil orque - une nouvelle façon de capter l'énergie dans les vagues |
2010 | L'Energie du Vent |
2010 | L'éoliopylône : une solution aux parcs éoliens |
2010 | L'hydrodynamique, influencé? |
2010 | L'Xtraction aid |
2010 | La barrière mystère ! |
2010 | La génétique |
2010 | La myotonie congénitale |
2010 | Le canola, plante de l'avenir ? |
2010 | Le dilemme du prisonnier |
2010 | Le plein: avec ou sans pulpe? |
2010 | Left Handedness vs. Right handedness-What a Handful! |
2010 | Les maladies congénitales |
2010 | Les secrets des coureurs - Les orteils |
2010 | Let it Snow |
2010 | Let the"D" Shine In |
2010 | Let's Make Vinegar! Is it Possible to Produce Acetic Acid From Barley? |
2010 | Light and Weight, How Do They Relate? |
2010 | Line Me Up |
2010 | Local Environmental Impacts on the Water Quality of Forty-Mile Creek in Grimsby |
2010 | Love Hurts |
2010 | Lumière, Canettes et Couleur |
2010 | Magnetic Linear Accelerator |
2010 | Making a Splash: The Importance of Shape and Size |
2010 | Man-Made Muscle |
2010 | Max VO2 Versus Resting Heart Rate |
2010 | Mediator-less Microbial Fuel Cells |
2010 | Méfiez-vous, on vous surveille |
2010 | Menstruation and Memory |
2010 | Methane Production and Removal in a Denitrifying Streambed |
2010 | Micro Expressions, Poker Tells and Deception Indicators |
2010 | Microbial Degradation of Vehicle Tires |
2010 | Microbial Fuel Cell |
2010 | Modelling Canadians' Lipid Profile Using Artificial Neural Networks |
2010 | More Electricity for a Hybrid Car |
2010 | More Than Mere Taste |
2010 | Movin' On Up |
2010 | Muscle Fibre Conversion and Dietary Involvement |
2010 | Nano-cellulose in Substrates for Electronic Display Systems and Medical Devices |
2010 | Native Plant Decoctions |
2010 | Need 4 Speed |
2010 | No Brainer? I Think Not! |
2010 | North, South, East, West - What Way Does a Tree Grow Best? |
2010 | Novel Proteinaceous Compounds as Disease Determinants in Ascochyta rabiei - chic |
2010 | Nuclear Steam Waste, Reused! |
2010 | Nurturing Germs |
2010 | Nutrition and Stress |
2010 | Nutritious Rice Water |
2010 | Oil After Breakfast |
2010 | Oil Spill Clean UP - The Natural Way |
2010 | OLE (Olive Lichen Extraction) |
2010 | Optimal Performance |
2010 | Out, damn'd Spot! A Randomized Controlled Study of Handwashing. |
2010 | Packing Pyramids |
2010 | Peripheral Vision: What Can You See? |
2010 | Phase Change Materials: Their Application in Energy Conservation |
2010 | Phononic Crystals: Revisited |
2010 | Photoautotrophic Composite Based Nanocrystalline Solar Cells |
2010 | Photodynamic Therapy: The Golden Cure for Cancer |
2010 | Phytoremediation of the Oil Sands |
2010 | PiezoPower |
2010 | Planaria Regeneration and Memory |
2010 | Plastic Milk |
2010 | Polar Ice Cap Melting |
2010 | Polarization: Ray Ray Go Away |
2010 | Pollen for the Pollinator |
2010 | Polyester VS. Down |
2010 | Poop Power |
2010 | Power Generated from a Wind Turbine |
2010 | Predicting Aggression Using Multiple Regression II |
2010 | Probiotiques sans frontières! |
2010 | Production of RNA to Investigate the Mechanism of Viral Replication |
2010 | production propre d'hydrogène |
2010 | Protecting the body from pathogens – MARCO joins the fight |
2010 | PTEN: Halting Progression of Metastatic Melanoma |
2010 | Pyrophosphate - An Alternative Energy Source in Plants |
2010 | Quit Bugging Me! |
2010 | Reader Beware |
2010 | Ready, Set, Grow! Does CO2 and O2 Affect Cucumber Growth? |
2010 | Recycle Sorter |
2010 | Reengineering LED Traffic Lights to Prevent Snow or Ice Buildup |
2010 | Regelation |
2010 | Regeneration: Can Stem Cells Mend a Broken Heart? |
2010 | Représentation robotisée du mouvement des ailes de la libellule |
2010 | Retiens-tu mieux l'information selon ton profil? |
2010 | Revealing the Musical Patterns of the Genome |
2010 | Rock On |
2010 | Rot or Not: Studies of the Dental Effects of Acid and Sugar in Soft Drinks |
2010 | Safe D Pet Solution |
2010 | Saline Aqua Genesis |
2010 | Salty Is Faulty |
2010 | Seaweed Booster Juice |
2010 | See O2 Effects |
2010 | Seed Freeze |
2010 | Seeing Red: The Science Behind Colour in Marketing |
2010 | Seeing Sound: Math Meets Music |
2010 | Self-Driving, Accident-Free Car |
2010 | Semantic Genie |
2010 | Sew-Go-Ponics |
2010 | Shedding Some Light |
2010 | Simple Solar Desalination |
2010 | Size Does Matter: A Study of Qamutik Length |
2010 | Sizing Up Your Pup |
2010 | Skitastique |
2010 | Sled Runners |
2010 | Solar Energy |
2010 | Solar Fraud |
2010 | Solar Power - Make the Most of the Sun |
2010 | Solar Separation II: Enhanced Hydrogen Fuel Production |
2010 | Solar Speculation |
2010 | Solar Wind Hybrids |
2010 | Solarific Cells |
2010 | Solaris Turbine |
2010 | Solutions for Seeds |
2010 | Something Fishy |
2010 | Soothe Your Sinuses |
2010 | Squeaky Clean and Going Green |
2010 | Squeeze! Don't Move! -Tight Configuration of Disks and their Circum-Rectangle |
2010 | SRAP Expression and Its Role In Breast Cancer |
2010 | Stagnation Point Para Foil: An Innovation |
2010 | Step It Up, Students |
2010 | Stick It To The Man |
2010 | STOL 'n Lift |
2010 | Stop the Drop |
2010 | Substrate Effectiveness in Microbial Fuel Cells |
2010 | Sunny Dye-Light: Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
2010 | Sunscreen: The Good, The Bad, and The Metallic Taste in My Mouth. |
2010 | Super Stomata: Gas Exchange in Trees |
2010 | Sweet Cupcakes |
2010 | Sweet Poison:An evaluation of aspartame peptide bond stability and novel analogu |
2010 | swn: a multi-purpose scripting language |
2010 | Système de captation du CO2 |
2010 | Take A Bow |
2010 | Take a Deep Breath |
2010 | Taking the "Pulse" of the Value People Add to Forecasting Using Lightining Dat |
2010 | Temper Trap: Using subterranean energy to temper air for quality living spaces |
2010 | Testing Data Transfer over Plant Roots |
2010 | TextTubes |
2010 | That's a Real Smile or Is It? |
2010 | The 'Moo-velous' Syringe Warmer |
2010 | The Acid Test |
2010 | The Actuator |
2010 | The Amazing Lodestone |
2010 | The Anti-Tumor Triad |
2010 | The Beat of Your Heart II: The Breakdown |
2010 | The Brightest Path |
2010 | The Chlorofilter Phase 3 |
2010 | The Effect of Ageing on the Evolutionary Fitness of Individuals and Populations |
2010 | The Effect of Music On Milk Production (The Moosic Project) |
2010 | The Effect of Mycelium and Different Substrates on the Degradation of Oil |
2010 | The Effect of Shiitake Mushroom Extract on Inflammation in the Colon |
2010 | The Effects of Evaporation |
2010 | The Effects of Gender and Age on Audio and Visual Learning |
2010 | The Effects of Multitasking on The Learning Process |
2010 | The Efficacy of RA, PDGF, and BMP-4 to Instruct Adult NSPC Differentiation |
2010 | The Efficiency of Vertical Wind Turbines |
2010 | The Finger Factor |
2010 | The Great Weight Debate |
2010 | The Green Effect |
2010 | The Induction of Magnetic Fields Through Conductors |
2010 | The Innovative Computer Mouse |
2010 | The Intelligibility of Sopranos' Vowels |
2010 | The Marvelous, Mysterious Gauss Gun |
2010 | The Mysterious Condition of Synesthesia |
2010 | The Picker Upper Challenge |
2010 | The Pressure's On |
2010 | The Price of Speed |
2010 | The Relation of Total Resistant Starch Concentration in Potatoes |
2010 | The Relative Age Effect |
2010 | The Spill on Dawn |
2010 | The Twin Connection |
2010 | The Water Recycling Toilet |
2010 | Thérapie de choc |
2010 | Toasty Peck Decks |
2010 | Too Much Texting |
2010 | Traditional Fire Making |
2010 | Trash Talk |
2010 | Travaillons ensemble pour recycler sans gaspiller! |
2010 | Trienergy Vehicles- Ski-Seff |
2010 | Turbidity - To be Turbid, or Not to be Turbid: That is the Question |
2010 | Tylenol and Echinacea Don't Rhyme! |
2010 | Un carburant alternatif 2e partie |
2010 | Un traitement à ne pas oublier |
2010 | Une antenne relais intelligente |
2010 | Une en-volley protégée |
2010 | Unearthing the Elements of Truth |
2010 | Up in the Air - VOC Production by Phytoplankton |
2010 | Urbiboard: two wheeled future |
2010 | Use - Reuse |
2010 | Vacuum (Thermo) Forming Plastics |
2010 | Valves cardiaques-coagulation? |
2010 | VeggiePanel: An Ultra-Light Green Roof Innovation for Urban Food Security and Wa |
2010 | Vitamin D Gone Viral? |
2010 | Wake up the Windmill |
2010 | Warehousing Made Safer With Automated Forklifts |
2010 | Waste Not...Want Not! |
2010 | Water here one day gone the next! |
2010 | Water Reuse = Water To Use |
2010 | Water, water, everywhere, Nor any drop to drink: Atmospheric Water Condensers |
2010 | What to do with all that Poo? |
2010 | What's Growing on Your Uniform? |
2010 | What's Your Password? |
2010 | Where's The Line? 2 |
2010 | Which laundry cleaner is greener? |
2010 | Who's Green... You, Me or Nobody? |
2010 | Why did the Moose Cross the Road? |
2010 | Wind Energy - Can it be Greener? |
2010 | Wind Power |
2010 | Working Overtime |
2010 | Working with Robots |
2010 | You Can't Resist It! |
2010 | Your Memory: On Exercise! |
2010 | Your Privacy: Now in Range A Project on Radio Frequency Identification |
2009 | "Ink" redible! |
2009 | "The Answer My Friend Is Blowing in the Wind" |
2009 | $olar $aver |
2009 | 9000 m/seconde, ça vous dit ? |
2009 | A Bee Inspired Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm For A Greener Tomorrow |
2009 | A Different Look at Perceptrons |
2009 | A Fruity Attack on the Vicious Lung Carcinomas |
2009 | A Gas-les$ Car |
2009 | A Healthy Alternative to Road Salt |
2009 | A Matter of Taste: It's Only Water |
2009 | A Mechanism of emamectin action |
2009 | A Model for Human Decomposition in Fresh Water and Salt Water |
2009 | A Probability Study |
2009 | A River Runs Through It - Phase IV |
2009 | A Simulation Model of the Viability of Solar Energy |
2009 | A Solution for Potholes? |
2009 | A Switch to a Brighter Tomorrow |
2009 | A Tale My Grandfather Told Me |
2009 | Absolutely Positive |
2009 | Aerodynamic Lift |
2009 | Aerodynamics of Transport Trucks |
2009 | AIML Robots |
2009 | Algae Goes Green |
2009 | Algae: A Green Future |
2009 | Alternative : chimio sélective ! |
2009 | Analysis of PL reductase and level of secoisolariciresinol diglucoside in flax |
2009 | And Then You Take a Left... |
2009 | Annular Wings vs Straight Wings |
2009 | Anti-Oxidants and Plant Dynamics Part II: From Lab to Land |
2009 | Antibacterial Properties of a Natural Remedy |
2009 | Antibiotic Susceptibility |
2009 | Après les OGM, les AGM: danger pour la biodiversité? |
2009 | Aquarium Filtering |
2009 | Artificial Intelligence for a Healthier Canada |
2009 | Artificial WHAT?! |
2009 | Au bout du rouleau… |
2009 | Au menu: allergie alimentaire |
2009 | Bac Off ! |
2009 | Bacteria and Sunscreen |
2009 | Bake Mistake |
2009 | Barn Owl Pellets as a Biological Indicator |
2009 | Bernoulli's Principle |
2009 | Beware! Of Potatoes: Enzymatic Effects on Food Preservation and the Environment |
2009 | BFast! |
2009 | Bio-Inspired Photonic Fuel Cell |
2009 | BioChar |
2009 | BioHydrogen |
2009 | Birth Rates in Nunavut |
2009 | Bloody Apples |
2009 | Bow String Silencers |
2009 | Bridge Structures, Materials, etc |
2009 | Bristle Busters |
2009 | Brrr... It's Freezing |
2009 | Bugs on Drugs Phase II |
2009 | Butterfly Power |
2009 | Can Teachers Teach Better? |
2009 | Can Thermal Energy in the Composting Process Heat an Alternate Water Source? |
2009 | Cancer-Killing Combinations |
2009 | Capsaicin Admixture Found to Ease Initial Pain Using a Novel Invertebrate Model |
2009 | Carbon Dioxide-Friend or Foe? |
2009 | Casting Call for Worms |
2009 | Catch the Solar Wave to $ave |
2009 | CBMeteor Radio II |
2009 | Cellular Distraction? |
2009 | Change between a higher ratio of slow twitch to fast twitch muscle fibers |
2009 | Characterization of Immunoglobulins in Canine Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia(AIHA) |
2009 | Chemotherapy Drugs: Less is More |
2009 | Chimera: Genetic Anomaly |
2009 | Cinnamon Effects |
2009 | Citrus Fuels |
2009 | Closing-in on Fuel Cells |
2009 | Co-culture of Pseudomonas and Prevotella in Agar Beads |
2009 | CO2 Capture |
2009 | CO2nservons la Terre |
2009 | Cognition = Improved Immunity and Mobility |
2009 | Cold Snaps |
2009 | Comfortable Toes for the Ballerina / Les Orteils Confortable pour la Danseuse |
2009 | Comment Stocker l'Énergie Éolienne |
2009 | Comparing Silica Gel & Newspaper to Vermiculite as Environmental Soil Additives |
2009 | ComPawst Bins: A Bear Necessity |
2009 | Competitive Advantage? Factors Affecting a Football Kick |
2009 | Concrete Microsphere Mix |
2009 | Could A Lemon Power The World? |
2009 | Cow Power |
2009 | CPR Training Simulator - Improved for Kids |
2009 | Creating an Online Computer Game |
2009 | Crushed! |
2009 | Cutting Clean |
2009 | D.I.Y. Atom Smasher |
2009 | Deaf By Music: Noise Induced Hearing Loss |
2009 | Déchets électrisants II ! |
2009 | Designing a Novel SAM Mimic as an Inhibitor of AHL Synthase |
2009 | Detecting Fraud Using Benford's Law |
2009 | Détection de plomb dans une chaine alimentaire |
2009 | Développement d'un modèle animal de l'amblyopie anisométropique |
2009 | Digital Traffic Signal Recognition System: Saving Lives |
2009 | Disappearing Oil:Enhanced Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soil in Bioreactors |
2009 | Do You Eat the Red Ones Last ? |
2009 | Do You Know What You're Touching? |
2009 | Do You Remember? |
2009 | Do You See What "Eye" see ? - Optical Illusions |
2009 | Does Honey have an Antibacterial Effect? |
2009 | Dogs vs. Humans - Whose Mouth is Cleaner? |
2009 | Don't Write on Your Hands |
2009 | Down the Drain, Only to Resurface Again |
2009 | Driven to Distraction - The Effect of Talking and Texting on |
2009 | Dry Skin? We have a solution! |
2009 | Dynamic Photovoltaics - The Sustainable SolArray |
2009 | E-Z Glide Sliding Rail Anchor |
2009 | Eco Eyes |
2009 | Éco-Conserve |
2009 | Ecological Footprint - The Most Important Accounting Tool For The Planet? |
2009 | Edible Antibodies |
2009 | Effects of Second-Hand Smoke on the Lungs |
2009 | Egg in the Hole |
2009 | Eggs |
2009 | Electricity From The Waste Heat of An Engine |
2009 | eMission Impossible: Detecting Pollution with Laser Light |
2009 | Emissivity |
2009 | Energy from Garbage |
2009 | Energy From Mobility: Creating and Testing Kinetic Electrical Generators |
2009 | Ethanol - Biofuel of the Future |
2009 | Evaluation of Erosion Control Methods |
2009 | Evaluation of Mangosteen Fruits and Extracts by HPLC and in Prostate Cancer Cell |
2009 | Even Cleaner Even Greener |
2009 | Extenda-Spray |
2009 | Extending the Operational Lifespan of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells |
2009 | Extra Pane Big Gain |
2009 | Eye Spy Too: Exploring Peripheral Vision |
2009 | Fabulous Fiddleheads |
2009 | Fact or Foamy |
2009 | Fast and Furious |
2009 | Fast vs. Slow Perceivers: Ambiguous Stimuli Perception on Eyewitness Recall |
2009 | Fear Factors |
2009 | Fight Fire With Sound? |
2009 | Finding a Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease |
2009 | Fish Out of Water |
2009 | Floodlight Illumination |
2009 | Flow Characteristics and Viscosity of Fluids |
2009 | Following the Rain |
2009 | Fresh Water |
2009 | From CO2 Sink to Biofuel Inc. |
2009 | From the Bottom Up: Self-Assembly by Lateral Capillary Forces |
2009 | Full Moons... Do They Affect You? |
2009 | Garbage in... Not Garbage Out |
2009 | Gardasil |
2009 | Garlic-Induced Gene Expression Changes in Streptococcus pyogenes Predict a Reduc |
2009 | Genomic DNA Quantities |
2009 | Germinator |
2009 | Get Bent: How Black Holes Bend Spacetime and the Minds of Modern Physicists |
2009 | Glim and Glow |
2009 | Goderich Sustainable Home |
2009 | Going Green Ski-Seff |
2009 | Going Waste Free |
2009 | Got Gas? |
2009 | Grasping Water |
2009 | Green Machine |
2009 | Growing Up Emotionally Smart |
2009 | H2O en péril !!! |
2009 | H2O Running Your Home |
2009 | Hands on the Wheel |
2009 | Handwashing and Gloves: Making the Right Choice, Part II |
2009 | Hazy Days: Measuring Atmospheric Haze Levels |
2009 | Health is in Your Hands - Hand Hygiene in a School Setting |
2009 | Herbal Products May Alter Drug Metabolism |
2009 | High Speed Flash Exposure with Compact Digital Cameras |
2009 | Homemade Organic Soil vs. Commercial Soil in Plant Growth: Which is better? |
2009 | Horseshoe Crabs- Beneficial Blue Bloods |
2009 | Horsy Matters |
2009 | How Clean Is Too Clean |
2009 | How Does Fear Affect Pulse Rate? |
2009 | How Does Strategy Affect Total Sentence In The Prisoner's Dilemma? |
2009 | How Media Makes Us Care: The Effect of Emotional Experience on Donations |
2009 | Hunting with TGF-beta traps |
2009 | Hydro Splitting |
2009 | Hydroharmonics |
2009 | Hyper Heartbeat: The Effect of pH levels on Micro-organisms |
2009 | Hyperphrenia: Your Brain on Media |
2009 | I Scream for Ice Cream But... |
2009 | I Spy With My Little Eye |
2009 | Ice Cooties 2 |
2009 | Ikkii! It's Freezing! |
2009 | Inconnu |
2009 | Inhibition of Cell Growth by Polyamine Analogues in Breast Cancer |
2009 | Innovative, Trailing Edge Winglet: Bent. Broken. Better! |
2009 | Insulin of the Future |
2009 | Irrésistibles, les phages ? |
2009 | Is a Dog's Mouth Cleaner than a Human's? |
2009 | Is it Safe to Make The Switch? |
2009 | Is There A Solution To Pollution? |
2009 | Is there an alternative to oil-based plastics? |
2009 | It's "In" Lightning |
2009 | It's A Bug's Life |
2009 | It's All About The Moulting Cycle |
2009 | It's Keen To Be Green |
2009 | It's not Stinky Cheese it's Manganese |
2009 | It's Time to Make a "Radon" the Basements |
2009 | Jaw Dropping ... Pass It On ! |
2009 | Juniper Tree: Breast Cancer Free? |
2009 | Just Add Water |
2009 | KASPar SNP markers linked to Ascochyta blight resistance gene in chickpea |
2009 | L'attaque juteuse |
2009 | L'électroaimant vous attire ? |
2009 | L'uni«ver» est au cheval ! |
2009 | La capsaïcine, mal sans point ou remède? |
2009 | La circulation extracorporelle |
2009 | La marche des Arthropodes |
2009 | La Télérobotique... Notre Futur |
2009 | La transformation écologique des déchets ménagers organiques en bioéthanol |
2009 | La «Chaud-Frette» |
2009 | Le bonheur du bruit: Quelles fréquences pour la croissance |
2009 | Le caoutchouc au bon goût |
2009 | Le diabète chez les Autochtones |
2009 | Le fromage, un écosystème ! |
2009 | Le moteur de Dame Nature |
2009 | Le Néodyme: utile dans le transport? |
2009 | Les bactéries magnétotactiques |
2009 | Les oeufs oméga-3 |
2009 | Les plantes dans un monde de couleurs |
2009 | Let The Sun Shine |
2009 | Let's Split for a Greener Future |
2009 | Lighting the Way (Can You See The Light - Take II) |
2009 | Logic Gates and the K'nex Computer |
2009 | Magic Math |
2009 | MagnaVert |
2009 | Magnet Generator |
2009 | Magno-Car: The Ride of the Future |
2009 | Make, Don't buy yo diesel! (biodiesel) |
2009 | Mario from Scratch |
2009 | Material Matters |
2009 | Max Downforce |
2009 | Microburst Spoiler |
2009 | Mirror, Mirror...Who's the Most Renewable of Them All? |
2009 | Mission Adhésion |
2009 | MMM: Manoeuvering Metastatic Melanoma |
2009 | Molecular Insights on DNA Uptake & Transit Pathways in Saccharomyces cerevisiae |
2009 | Mood and Mobility in Multiple Sclerosis |
2009 | More Solar Power |
2009 | More to Light Than Meets the Eye Phase III |
2009 | Moteur électrique éolien |
2009 | Much Ado About Garbage...The Biogas Edition |
2009 | Multi-Functional Mobility Aids: Improving Mobility, Autonomy and Efficiency |
2009 | Music Effects on Intelligences |
2009 | Music for Your Heart? |
2009 | Musical Brain |
2009 | Nature Shock: An experimentation of Naturopathic Treatments for Prostate Cancer |
2009 | Ne vous stressez pas |
2009 | Noise Pollution - is there a solution? |
2009 | Observe N' Absorb |
2009 | Oily Ocean? |
2009 | Ommochromes vs. Pteridines |
2009 | One Two Freeze Thaw |
2009 | Only the Nose Knows |
2009 | Optimization of Bicycle Training: A Multi-Variable Experiment |
2009 | Ouch My Head |
2009 | Overcoming Spinal Cord Injuries |
2009 | Pedal Pumper |
2009 | Pellet Power |
2009 | PEPCID...Just One and Heartburn's Done! |
2009 | Perception vs. Reality - Day vs. Night Speeds |
2009 | Phase Inversion of Aqueous Ethylene Copolymers For Water Remediation |
2009 | Photo-Carbo-Synthesis and Energy Storage |
2009 | Phytoremediation: using Geraniums as hyperaccumulators in phytoextracting lead |
2009 | Plugging Into The Sun |
2009 | Pool Protection System |
2009 | Poop + H20 = RNG |
2009 | Potential Use of Microencapsulated Live Yeast Cells in Treating Kidney Failure |
2009 | Pour neurones seulement ? |
2009 | Power Your Car - From Your Dinner Table |
2009 | Powerwalk |
2009 | Pratique musicale et infrarouge |
2009 | Predicting Aggression Using Multiple Regression |
2009 | ProjectWiseWord |
2009 | Properties of Wood Phase Two |
2009 | Pure H2O |
2009 | Push Power Generator Exploring The Co-Relations Involved In Electromagnetism |
2009 | Pykrete: Eco-Insulator |
2009 | Quality Sounds ... or not? |
2009 | Quit The Drips |
2009 | R World |
2009 | Remember to Think....Think to Remember: Preventing Alzheimers |
2009 | Rhubarb to the Rescue! |
2009 | Risky Sips: BPA in Your Bottle |
2009 | Road Salts: Destruction or Relocation |
2009 | Roots and Caterpillars vs Liver Cancer |
2009 | Rx Neuropathy |
2009 | SafeD Pet Solutions |
2009 | Sample Size It |
2009 | Save Money While You Sleep: Reducing Household Energy Consumption |
2009 | Saving the Birds, One Window at a Time |
2009 | Sc-Air Crow |
2009 | Scraps for Laps |
2009 | Scratch-Off Cards: Are You Being Manipulated to Lose? |
2009 | Sensations sans frontières |
2009 | Shhhhhhhhh - 3 (Into the Blue) |
2009 | Skating on Thin Ice |
2009 | SLS: Good, Bad, or Just Plain UglY? |
2009 | Sno-Bike |
2009 | Soil Amending Properties of Charcoal |
2009 | Solar Separation: The Production of Eco-Friendly Fuel |
2009 | Solar vs Wind |
2009 | Sound Analysis and Comparison of Sound made by Mammals, Birds, Amphibians and Re |
2009 | Souris sans carie ! |
2009 | Spices on Cancer |
2009 | SpongeBob's Nemesis Plankton: Evil Genius or Omega-3 Super-producer? |
2009 | Sprout Into Action |
2009 | Steroids for Plants |
2009 | Stirling Engine: Thinking Outside the Gas Pump |
2009 | Stop the Flood |
2009 | Strategic Stretching: The Effects of Stretching on Strength and Range of Motion |
2009 | Sugar: Sickly Sweet |
2009 | Suramin, Congo Red, and Antibiotic Resisance |
2009 | Synthesis, Reactivity and Recycling of the Organic-inorganic catalyst |
2009 | Table tactile |
2009 | Talking Hands |
2009 | Tap Water versus Bottled Water; Do you know what you're drinking? |
2009 | Tasting Test |
2009 | Tea As An Aid In Neuronal Growth |
2009 | The "Mow Pod" |
2009 | The Beat of Your Heart |
2009 | The Bottom of the Barrel: The Stiffer Paradigm |
2009 | The Chlorofilter |
2009 | The Displacement of Copper Ions by Aluminum in Copper Solutions |
2009 | The Effect of Different Kinds of Music on Mathematical Performance |
2009 | The Effects of Energy Drinks on Teenagers |
2009 | The Effects of Gender Identity on Short-Term Memory |
2009 | The Effects of Probiotics vs Antibiotics on Common Bacteria |
2009 | The Effects of Red Bull on a Daphnia's Heart Rate |
2009 | The Hole Solution |
2009 | The Last One Standing: SALT or SNOW? |
2009 | The Maglev Challenge |
2009 | The Medium Rare Hamburger: An E. coli Sandwich? |
2009 | The Music Memory |
2009 | The Paper Pellet Press |
2009 | The Right Height |
2009 | The Secret Life of Spice |
2009 | The Skimmer 2000 |
2009 | The Solar Chef |
2009 | The Sweeter, The Cleaner - Stevia |
2009 | The Unnoticed Epidemic: Yawning |
2009 | The Water Hornwort |
2009 | The Woad to a sustainable blue. Phase 3 |
2009 | Therapie de Choc |
2009 | Tornados |
2009 | Touchless Computing |
2009 | Turbine Hydro-électrique |
2009 | Ultraviolet Damage to Canola Plants: Macroscopic and Microscopic Observations |
2009 | Un ordinateur gelé mais rapide |
2009 | Under the Cellular Influence |
2009 | Une antenne relais qui rassure! |
2009 | Une mémoire bien reposée |
2009 | Using Genetic Algorithms to Solve the Traveling Salesman Problem |
2009 | Utilizing Wind and Solar Energy |
2009 | UV Radiation-Free, Naturally |
2009 | Vampire Power: Watts Disappearing? |
2009 | Vertical Windmills - How do they Work? |
2009 | Vous avez dit nucléaire !? |
2009 | Warm and Fuzzy; no More Scuzzy: Effective Small Scale Motor Oil Spill Cleanup |
2009 | Waste Management |
2009 | Watch Your Step |
2009 | Watching Evolution |
2009 | Water & Soil Contamination through Hydraulic Conductivity in the Red River Basin |
2009 | We're Still Not Plastic Bags: Perfecting the Perfect Plastic |
2009 | Weather or Not.....Site C-O2 |
2009 | What are the effects of Pomegranate Juice on Fruit Decomposition? |
2009 | What is the effect of garlic when used as a biological seed treatment? |
2009 | What Kind of Mind do You Have? |
2009 | What Makes Calves Grow |
2009 | What's Heating You? |
2009 | What's the Buzz Now? |
2009 | Which Bag Keeps an Apple Fresher? |
2009 | Which is Best For Teeth Whitening? |
2009 | Which Way is North? |
2009 | Wii r XBOX surgeons...P/S u can b 2 |
2009 | Will Women's Wicking Wear Work? |
2009 | Wind to Wheel |
2009 | Wind Turbines |
2009 | Wind Turbines - Let's Go Green |
2009 | Winds of Change |
2009 | Winglets, Wingtips, Wing-Whaat? |
2009 | Wireless Power II: Characterizing Magnetically Coupled Fields |
2009 | WireSim |
2009 | Would You Kiss This? Part 2 |
2009 | X-CoP 102 - "eXternal COntrolled Prosthesis" |
2009 | Yogurt Trek: The Search for Probiotics |
2009 | You are What You Eat |
2009 | You Can't Hear That?! |
2008 | "Air" It Don't "Wipe" It |
2008 | "Sour Soil": the resiliency of nitrogen fixation capabilities of Rhizobia in a |
2008 | (W)hole Geometry |
2008 | ...And Then There Were None: A Tale of a Land Mine Sweeper |
2008 | 1950 Dooms Day Asteroid |
2008 | A Breath of Fresh Air |
2008 | À cheval vers la guérison! |
2008 | A Device for Testing the Flexibility of Lower Limb Orthoses |
2008 | A Fatal Fad |
2008 | A Force: Drag On A Rocket |
2008 | A Greener Road |
2008 | Acid vs Lime |
2008 | Aerodynamics of Swept Wings |
2008 | Affected or Not Affected - That is the Question |
2008 | AI game engine design |
2008 | Alerte aux amas |
2008 | All Packed Up: A Study in Random Close Packing |
2008 | Altering the Gene Expression of Streptococcus Pyogenes Using a Natural Product |
2008 | Alysha Light 24 |
2008 | Alzheimer's Disease: PARs to the Rescue |
2008 | Amazing Algae |
2008 | Amplification of hTERT cDNA For Transient Transfection with Mammalian Cells |
2008 | An Investigation into Chaos Theory |
2008 | An Unsolved Mystery: The Origin of Life |
2008 | Analyzing Yeast Metabolism Under Aerobic & Anaerobic conditions |
2008 | Ant Acids |
2008 | Ant Colony Optimization |
2008 | Antibacterial Activity of Canadian Honeys: Isolation of Active Constituents Usin |
2008 | Antibiotic resistance |
2008 | Appuyez sur le champignon! |
2008 | Are Plastic Water Bottles Endangering The Human Race? |
2008 | Are You Well Heeled? |
2008 | Arrow Flight and Speed |
2008 | Attacking cancer: the spicy way |
2008 | Baa Baa Burrr "Hypothermic Lambs" |
2008 | Barometer "The Weather Expert" |
2008 | Bend it Like Pig |
2008 | Bio-Mass Heating; Hot Topic or Not? |
2008 | Biocatalysts |
2008 | Biodiesel's New Dry-Clean |
2008 | Biofilm |
2008 | Biofixation of C02 Using Coccolithophorid Algae |
2008 | Biomining |
2008 | Blowing In The Wind |
2008 | Boning UP with Alfalfa!! |
2008 | Branchées sur l'effet de serre |
2008 | Breaking the Carbon Bond |
2008 | Bright Future of Energy: Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells |
2008 | Bringing the Greenhouse Effect Down to Earth |
2008 | Bugs on Drugs |
2008 | Busting a Bridge: Only the Strongest Will Survive |
2008 | Bye-Bye Birdies |
2008 | Camellia Sinensis as an Aid in Regenerative Nerve Therapy |
2008 | Can You See The Light |
2008 | Candy Anyone? An Experiment for the Rate of Growth of Sugar Crystals at Differen |
2008 | Carbon Dioxide-The Death of Plants? |
2008 | Cast Innovation: Reducing the Risk |
2008 | Catch The Heat |
2008 | Catch Your Breath! |
2008 | Ceasing Seizures |
2008 | Cell Cycle Control of Transformation in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae |
2008 | Change is a Must(ard)! |
2008 | Chloro-filter |
2008 | Choco-logie |
2008 | Clay Advanced System For Cooling |
2008 | Clean Energy from Scrap Tire Combustion |
2008 | Climate Change--Nunavut's Impact 2 |
2008 | Climate Change: Symptoms and Solutions |
2008 | Cloning Violets |
2008 | Come and Get Your Coffee While It's Hot! |
2008 | Come In Out Of The Cold |
2008 | Come On In, The Water's Fine? |
2008 | Comparing the Effects of Organic and Chemical Fertilizers on a Mesotrophic Lake. |
2008 | Cones and Clones: Genetic Variation of White Spruce Seed and Clones |
2008 | Control Innovations for Quadriplegics |
2008 | Cottage or Castle-Which Was Warmer?An Evaluation of Mediaeval Building Materials |
2008 | Crown Gall Prevention |
2008 | Daphnia Lub-Dubs |
2008 | Daphnia On Drugs |
2008 | Déchets électrisants! |
2008 | Des clous pour déjeuner |
2008 | Detecting Atherosclerosis - Cytokine Profiling of Peritoneal Macrophages Exposed |
2008 | Detection Inspection |
2008 | Developing FiftyTwo |
2008 | Diet Dilemma with Irritable Bowel Syndrome |
2008 | Do Anti-Oxidants Boost a Plant's Dynamics |
2008 | Do Different Colours of Light Affect the Growth of Plants? |
2008 | Do Environmental Stresses Affect the Strength of Glue Bonds? |
2008 | Do you know what you're drinking? |
2008 | Do You See What Eye See? |
2008 | Do You See What I See |
2008 | Docteur Bob l'Éponge |
2008 | Does The Angle Of Your Ankle Affect The Propulsion of Your Flutter Kick? |
2008 | Don't Be Cold This Winter |
2008 | Drag or Not to Drag: A New VAWT Design |
2008 | Driving Tension and Hypertension |
2008 | Drop Dead Gorgeous |
2008 | DropBox |
2008 | Dying For A Sleep |
2008 | Dynamic Testing of Strength and Vibration Properties of Hardwoods |
2008 | Effect of Glucocorticoids on Nicotine Metabolism |
2008 | Efficiency is the Key |
2008 | Efficient Eating |
2008 | Electric Sewage |
2008 | Electrical to Kinetic Energy Conversion Efficiency |
2008 | Electricity From Snow |
2008 | Energy Drinks |
2008 | Energy Drinks Versus Water |
2008 | Energy Drinks- Do They Deliver what They Promise? |
2008 | Engines That Power Themselves |
2008 | EnRayons la soif! |
2008 | Enviro Safe |
2008 | Equations of state of hexane at geophysical conditions of the upper mant |
2008 | Excel at Statistics |
2008 | Eye Spy: Variables That Affect Peripheral Vision |
2008 | Fabric Fever |
2008 | Feasibility Evalution on Various Organic Acids Applied in Fuel Cells |
2008 | Fertilizer Contamination in the Hydrologic Cycle |
2008 | Fibre on Fire: Fabrics & Fire Safety |
2008 | Filter Failure |
2008 | Fourier Analysis on Violin Tone |
2008 | Fuel Cell Bonanza |
2008 | Fungi MB |
2008 | Garlic Against Genotoxicity |
2008 | Garlic's Potential as a Biological Seed Treatment |
2008 | Gear Up For the Environment |
2008 | Generating Electricity in Pipelines |
2008 | Generating NURBS Surfaces through 3D Silhouette Scanning |
2008 | Generation XL |
2008 | Germagnation? |
2008 | Germy Hosts |
2008 | Global Warming in Canada |
2008 | Global Warming: Are Urban Trees the Answer? |
2008 | Global Warning: UVB Rays Friend or Foe? |
2008 | Go With the Flow |
2008 | Golf Ball Drop |
2008 | Gravity: Through the Looking Glass |
2008 | Green Eggs and Beef |
2008 | Green Plastics: Saving Our Environment One Bag at a Time |
2008 | H2O Friend or Foe? |
2008 | Hamster Power |
2008 | Handwashing and Gloves: Making the Right Choice |
2008 | Healing A Health Crisis |
2008 | Health Behaviour Among Adolescents in Hamilton, Ontario |
2008 | Heat Up the Hydrocarbons |
2008 | Homosexuality: It's all in your head (Phase III) |
2008 | Hot Dog Cool Solution |
2008 | Hot Vs Cold |
2008 | How Bright Is Your Light? |
2008 | How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect the Human Brain and Body? |
2008 | How Does the Throat Sing? |
2008 | How Has English Vocabulary Changed Over Time? |
2008 | How Much N2O is in Your H2O? |
2008 | How Safe Are Our Children? |
2008 | How to Help Goalies Make More Saves |
2008 | How to Make Vegetable Oil into Diesel |
2008 | Human Decomposition |
2008 | Hydrogen Fuel Cell: Effect of Altitude on Energy Output |
2008 | Hydrogen Storage Using Steel Wool |
2008 | HydroGuard |
2008 | Hypericin Phototoxicity: A Novel Strategy for Cancer Treatment |
2008 | Ice Ace |
2008 | Ice Cold |
2008 | Identifying Ciona intestinalis Via COX1 Primers |
2008 | Impact of Microwaves on Plant Growth |
2008 | Improving predictive text |
2008 | Interaction of HIV-1 Transactivating Factor Tat and Mitochondria of Cos7 Cells |
2008 | Investigating Blood Sugar |
2008 | InVision: An Intelligent System for Automated Image Analysis |
2008 | Is Arctic Ice Losing Its Cool? |
2008 | Is PJ the Cure? |
2008 | Jatropha Oil - Saving the Environment, One Drop at a Time |
2008 | Jitter Bugs |
2008 | Kick the Carbon Crave: Convert CO2 to Fuels |
2008 | L'énergie dans les vaques-La source renouvelable sans impact? |
2008 | L'orage électrique au cerveau |
2008 | La chasse aux étoiles |
2008 | La Maison "verte" |
2008 | La protéomique: second souffle! |
2008 | La thérapie génique |
2008 | La valorisation écologique des déchets ménagers en biogaz |
2008 | Larch Tea: An Antibacterial Solution? |
2008 | Le béton idéal |
2008 | Le compost améliore la santé des pommiers et réduit l'infestation des acarie |
2008 | Le plasma: bien plus qu'un état |
2008 | Lead in Lettuce |
2008 | Learning Styles and Strengths of 7th Graders |
2008 | Left or Right: Side Dominance |
2008 | Left or Right? |
2008 | Left? or Right? - Lateral Dominance in Cats |
2008 | Lending a Hand: Bio Gloves |
2008 | Les champignons et les antioxydants |
2008 | Les commandes hydrauliques |
2008 | Les courants océaniques |
2008 | Les graines de la Saskatchewan: un apport assuré en sélénium |
2008 | Let the River Flow |
2008 | Let the Wind Blow - But Make Your Turbine Efficient |
2008 | Let there be Light |
2008 | Life or Death! Will the snowmobile float? |
2008 | Likin' Lichen Protection |
2008 | Lingering Herbicides |
2008 | Lost inTranscription?The Effects of Mutations Through Eukaryotic Gene Expression |
2008 | Magiques ou toxiques? |
2008 | Making Bricks from Mine Tailings |
2008 | Matter over Mind |
2008 | Mechanics of Bioplastics |
2008 | Microarray Profiling of Gene Expression in the Normal Aging Brain of Drosophila |
2008 | Microbes At War |
2008 | Mobility for the Disabled |
2008 | More to Light than Meets the Eye Phase II |
2008 | Mountain Pine Beetle: The Silent Fire |
2008 | Musical Diaphragms? |
2008 | Neural Networks: Image Recognition 2 |
2008 | Northern Lights |
2008 | Nothing Is But What Is Not |
2008 | Now you see it now you don't! |
2008 | Nuclear Scintillation Spectroscopy and Cosmic Radiation |
2008 | Ocean Power |
2008 | Ocular pigmentation and longevity in Drosophila melanogaster. |
2008 | Ocular Trauma |
2008 | Oleophilic Bacteria....Creating a Greener Tomorrow |
2008 | On the Level |
2008 | On the Right Path |
2008 | Opération Simulation |
2008 | Optical Illusions: Can you grow out of them? |
2008 | Orbital Forcing: An Astrophysical Solution to the Puzzle of Climate Change |
2008 | Organic VS Genetically Modified Apples/Bananas |
2008 | Origine: inconnue |
2008 | OSUM |
2008 | Oups, j'ai oublié! |
2008 | Our World On Thin Ice |
2008 | Out of Thin Air |
2008 | Papier recyclé : la nouvelle génération |
2008 | Passing Wind |
2008 | Perceptual Blindness |
2008 | Perspicacious People |
2008 | Petroleum Snackers: A Biological Solution to Oil Spills |
2008 | Photonic Boom |
2008 | Physics Of A Slapshot |
2008 | Phytoremediation: Plant Power |
2008 | Plant Coma: A New Tool For Forensic Scientists |
2008 | Plantes et ondes radio : une curieuse combinaison! |
2008 | Plastic Not Fantastic |
2008 | Plastic-Safe or Not? |
2008 | Plastics:Here Today, Here Tomorrow |
2008 | Polar Ice: Electric Fields and the Effect on Ice |
2008 | Polar Problem |
2008 | Pollution Par Ignorance |
2008 | Pop Goes The Kernel! |
2008 | Power Ultrasonic Treatment for Atherosclerosis |
2008 | Predicting Penalty Minutes |
2008 | Prime Probability Paradox Through Parity! |
2008 | Priming and exogenous treatments for salt stress in Phaseolus vulgaris. |
2008 | Pykrete: the new concrete? |
2008 | Quand la santé part en fumée! |
2008 | Quit Buggin' |
2008 | R U Full of Hot Air |
2008 | Raindrops on Rotors |
2008 | Remediation Sensation |
2008 | Renewable Energy |
2008 | Revêtement nature |
2008 | Riptide-Rush |
2008 | Rotting Body |
2008 | Salt and the Sustainable Environment |
2008 | Sanitary Sunshine: Put to the Test |
2008 | Saving Energy= Saving Our World/ Use Colour |
2008 | Saving The World Never Tasted So Sweet |
2008 | Se faire piquer, c'est du passé! |
2008 | Seeing Science |
2008 | Sense What You Can't Hear |
2008 | Sewers: The Untapped Renewable Energy Source |
2008 | Shhhhhhhh-2: Sound Absorption |
2008 | Signalling Pathways Leading to Differential Neutrophil Degranulation |
2008 | Sink The CO2 |
2008 | Slow Down and Save with Ethanol |
2008 | Smoke Detectors |
2008 | Some Like It Hot! Using Thermoelectrics to Recover Waste Heat from a Car Engine |
2008 | Speeding Spins: The Physics Behind a Figure Skating Spin |
2008 | Spendthrifts VS Tightwads |
2008 | Spice up Your Life |
2008 | Static Electricity and Shocks |
2008 | Stimulus Strength and Reaction Time |
2008 | Stocks: Predicting When To Sell |
2008 | Straight Cut, One Cut, Two Cut, Which is the Best Christmas Tree Cut? |
2008 | Submerged in Science |
2008 | Subway Productivity Time Study |
2008 | Surface Tension |
2008 | Take a Slide down the Learning Curve |
2008 | Taste the Rainbow |
2008 | Tasty Teeth |
2008 | Taxol and Flaxseed: A more effective treatment of Breast Cancer |
2008 | Techno Worm |
2008 | Teen Stress in the North |
2008 | Tempest in a Tin Can |
2008 | The ACELL System |
2008 | The Ants Go Marching... |
2008 | The Best Bounce For Your Buck |
2008 | The Best Defenseman |
2008 | The Better Browser |
2008 | The Brilliant Brain |
2008 | The Coanda Conundrum |
2008 | The Coriolis Effect and its Implications |
2008 | The Coriolis Effect and its Implications |
2008 | The Curing Clove! |
2008 | The Dilemma of Musical Allusions -uses and abuses of music |
2008 | The Effect of Antibacterial Soap on Different Types of Bacteria |
2008 | The Effect of Automation on Wild Rice Harvest |
2008 | The Effect of Scarification and Acid Bathing? |
2008 | The Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis on Non-Target Invertebrates |
2008 | The Effects of Heavy Metals on Degesia tigrina |
2008 | The Effects of Humanoid Avatar Gaze on Chat Communication in Virtual Worlds |
2008 | The Effects of Microbubble Volume on Ship Hull Drag Reduction |
2008 | The Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizers on the Bioremediation of Oil |
2008 | The Effects of Parasitic Species on Fishing Vessels |
2008 | The Effects of Zizyphus jujuba var. spinosa Extract on Various Cancer Cell Lines |
2008 | The Fat In Your Fries |
2008 | The Flex on Hockey Sticks |
2008 | The Future of Recycling Plastics |
2008 | The Impact of a Distracting Environment on Memory |
2008 | The Incredible Bridge |
2008 | The Leaching of Bisphenol-A from Polycarbonate Bottles |
2008 | The Missing Piece of Global Warming |
2008 | The Pandemic Ventilator |
2008 | The Photoelectric effect |
2008 | The Power of Polymer |
2008 | The Power of Wind |
2008 | The Pressure Is On! |
2008 | The Return of the "Alter-Leg" |
2008 | The Rollator Wheelchair Hybrid 2: Attaching The Freedom Of Independent Mobility |
2008 | The Slingshot: Improving the Modern Hockey Stick |
2008 | The Socio-Thermology of the Mi'kmaq Sweat Lodge |
2008 | The Spice of Life |
2008 | The stem cell race |
2008 | The Stroop Effect |
2008 | The Survival of the Marigold |
2008 | The Unseen Benefactors |
2008 | The Upright Silo Deicer |
2008 | The Winds of Change: The Superior by Nature Energy Plan |
2008 | The Woad to a Sustainable Blue Colourant, Phase Two |
2008 | The World's Best Paper Airplane: A Test |
2008 | Thermoelectricity via Wasted Ambient Heat |
2008 | Think Fast! |
2008 | To Bernoulli or Not to Bernoulli? - that is the question... |
2008 | To Dye For |
2008 | Tracking the sun |
2008 | Treatment of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia with LPATH |
2008 | Trip the Light Fantastic |
2008 | Tropical Alberta: Microvertebrate Paleontology |
2008 | Turn Down The Heat |
2008 | Un Bras Robotique c'est Quoi? |
2008 | Un lavage pour sauver une vie |
2008 | Un moteur écologique |
2008 | Un train magnétique: un mode de transport propre II |
2008 | Understanding the Immune System |
2008 | Viral Load Testing under Influence of HIV HAART Treatment |
2008 | Virtual Fencing |
2008 | Viscosity: Developing & Testing a New Technique for Measuring a Liquid's Viscos |
2008 | Visual vs. Auditory |
2008 | Vitamin C Loss in Fruit Juice |
2008 | Voice Activated Navigation for the Blind |
2008 | W.C.A.R. Wireless Controllable Autonomous Robots |
2008 | Waste To Warmth |
2008 | Wasting Away |
2008 | Water Me, Naturally |
2008 | Watts the Alternative? |
2008 | We're Not Plastic Bags: The Perfect Plastic |
2008 | Weather Observation UAV |
2008 | What Causes A Brain Freeze? |
2008 | What is the Diameter of the Earth's Core? |
2008 | What's The Buzz? |
2008 | What's the Point? |
2008 | Which Bridge Structure Holds the Most Weight? |
2008 | Which Golf Ball to Use: A Study of Bounce Height and Drive Distance |
2008 | Who Are You? |
2008 | Wii Will Rock You |
2008 | Willow Water as a Rooting Accelerator |
2008 | Wind Power |
2008 | Wind Swept |
2008 | Windmill Blades |
2008 | Winging it- A study of how air temperature affects the efficiency of flight |
2008 | Wireless Electricity |
2008 | Would Wheat? Wheat Wood! |
2008 | X-CoP 101 - "eXternal COntrolled Prosthesis" |
2008 | You are Not a Beautiful and Unique Snowflake |
2008 | You are Under Fall-Arrest |
2008 | Your life or your car? AirCrumble lets you have both. |
2007 | "Burning" Calories |
2007 | "McFries to McFuel" Biodiesel |
2007 | 8 Seconds Safe II |
2007 | A breath of Fresh Air |
2007 | A Day In The Life Of: Stepper Motor Control Systems |
2007 | À l'intérieur de la dépression |
2007 | A new Spin On Power |
2007 | A River Runs Through It - Phase III |
2007 | A Twist on Twisting Curves |
2007 | Acid Rain: Is It Gone Or Just Forgotten? |
2007 | Aerodynamic Drag |
2007 | Aerodynamic Efficiency: Reducing Fuel Emissions thru Innovative Aircraft Design |
2007 | Agents that Destroy Vitamin C |
2007 | Airfoil Design vs Stall |
2007 | Alfalfa: Potential Source of the Health Ingredient Lutein |
2007 | Aluminum Technology Owes An Apology To The Health Ecology |
2007 | Ames Test: Chemicals to Cancer |
2007 | An Analysis of Local Climate Change in Relation to Traditional Knowledge |
2007 | Anciennes cultures, nouvelles technologies |
2007 | Antennas to the heavens |
2007 | Aquatic Pathway |
2007 | Arctic Plant Medicine |
2007 | Are We Destroying Our Teeth? |
2007 | Are We Genetically Different From Other Species? |
2007 | Artificial Intelligence Turtle |
2007 | Asleep at the Wheel |
2007 | Association Between Fingerprint Pattern and Hair Colour, Eye Colour and Gender |
2007 | Attention aux "Dents G" |
2007 | Au fil des toiles? |
2007 | Autoroute H2O |
2007 | Backpack Bugs |
2007 | Backpacks: A Pain in the Back |
2007 | Backstage Manipulator for Cosmic Evolution of Galaxy Clusters |
2007 | Balanus Balanoides as Bioindicators |
2007 | Be Alarmed |
2007 | Big Lungs? Big People? |
2007 | Bio-Gly-Kool II |
2007 | BioDiesel |
2007 | Biodiesel: Does it make Cents? |
2007 | Blood Brain Barrier Breached! |
2007 | Blood Pressure and Pulse |
2007 | Blowing Down the Walls of Jericho |
2007 | Body By Influence |
2007 | Brand Name vs. No Name |
2007 | Bras de fer: axolotl vs cancer |
2007 | Bread... Makes the Grade |
2007 | Breathe Easy...CO2 can be Green! |
2007 | Breathin' Easy |
2007 | Bug Off! |
2007 | Bzzz Balm - The Healthy Lip Explosion |
2007 | C.A.R.- Controllable Autonomous Robot |
2007 | Catch me if you can! |
2007 | Catching No ZZZZZZ's: A Sleep Deprivation Study |
2007 | CD127 Influence in Protecting CD8+ T-cells from Apoptosis |
2007 | CH4 Optimization of BioWaste |
2007 | Chaos |
2007 | Children's Programming: Education or Just Entertainment? |
2007 | Chromatography |
2007 | Chromatography and Organic Components Cretaceous Fossils |
2007 | Cleaner Fuel, Cleaner Air, Cleaner Engine |
2007 | Climate Change: Nunavut's Impact |
2007 | CO2 at the Drive-Through |
2007 | CO2 Reduction |
2007 | Coca-Clavier |
2007 | Colour Confusion: Can You See the Taste? |
2007 | Condamné à perpétuité |
2007 | Contribution to Sustainability in Cement and Coal Production |
2007 | Cool It |
2007 | Copper or Coincidence? |
2007 | Cosmic Radiation |
2007 | Could This be Random? Probably! |
2007 | CravingTooMuchJunkFood? TestingTheLinkBetweenTasteSensitivityandBMIPercentile |
2007 | CSI Cold Scanning Investigations |
2007 | Cultivating Cultivators |
2007 | Cure it Naturally!: Spices & Herbs: The Best Wonder Cure!! |
2007 | Des ondes qui passent ou qui cassent |
2007 | Developing Codeform: A Syntax Highlighter |
2007 | Dietary Fats: Friend or Foe? 2 |
2007 | Discombobulated |
2007 | Dissolving Buildings:The Effects of Acid Rain on Limestone Structures |
2007 | Dissolving the Pain |
2007 | Distributed Robotics: An Intelligent System |
2007 | Do Contact Lens Solutions Keep Your Contact Cases Bacteria Free? |
2007 | Do You Know Your Cat? Left Pawed? Right Pawed? |
2007 | Do You See What I See? |
2007 | Does Listening to Rock, Rap and Classical Music Affect One's Concentration? |
2007 | Does Microwaving Water Affect Plant Growth? |
2007 | Does More Money Mean More distance in Golf Balls? |
2007 | Does Snow Affect Sound? |
2007 | Dual Tomography |
2007 | Duel antibactérien |
2007 | Eat Dirt & Live Longer |
2007 | Effect of Pollution on Aquatic Life: Part 2 |
2007 | Effectiveness of Fog Lamp Colors |
2007 | Electrifying Algae |
2007 | Embryonic Stem Cells and Viral Internalization |
2007 | Energy Burst or Energy Thirst |
2007 | Ergonomics Within the Workplace |
2007 | F1 vs F2 |
2007 | Feel The Flow 2: Microbubbles |
2007 | Ferrum Corrumpitur Quod Aer |
2007 | Fertilizing Growth |
2007 | Fighting Flames Frugally |
2007 | Fighting for Deer Life |
2007 | Fighting the Clone Wars |
2007 | Finding f(x) with Genetic Algorithms |
2007 | Finding the Fit for Your Knee |
2007 | Flower Power |
2007 | Fluoride: Formula for Destruction |
2007 | Flying Straight Genetically |
2007 | Food for Mood |
2007 | Food For Thought |
2007 | Forget Me Not |
2007 | From The Orthic Triangle |
2007 | From Trash to Cash |
2007 | From Walker to Wheel Chair: A Mobility Aid Combination |
2007 | Fruit Peel Detergent |
2007 | Fuel of The Future |
2007 | Fuel of the Future: Biodiesel |
2007 | FWB: The Impenetrable Fabric/ Testing Claims |
2007 | Game Theory and Human Behavior |
2007 | Gas Production, Waste Reduction |
2007 | Gåsö flora inventory |
2007 | Gene Therapy for Cervical Cancer |
2007 | Generating Muscle Power |
2007 | Ginger root extraction |
2007 | Go With the Flow Phase II |
2007 | Green Hydrogen |
2007 | Growing Leaders, Growing Grasslands |
2007 | Gyromania |
2007 | H2O to Energy |
2007 | Hair Dye...Or Hair Die? |
2007 | Hand-E-pack |
2007 | Hexa Lifter |
2007 | Hot COCO2 The Energizer Reactor |
2007 | Hot Pants - Recycled Polyester Insulation |
2007 | How Exotic: The Presence and Effects of Exotic Matter in Nature |
2007 | How Hungry Are Your Slugs ? |
2007 | How Pocket PCs Affect Reading Comprehension |
2007 | How Tall Before They Fall? |
2007 | Hungry For Hydrocarbons |
2007 | Hydrogen - Fuel of the Future |
2007 | Hydrogen Power |
2007 | Hydrogen: Fuel Of The Future |
2007 | I See You |
2007 | I-Kill-O-Watt Power Plant |
2007 | Ideal Sensor Patterns |
2007 | If "Eye" Only Had a Brain |
2007 | iHear |
2007 | Illuminating Photosynthesis |
2007 | Infuenza Invaders! |
2007 | Insect Immigration to Canada- The 21st Century Threat |
2007 | Insulation Investigation Searching for Alternatives |
2007 | Investigating Yeast Power |
2007 | iPODemic: Noise Induced Hearing Loss and the Use of Personal Listening Devices |
2007 | Is Bigger Really Better? |
2007 | Is Bug Wood Boggy? |
2007 | Is my Yukon tap water safe to drink? |
2007 | Is Your Fruit Really Clean? |
2007 | Islands in the Sun |
2007 | Isotopic Fingerprinting of Human-Emitted Methane |
2007 | it is supposed to be Fun |
2007 | It’s Worth A Shot |
2007 | J'ai d'la veine, c'est piquant! |
2007 | Jeu de con«sciences» |
2007 | Journey from Waste to Useful Resources |
2007 | Juicing It Up |
2007 | Just Add Honey |
2007 | Killer Caffeine |
2007 | L'amerture, c'est dans les gènes! |
2007 | L'effet Meissner frappe encore |
2007 | L'électrolyse et les piles à combustiles: l'eau comme source de combustible |
2007 | La maison passive |
2007 | La réduction écologique des déchets ménagers |
2007 | La Super Colle |
2007 | Laser Liquids |
2007 | Le chercheur d'eau |
2007 | Le code de l'avenir |
2007 | Le Diabète |
2007 | Le somnambulisme |
2007 | Learning Behaviour of Rats |
2007 | Left or Right? |
2007 | Left? Right? Or Balanced?: The Effects and Applications of Cerebral Dominance |
2007 | Les biocarburants renouvelables |
2007 | Les catapultes |
2007 | les éoliens |
2007 | Let's get moving with Thermodynamics |
2007 | Levitate This!! |
2007 | Liar, Liar, Your Stomach's on Fire |
2007 | Life After Death II |
2007 | Light Bulbs In The Flesh |
2007 | Llama Tea Revisited: The Organic Alternative |
2007 | Looking Out for Number 1 |
2007 | Lord Kelvin's Electrostatic Generator |
2007 | Making $$ Green $$ from Greenhouse Gas |
2007 | Making Yesterday's Water Distiller More Efficient |
2007 | Managing the School Reindeer Hunt |
2007 | Meatless for a Month |
2007 | Mechanical Properties of Hardwoods: A New Test |
2007 | Meltdown: A Lesson in Heat Tolerance |
2007 | Mercury in Phoca hispida Vibrissae |
2007 | Message of the Rings |
2007 | Metabolic Efficiency of Parabuteo unicinctus |
2007 | Methtropolis: The Youth Epidemic |
2007 | Micro Hydro Potential: Margaree Watershed |
2007 | Microbial Fuel Cell |
2007 | Microbial Mining, An Innovative Approach |
2007 | Miroir: deux soleils |
2007 | Modern Medicine and Naturopathic Medicine: Partners in fighting Breast Cancer? |
2007 | More To Light Than Meets the Eye |
2007 | Mouthguards |
2007 | Mussels: Pollution Solution? |
2007 | Mycological Medicine |
2007 | Mysteries of Life: Phylogenetic Analysis of mRNA & Protein |
2007 | Natural Fibre-Reinforced Cellulose Acetate Composites |
2007 | Naturellement potable |
2007 | Navigation for the Blind |
2007 | Need a Lift? |
2007 | Neural Networks: Image Recognition |
2007 | Neuroprotection of L-Theanine in an In-Vitro Stroke Model |
2007 | Nutrition Fruition |
2007 | Object Recognition |
2007 | Onion Power |
2007 | Opération décontamination, la décontamination naturelle du lixiviat du bois |
2007 | Opération Haricot |
2007 | Operation MESV: The Spy 2 |
2007 | Parasitic Contamination |
2007 | Patheogenic Bacterial Elimination:Bact. Lysis Through the Appl. of Muramidase |
2007 | Pathogenicity of a New Alberta Microbe Against Grasshoppers and Mealworms |
2007 | Peeling Away Problems |
2007 | Phenomenal Glow |
2007 | Pinky and the Brain |
2007 | Polar Bear |
2007 | Poop Power |
2007 | Popsicle Stick Bridge |
2007 | Power Generation |
2007 | Power It Clean - a Photoelectrochemical Cell |
2007 | Predicting E. coli induced beach closures using artificial neural networks. |
2007 | Prime Spine Mechanics |
2007 | Project Paintball |
2007 | Project Poker |
2007 | Propriétés physiques du violon |
2007 | Putting the Bite on Rabies |
2007 | Quand la couleur nous échappe |
2007 | Quantum dots & cancer labeling |
2007 | Quantum Key Distribution Simulator |
2007 | Quel est la qualité d’air dans les différentes régions de Yarmouth, Nouvell |
2007 | R we @ rsk? The relationship between instant messaging and editing skills. |
2007 | Ready? Set? React! |
2007 | Relation of AtomicMass,Density and Crystal Structure to Elasticity |
2007 | Renewable Resources |
2007 | Restrain Yourself |
2007 | Rings of Time |
2007 | Risks of Diabetes |
2007 | Riverbank Bio-engineering |
2007 | Rotten to the Core |
2007 | Sachez chasser ce sel! |
2007 | Sandra Ski |
2007 | Sanitary Sunshine: Phase Two |
2007 | SDFA Storm Drain Filter Apparatus |
2007 | Sécuriformes |
2007 | Send in the Reinforcements |
2007 | Shhhhhhhhhh! Sound Absorption |
2007 | Shining a Light on a Toxic Issue |
2007 | Shocking Growth |
2007 | Shortcut Connections in Artificial Neural Networks |
2007 | SISIA, sans surprises! |
2007 | So You Think You Can Sing |
2007 | Solar Cooking |
2007 | Solutes Affect the Time and Temperature at Which Liquids Freeze |
2007 | Solving the Stink Pipe Problem--Part 2 |
2007 | Sommes-nous en «pér'Îles»? |
2007 | Sound: How Do We Hear It? |
2007 | Soy Solution: Initial Moisture Effects on the Injury Resistance of Soybeans |
2007 | Splice of Life |
2007 | Spud Gun |
2007 | Stairway to Heaven |
2007 | Steering Wheel Safety System Senses Driver Fatigue |
2007 | Stevia: Beneficial Effects; Post-Meal Test |
2007 | Structurer pour le succès |
2007 | Suffit d'y repenser |
2007 | Sugar and Yeast: How do They Mix? |
2007 | Sugars in the Shadows |
2007 | Sun + Wind = Energy with a Spin |
2007 | Sun and Wind can be Twinned |
2007 | Survival of the Batteries: Effect of Extreme Temperature on Alkaline Batteries |
2007 | Sweating the Small Stuff |
2007 | Sweet Tooth |
2007 | Take Control of Arthritis |
2007 | Take Root |
2007 | Talk to the Hand, It'll Talk Back! |
2007 | Taxe$ a Pain! Taxus a Cure! Genetic Variation & Propagation of Taxus canadensis |
2007 | Techniques for Measuring Robotic Movement |
2007 | Telomeres and Human Cancer |
2007 | Testing a Novel Activity of the Merlin Tumour Suppressor |
2007 | The Abandoned Truth |
2007 | The Actuator: a New Wheelchair Designed to Prevent DVT |
2007 | The Amazing Alter-Leg |
2007 | The Best Drinking Water Quality |
2007 | The Carom Physics Engine |
2007 | The Degrading Effects of Low pH on Seven Polymer Materials |
2007 | The Dig on Logs |
2007 | The Economizer: Harnessing Waste Heat Using a Stirling Engine |
2007 | The Effect of Carbon Dioxide on Global Warming |
2007 | The Effect of Cell Phone Use on Reaction Time |
2007 | The human memory |
2007 | The Missing Link: An Investigation into JAK 2 Phosphorylation |
2007 | The Mysteries Of Memory |
2007 | The Myth of Multitasking |
2007 | The New Seed Cleaner |
2007 | The Nose Knows |
2007 | The Not So Eggciting Truth About Brushing! |
2007 | The Physics of Show Jumping |
2007 | The Reflex Race |
2007 | The Shelf-life of Canadian Active Honeys |
2007 | The suicidal brain |
2007 | The Tap, the Boiled and the Microwaved |
2007 | The Visual Field of Men vs. Women |
2007 | The XBOX Factor |
2007 | The Zeolite Exchange |
2007 | Thermoelectricity: A Cool Idea Or Hot Air? |
2007 | Tic-Tac-Toe: A JavaScript Application |
2007 | Time for your medicine |
2007 | To Buy or Not to Buy (the Water Dilemma) |
2007 | Tomorrow's Way |
2007 | Too Hot To Handle 2 |
2007 | Toothbusters |
2007 | Toxic Teeth |
2007 | Training analytical perception |
2007 | Training System for Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Replacement Surgery |
2007 | Transmutation in Plasma Electrolysis |
2007 | Trapped - Reducing Trapped Fluids in an Aluminum Beverage Can |
2007 | Treading In Murky Waters |
2007 | Troubled Waters? |
2007 | Tseycum: est-il propre? |
2007 | Turbidity |
2007 | Turning a kind eye |
2007 | Two Sides To A Speaker |
2007 | Une bonne tasse de thé |
2007 | Using Phage in Fighting Infection |
2007 | Using Wind Turbines is a breeze! |
2007 | UV eye protection |
2007 | Va-Va-Vroom |
2007 | Voila les Voyelles: French Vowel Pronunciation in a Victoria High School |
2007 | Waste to Energy |
2007 | Water Clarity in the World's Largest Freshwater Ecosystem |
2007 | Water Power |
2007 | Wave Alert! |
2007 | Wave Goodbye to Microwaves |
2007 | Weather Predicting |
2007 | What "milk" makes the best natural plastic? |
2007 | What Do Worms Like? |
2007 | What Lies Beneath |
2007 | What Makes A Scary Sound Scary? |
2007 | What's The Beef? |
2007 | What's Your Shade |
2007 | Which Mouthwash Best Reduces Oral Bacteria? |
2007 | Who Will Save the Electric Car? |
2007 | Will Counting Your Steps Change Your Attitude And Physical Health |
2007 | Wind Energy |
2007 | Wind turbine blades...a 'hole' lot better. |
2007 | Woad-is-me: Finding a permanent dye from sustainably grown plant derived indigo |
2007 | Wood, Water and the Winds of Southern Alberta |
2007 | Worms |
2007 | Would You Like Omega-3 With That? |
2007 | Wreaking Havoc on Rust |
2007 | You Be the Judge |
2007 | Your Solution To Lawnmower Pollution |
2007 | ¿Heads or Tails? II: Memory at its Finest |
2006 | 3D Scanning of Osseous Matter |
2006 | 8 Seconds Safer |
2006 | A "BIT" More To Chew On |
2006 | A 2nd Scoop of Llama Poop: Improving Wheat & Barley Growth |
2006 | A Bloody Network: Traffic Control for the Arteries |
2006 | A Concrete Solution to Scrap Tires |
2006 | A Curve in the Road |
2006 | A Dynamic Analog Concurrently-Processed Adaptive Chip |
2006 | A hole in a wing: not always a bad thing |
2006 | A Leechy Situation (Chemosensory in Peril?) |
2006 | A Mathematical Model of the Acoustical Properties of the Transverse Concert Flute |
2006 | A Memory Like a Horse |
2006 | A Potential New Approach to Chemotherapy in Brain Cancer: Disruption of Connexion 43 Particle Arrang |
2006 | A Question of Taste |
2006 | A River Runs Through It - Phase 2 |
2006 | A Sphagnum Solution for Safe Water |
2006 | A Wrinkle In Spacetime |
2006 | A-peel-ing Apples |
2006 | A.W.A.P.S. - Automobile Wildlife Accident Prevention System |
2006 | Ability to Focus With Distraction |
2006 | Affecting Aging: Protection of cSOD-deficient Drosophila from Oxidative Stress |
2006 | Airships for Airheads |
2006 | Aliens Amongst Us! |
2006 | All You Can Eat Shrimp |
2006 | All's Well That Ends Well: The Effect of Cadences in Incidental Music |
2006 | Allergenic Characterization of Two New Penicillium Species – A Step Towards Allergen Vaccines |
2006 | An Educated Guess |
2006 | An Icy Life |
2006 | Analysis of Crown Gall Disease in Plants |
2006 | Antibacterial Toothpaste - Do Not Swallow |
2006 | Antidépresseurs, bonbon? |
2006 | Antioxidant vs. Virus |
2006 | Antiperspirants and Aluminum |
2006 | Archie's Equation And The Variable "m" |
2006 | Are Skins Warmer than the Boots |
2006 | Arsenic: Leaching in our Midst II |
2006 | As Nutritious as Fresh |
2006 | Aspirin - A Heart's Best Friend |
2006 | Attaque antibiotique: résistance bactérienne |
2006 | Autisme |
2006 | Bacteria Bites |
2006 | Bacteria Calls |
2006 | Bacteria That Bites! |
2006 | Bacterial growth in bottled waters |
2006 | Balancing Native Grassland Conservation with Economic Activity |
2006 | Battling Batteries - Which Rechargeables Should You Use? |
2006 | Beat the Breathalyzer |
2006 | Beyond Genesis |
2006 | BHE: la barrière à franchir! |
2006 | Bio-Electromagnetism II |
2006 | Bio-Gly-Kool |
2006 | Bio-Power Plant |
2006 | Biodiesel on Ice |
2006 | Bird flu - Who knew? |
2006 | Birds In My Back Yard |
2006 | Black Eccentric Magic |
2006 | Blame it on Your Parents? Part II: Temperamental Trait Investigation |
2006 | BLASTing Influenza Viruses |
2006 | Blind Navigation |
2006 | Boisson de sport maison |
2006 | Boning Up On The Latest |
2006 | Can an Antioxidant-Rich Diet Reduce Oxidative Stress and Promote Functional Recovery after Stroke? |
2006 | Can Education Affect the Brain |
2006 | Can You Taste The Difference? |
2006 | Caribou Skin Clothes vs Modern Clothes |
2006 | Code 3 for the Diabetic Emergency |
2006 | Cognition? |
2006 | Cognitive Development: The Adolescent Years |
2006 | Communiquer avec nos sens |
2006 | Comparing the Vitamin C Level of Common Fruits |
2006 | Conductive Heat Loss |
2006 | Cones and Clones |
2006 | Conformity |
2006 | Consomption de carburant |
2006 | Converting a Homemade Cathode Ray Tube into a Laser |
2006 | Cornboard |
2006 | Cortisol Circadian Rhythms |
2006 | Cytokine Regulation of IL-7 Receptor Alpha Gene Expression |
2006 | Deal or No Deal?: A Study of Online Gaming Randomness |
2006 | Determiniation of the Factors that Maximize Agro. Vir Gere Expression |
2006 | Dietary Fat: Friend or Foe? |
2006 | Different Folks, Different Soaps |
2006 | Different Growth Rates in Young-of-the-Year Mountain Whitefish in Southern Alberta |
2006 | Dîner glacé |
2006 | Distractions and Reactions |
2006 | DNA Damage Induced Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells That Differ in p53 Status |
2006 | Do Gases Affect the Freezing of Liquids? |
2006 | Don't Get Whipped |
2006 | Dook |
2006 | Drinking the Ocean: The Desalination Model |
2006 | Dune't you worry? |
2006 | Dwarfism in Cattle |
2006 | Early Stages of Development |
2006 | Eelgrass - The Complete Package |
2006 | Effect of Temperature on Magnetism |
2006 | Effects of a Vacuum Chamber on Bananas |
2006 | Effects of Chemotherapy Agents |
2006 | Electric Brushes |
2006 | Elementary Proof for Blundon's Inequality |
2006 | Embarrassed |
2006 | Engineering A Cure for Diabetes |
2006 | Enzymes in Action |
2006 | EPA Omega-3 Fatty Acid: Friend or Foe in the Battle Against Leukemia |
2006 | Eureka! |
2006 | External Laptop Cooler |
2006 | Eyewitnesses: Are they Accurate? |
2006 | Feeding Fish |
2006 | Feedlot Filtration System III |
2006 | Feel The Flow |
2006 | Fenêtre D.E.L.'Avenir |
2006 | Final Cut |
2006 | Fixed Link or Fantasy |
2006 | Flies' Eyes and DNA |
2006 | Flow Simulation of L-Coronary Artery |
2006 | Fluoride: Friend or Foe |
2006 | Fontaine de vie ou de mort |
2006 | Friction ou réalité |
2006 | From A Brick to a Bread |
2006 | From Feather to Feed |
2006 | Fuel Cells |
2006 | Fuel of the Future |
2006 | Functional characterization of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides produced by enzym |
2006 | Fungus Among Us |
2006 | Gas Identification Using a Resonance Tube |
2006 | Generate As You Brake in Gas-Fueled Cars |
2006 | Generating Osteoblasts From Murine Embryonic Stem Cells |
2006 | Generation Sensation |
2006 | Genetics: The Game of The Future |
2006 | Germbusters: the effect of antibacterial vs. regular soap on bacteria |
2006 | Giving Glucagon |
2006 | Global Warming |
2006 | Glowing Galore |
2006 | Go For Baroque |
2006 | Go With The Flow |
2006 | Golf Ball Compression |
2006 | Gone with the Wind |
2006 | Gone With the Wind |
2006 | Good Tips for Wood Chips |
2006 | Grapes of Math |
2006 | Grotesque Growth |
2006 | Harnessing Wind Energy |
2006 | Heads or Tails: A Return to Chemical Memory |
2006 | Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow: Earphone Listening Levels and Noise Exposure |
2006 | Heating It Up: Optimal Temperatures for Overwintering Koi and Waterplants |
2006 | Help! Can Anyone Hear Me? |
2006 | Hemisphere Dominance |
2006 | Homosexuality: Is It All In Your Head? |
2006 | Hormonal Therapies Improving Cell Destruction in Prostate Cancer |
2006 | Hot Alternative Energy |
2006 | House-Hold Radiation: Benign Rays Or Malevolent Bullets? |
2006 | How Clean is Your House: Exploring Microbes in the Home |
2006 | How do O2 and CO2 conditions affect aquatic plant growth under different wave lengths of light? |
2006 | How Fast do you React? |
2006 | How is styrofoam recycled? |
2006 | How Many Loaves of Bread Can I Make with a Chessboard? |
2006 | How to keep the polar bears from drowning |
2006 | How To Maximize Your Concentration & Brain performance. |
2006 | Ice Cream: The Meltdown - Are all ice creams created equal? |
2006 | ICI: Glycine Max (Imbibitional Chilling Injury of Soybeans) |
2006 | In The Line Of Fire: Phase 3 |
2006 | Infrared Analysis of Equine Tears |
2006 | Inhibition of C. difficile |
2006 | Instruments Tops How Wood Choice Affect Sounds |
2006 | Interesting Insulators |
2006 | Investigating the effect of electromagnetic field on bean sprouts |
2006 | Is Fenugreek the Answer to Aching Joints? |
2006 | Is it Worth the Risk? |
2006 | Is Yawning Contagious and Is Gender a Factor? |
2006 | Isochore Analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana Chromosomes |
2006 | It Takes Your Breath Away |
2006 | Its a Small World |
2006 | Jennifer Alert! |
2006 | Junk Food Energy |
2006 | Keep the Heat, Lose the Loss |
2006 | Kermit's Fridge n' Sauna |
2006 | L'ABCancer |
2006 | L'impact du divorce sur les enfants |
2006 | L'OGM "des gênes" RALF |
2006 | La micro pour senseur sensé |
2006 | La Science du Boomerang |
2006 | Le biodiesel |
2006 | Le décodage décodé |
2006 | Le Jardin de Kyoto |
2006 | Le moulin à vent |
2006 | Leaping Leotards |
2006 | Left Write Left, But Are They Right? |
2006 | Lefty Prodigy? : Are left- handers more creative and intelligent than right- handers. |
2006 | Les Gènes et l'ADN |
2006 | Les impulsions, il y en a des options! |
2006 | Lift VS Angle Of Attack |
2006 | Light Up My Life |
2006 | Line Following Robot |
2006 | Living in the Sydney Tar Ponds; an analysis of the microbial community |
2006 | M.R. Fluids |
2006 | Mach 1: The Speed of Sound |
2006 | Macronutrients:Assessing the Average Teenage Consumption |
2006 | Magnetic Buttons |
2006 | Making Fast Food Healthy |
2006 | Managing Greenhouse Gas Exchange in a Constructed Wetland Model: Part 2 |
2006 | Manitoba Saskatoons: A new source of antioxidants |
2006 | Math Assessment Preparation Techniques as Homework |
2006 | Medieval Arches on Shifty Ground |
2006 | Menu Please |
2006 | Metabolism and its Processes: In Vitro |
2006 | Mets de l'ordre dans ta bouche |
2006 | Miroir imparfait de l'univers |
2006 | Mise au point d'une formulation chimique pour un bioherbicide |
2006 | Mousebot |
2006 | Myofibroblasts As Agents of Cardiac Wound Healing Post MI |
2006 | Nature's Disappearing Act: What are the Best Methods of Controlling Soil Erosion |
2006 | Nitrates/nitrites? Non merci! |
2006 | Nitrogen Lasers |
2006 | Nothing But Net |
2006 | Nouveau souffle pour l'asthme |
2006 | Novel Tumour-Specific Apoptosis-Inducing Peptide Derivatives of Apoptin |
2006 | Now You See Me Now You Don't |
2006 | Nutrient Removal |
2006 | Ocean Bandage |
2006 | Oil Spoils |
2006 | Olfactory perception |
2006 | Omégas 3 et 6: l'équilibre |
2006 | One Shade Too Dark - Tale of Condensed Tannins in Faba Bean Seed Coats |
2006 | Open Wide: A Bacterial Investigation of the Mouth |
2006 | Out of the Blue |
2006 | Oxygen: The Queen of Gases |
2006 | Paint Program |
2006 | Paresse de musicien |
2006 | Parlons-Les téléphones cellulaires et le rayonnement |
2006 | Pay Attention! |
2006 | Photodynamic Therapy: A Red Light for Cancer |
2006 | Pine Beetle Blues |
2006 | Plants Under Pressure (Treated Wood) |
2006 | Pollution-Free Hydrogen World |
2006 | Pollution? Solution... |
2006 | Poly(vinyl chloride) Bioplasticizers |
2006 | Potentiel de la production de méthane suite à la codigestion du matériel bovin hydrolysé et du p |
2006 | Power From the Throne |
2006 | Prairie Puddles |
2006 | Predominantly Recessive? |
2006 | Prime Time |
2006 | Probiotics vs. Pepto-Bismol: Combat in the Gut |
2006 | Projectiles and Gravity |
2006 | Propulsion par le Vent |
2006 | Put a Spin On It |
2006 | Radar Telescope |
2006 | Radical Eradication: Piercing the Darkness of the Neuronal Network |
2006 | Rain of Terror |
2006 | Ready Steady ...Cut? |
2006 | Recycling Sounds Great |
2006 | Remote-Controlled Alarm System |
2006 | Renaissance du neurone! |
2006 | Robots In The North |
2006 | Route-as-Pneu |
2006 | Run of the Mill |
2006 | Running Scared:Can We Beat The Flu |
2006 | Rust |
2006 | Safe Drinking Water at High Altitudes |
2006 | Safe Streets: Preventing Drunk Drivers |
2006 | Sanitary Sunshine / Sante et Soleil |
2006 | Save a Watt, Save a Lot! |
2006 | Save and Reuse: PET Plastic vs. Epoxy Resin in composites |
2006 | Save Your Water: Mathematically Optimizing Sprinkler Irrigation |
2006 | Scents: What Scents? |
2006 | Scrapie A Fatal Disease In Sheep |
2006 | Set a Light Trap - the Penrose Puzzle |
2006 | Set Body Weight & Eat All You Want |
2006 | ShakeLess Structures: Designing an Earthquake Resistant Building |
2006 | Shallow Blue: A Tic-Tac-Toe Playing Robot |
2006 | Shedding the Lights From Landfill Sites |
2006 | Shift Happens |
2006 | Shock The Grey |
2006 | Simtime |
2006 | Site Directed Mutagenesis of Conserved Tyrosins in ER Alpha and ER Beta |
2006 | Skiing on Legumes |
2006 | Skin to Blood |
2006 | Sleuthy Solutions |
2006 | Slicing the Temperature |
2006 | Smart Shelter |
2006 | Smart Stuff 2-Multiple Intelligences & Human Cognition |
2006 | Smiles, Darned Smiles and Statistics |
2006 | Soaking Up Spills |
2006 | Solving the Stink Pipe Problem |
2006 | Something Fishy |
2006 | Sounds into Syllables II-Windows to the World of Childhood Autism |
2006 | Stairway to Energy |
2006 | Stars: The Furnaces of Light |
2006 | Step Climbing Wheelchair |
2006 | Stereoscopic Vision and 3D Imaging |
2006 | Stressful Science |
2006 | Substandard surfaces: Northern leopard frogs avoid man-made and disturbed surfaces in autumn migrati |
2006 | SUMAC: Cure of False Allure? |
2006 | Sun Shines on Wind Power |
2006 | Superconductors: Resistance is Futile! |
2006 | Superior Soy |
2006 | Suppressor of Cell Growth |
2006 | Surface Tension in Different Liquids |
2006 | Survival or Extinction: A Virtual Simulation |
2006 | Talking Danger |
2006 | The "Solution" to LSS-Induced Cell Cycle Arrest |
2006 | The Bacterial Growth on the Lids of Popcans Which have been Stored and Packaged Differently |
2006 | The Bermuda Triangle |
2006 | The Crop Murder |
2006 | The Dirt on Mud |
2006 | The Effect of a DC Field on the Germination and Development of the Alaska Pea, Pisum Sativum |
2006 | The Effect of Temperature on Ascorbic Acid |
2006 | The Effects of Smoking |
2006 | The efficacy of corn gluten meal, fatty acids, acetic acid and glyphosate on Vincetoxicum rossicum |
2006 | The Factorial Factor |
2006 | The Five Second Rule - Is It True? |
2006 | The Flip On Teflon |
2006 | The Future of Fuels: Biodiesel |
2006 | The Goldeneye Project |
2006 | The Hands-Free Vise |
2006 | The Hierarchical Clustering System: Finding Similarities in Data Using Hierarchical Clustering |
2006 | The Hype on Hypertension! |
2006 | The Improvement that Makes a Difference in the Company! |
2006 | The Indestructible Home:2006 |
2006 | The Look and Say Sequence |
2006 | The Mean Green Reducing Machine |
2006 | The Nerdy Tree |
2006 | The Next Pandemic |
2006 | The O.K. Corral |
2006 | The Outback Boot Heater |
2006 | The Perfect Bridge |
2006 | The Pinhole Camera - Space Camera |
2006 | The Polybrick |
2006 | The Role of Phytopharmaceuticals in Cell Division |
2006 | The Stroop Effect |
2006 | The Tesla Coil: Transmission of Radiant Energy |
2006 | The Tortoise or a Hare? |
2006 | The Winds Have Changed |
2006 | The Wizard of AUS |
2006 | The Zone Strikes Back! |
2006 | Thermocouples: Exploring Seebeck |
2006 | Thoughts on 'Bots' 3: Quadruped Robotics |
2006 | To Freeze or Antifreeze |
2006 | To Smell or Not to Smell |
2006 | Tsunami Safer Structures |
2006 | Turmeric - The Miracle Herb |
2006 | Turn Down the Music!!! |
2006 | Ultimate Blade Design - Wind Turbine |
2006 | Un moteur pour le futur |
2006 | Un nouveau membre en route pour un future meilleur! |
2006 | Underground Resistance |
2006 | Veggie Power |
2006 | Vegipaper |
2006 | Vermicomposting |
2006 | Vitamin C - Amount and Stability |
2006 | Volts par le vent |
2006 | Warm Battery For A Cold Climate |
2006 | Water Quality: Monitoring the Hunter-Clyde Watershed |
2006 | What are the possibilities of harnessing naturally occuring forces for perpetual motion? |
2006 | What Are Your Odds? |
2006 | What Makes a Good Rocket? |
2006 | What's the Spatter? |
2006 | When the Earth~Quakes |
2006 | Which Cleaning and Hygiene Products Are Most and Least Effective in Killing Germs |
2006 | Which Toboggan is the Best? |
2006 | Who Needs Fossil Fuels? |
2006 | Who we are and what we remember |
2006 | Whose Coat is Warmer? |
2006 | Wind energy - the wind turbine |
2006 | Wind Generators - Harnessing the Power of the Wind |
2006 | Winter Activity Levels of Lepus Americanus in Various Forest Types |
2006 | Writing on the wall |
2006 | X Marks the Pill |
2006 | X-raying and Geometry |
2006 | Yuck! Do Hand Sanitizers Work? |
2006 | Zap It: An Investigation of Photocatalysis |
2005 | 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin: Targeting Toxins |
2005 | 288 Hours With a Killer |
2005 | 3D Macro-Invertebrate Sampling Technology (MIST) |
2005 | 50 Feet or Bust - Water Rocketry |
2005 | A Helping Hand |
2005 | À la rescousse de nos lacs |
2005 | À la rescousse du Parkinson |
2005 | A Medieval Bow in the Twentyfirst Century |
2005 | A Pollution Solution: The Municipal Waste Recycling Plan |
2005 | A River Runs Through It |
2005 | A Rotten Idea |
2005 | A Slippery Slope? The Bioethics of Stem Cell Research |
2005 | A Whale of a Wing |
2005 | A `Bit` To Chew On |
2005 | Absorbent Sorbents |
2005 | Accurate Analysis |
2005 | Achieving the Best Possible Lettuce Growth in a Cold Water Recirculating Aquaponics System |
2005 | Achoo! Is it the Cold or Flu? |
2005 | Actuating Hydro Electric Station |
2005 | Aerodynamic Efficiency |
2005 | AIs and the Travelling Salesman Problem |
2005 | All Up in Smoke |
2005 | All Washed Up |
2005 | Allergen Alert |
2005 | An Arm That Gets On Your Nerves |
2005 | An A“Maize”ing Plan for the Planet |
2005 | An Educated Guess? |
2005 | Analysing the NHL Economic Dispute |
2005 | Another Brick in the Wall |
2005 | Antibacterial or Not |
2005 | Apple Versus Algae |
2005 | Are Weather Forecasts Accurate? |
2005 | Arsenic: Leaching in Our Midst |
2005 | Artificial Intelligence: AI |
2005 | ASA: Can You Stomach It? |
2005 | Ash or Crash |
2005 | Atomium |
2005 | Attaining Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Alternative Proctor Test Method |
2005 | B Cell Tolerance in Novel Chimerism Strategies |
2005 | Backpack Overload |
2005 | Barbequed Chicken |
2005 | Bataille des bactéries: Guerre des désinfectants |
2005 | Bio-Electromagnetism |
2005 | Biodiesel: The Boater's Choice? The Effects of Biodiesel and Diesel in a Lettuce Seed Bioassay |
2005 | Biopolyurethane Rigid Foams Based on Isolated Lignins |
2005 | Biosecurity in Effect |
2005 | Blame it On Your Parents? |
2005 | Blood Pressure |
2005 | Blowing Away Energy / L'energie s'essouffle |
2005 | Body Acoustics |
2005 | Boiling Science |
2005 | Bouncing Balls |
2005 | Boy Can Golf Balls Fly |
2005 | Bread to Brick |
2005 | Breast Feeding and the Biomarkers of Heart Disease |
2005 | Bubble Gum: Yum or Dumb? |
2005 | Butterflies and Knees |
2005 | Bye, Bye, Butterfly! |
2005 | Ça clique? |
2005 | Can A Solar Powered Motor Really Work? |
2005 | Can Athletic Performance be Enhanced Naturally? |
2005 | Can Natural Substances Better Chemotherapy? |
2005 | Can Water Freeze and Boil at the Same Time? |
2005 | Can we recycle? Yes we can! |
2005 | Capacitors: Battery of the Future |
2005 | Carbon-Aided Leverage |
2005 | Cathodic Protection |
2005 | Change of Heart |
2005 | Chilly Spilly Oil |
2005 | Chlorine and Hair |
2005 | Cognitive Development: Nature vs. Nurture |
2005 | Colour Me Memory |
2005 | Comparative Analysis of the Human Face and Medical Disorders |
2005 | Cool Cloth |
2005 | Cooler Wrap |
2005 | Corn Board |
2005 | Crevette contre cholestérol |
2005 | Cruising: From Plot to Plot |
2005 | CSI: Cell Survival Investigation |
2005 | Dam Ice: The Frost Factor |
2005 | Dark Matter: Missing Mass Investigation |
2005 | Decreasing Urban Heat Islands |
2005 | Detection and Correction |
2005 | Developing a Complex Theory |
2005 | DIOX-DETOX |
2005 | DIR-RTY |
2005 | Do You See What I See? Look Again!! |
2005 | Does Age Affect Bacterial Growth on Feet? |
2005 | Does cold weather effect our hemodynamics? |
2005 | Does exercise affect the human body's blood pressure? |
2005 | Does Gender Affect How People Taste Sugar? |
2005 | Does Gender Affect Observation? |
2005 | Does Long-Term Headphone Use Affect Hearing Ability? |
2005 | Does Music Make You Smarter? |
2005 | Don't Look Now |
2005 | Don't Touch This! |
2005 | Dr Virus |
2005 | Drip Drop Save a Lot |
2005 | Dropping Like Flies |
2005 | Drugged Out Daphnia |
2005 | Dual Transmission System |
2005 | Dynamic Noise Cancellation Using Wave Superpositioning |
2005 | Éclaire-moi soleil |
2005 | Economically Feasible Tsunami Detection system |
2005 | Efficacy of Eye Drops on Keratoconjunctivitis Sicca After Swimming |
2005 | Einstein vs. Water Flea |
2005 | Electric Rocks |
2005 | Energy Efficient Ethanol |
2005 | Enviro Pots |
2005 | Equine Laminitis in the Kootenays |
2005 | Ergonomics Today |
2005 | Every Drop Helps |
2005 | Exploring Genes Related to the Effects of Ficus microcarpa Extract on Seed Germination and Growth |
2005 | Exploring the Cost of SUV Exhaust |
2005 | Faites entrer l'accusé RALF |
2005 | Fascinating Foxes |
2005 | Faults to Landslides: Making Waves |
2005 | Fenêtre sur le futur |
2005 | Fiery Fibres |
2005 | Fighting Acid Rain |
2005 | Filling the Energy Resource Gap |
2005 | Fishy Business - The Effects of Herbal Remedies on Intensively Managed Fish |
2005 | Flammable Fabrics |
2005 | Fluorescent vs. Incandescent |
2005 | Fluoride: Friend or Foe |
2005 | Flying Faster Further |
2005 | Flywall 2 |
2005 | For Better or For Worse |
2005 | Fun with Fungus - Factors affecting the growth of Mushrooms |
2005 | Future Climate Change in Canada |
2005 | Gap Junction Inhibition Causes an Increase in Apoptosis in C6 Glioma |
2005 | Gene Expression in Sinorhizobium meliloti Affected by Plant Exudate |
2005 | Genetic Traits In First Nations Populations |
2005 | Germination Determination |
2005 | Gimme Some Space! |
2005 | Go Water Down Under |
2005 | Go With the Flow: River Bank Stabilization |
2005 | Gobar Gas Plant |
2005 | Going for a Ride |
2005 | Gone in 60 Seconds |
2005 | Goodbye Mr. Sniffles |
2005 | Got Gas? |
2005 | Gram Positive Gram Negative |
2005 | Grands maux, petits remèdes |
2005 | Greasy Secrets |
2005 | Green Inspired Green |
2005 | Ha! Ha! Savonnez-vous! |
2005 | Hard As Nail |
2005 | Harmonic Analysis of Tides and Sea Level Prediction |
2005 | Heart & Keystroke: Simulating the Human Circulatory System |
2005 | Heat Pumps: How to Heat a House with Cold Water |
2005 | Heating the Hydrogen Fuel Cell |
2005 | HIV/AIDS: A Global Pandemic |
2005 | Hold Your Breath |
2005 | Hormonal Insecticides |
2005 | Hotel Soap Cycle |
2005 | Hovercrafts |
2005 | How Distractions Affect Student Efficiency |
2005 | How Does Your Reaction Measure Up? |
2005 | How Fast Can You Go?: The Study of Factors that Affect the Rotational Speed of Motors |
2005 | IBD... A Pain in the Gut |
2005 | Image Guided Robotic Needle Insertion |
2005 | In the Brain of the Game |
2005 | In the Line of Fire |
2005 | Infinitely Simplified: Elementary Proofs via Infinite Products |
2005 | Internal Asthma Controller Phase II |
2005 | Intoxicated Web Weavers |
2005 | Inuit Climate Control |
2005 | Is Your Cow Cool? |
2005 | It's Raining… Carbon? |
2005 | Javalarm |
2005 | Julia and The Magic Nitrogen Beans |
2005 | Kepler's Quest |
2005 | Knockdown of BNIP3 Gene Expression by RNA Interference |
2005 | Knot Theory |
2005 | Kooky Caffeine |
2005 | L'éclair, une énergie puissante |
2005 | L'espace, ça reste |
2005 | La production d’énergie |
2005 | La Pyschologie: Le développement du Langage |
2005 | La solution... dans l'embryon? |
2005 | La thérapie génique |
2005 | La Thermodynamique |
2005 | La Virologie de la Grippe |
2005 | Latex Mixes for Concrete Fixes |
2005 | Le chaud se trappe |
2005 | Le décodage linguistique |
2005 | Le développement de siARN pour réguler l’expression de Na+, K+ - ATPase |
2005 | Le Génie Génétique |
2005 | Le Roadeater Bike |
2005 | Le test stress |
2005 | Learning Without Knowing |
2005 | Leech Bot |
2005 | Les biopuces |
2005 | Les organogels: voie du futur! |
2005 | Les reins; base de la vie |
2005 | Les toxines dans les extraits de graines de Brassicées |
2005 | Lift Off |
2005 | Light Effect on Autotrophic Lifeforms |
2005 | Lighting the Way - Chemiluminescence Predicts Cell Growth |
2005 | Limit of Tolerance to MSG |
2005 | Lip Balms Away! |
2005 | Liquid Fabric Softener: Flaming Comfort? |
2005 | Lobitonin In Cancer Treatment: Phase 2 |
2005 | Longitudinal Suspension System: An Innovation In Automobile Safety |
2005 | Look What's Lurking in My House! |
2005 | Lose a Tonne: It's Easy! |
2005 | Magnetize This |
2005 | Making a Magic Herb Against SARS |
2005 | Man's Best Friend Your Next Blood Donor |
2005 | Managing Greenhouse Gas Exchange in a Constructed Wetland Model |
2005 | Marigolds |
2005 | Matoo: We've Got You Covered |
2005 | Matrix Probe System - Evolution,Spatial Co-registration of Digital Mammography and Breast Ultrasound |
2005 | Measuring the Charge of Electrons |
2005 | Mechanical Muscle |
2005 | Medieval Siege Weapon |
2005 | Memory |
2005 | Menstrual Synchrony |
2005 | Metals and Their Weldability |
2005 | Monkey See, Monkey Do |
2005 | More Accuracy at a Lower Cost? |
2005 | Mulch Mania ! |
2005 | Multi-function Climate Controlled Greenhouse |
2005 | Music and Memory |
2005 | Muskrats Are Missing, The Effects of Hydro Flooding |
2005 | New Cancer Gene? |
2005 | None for the road: The effects of small amounts of alcohol on driving skills |
2005 | Nous sommes dans les `patates` |
2005 | Nouveau Garbage |
2005 | Nuke It!: The Truth About Microwave Ovens |
2005 | Nutrition Nation |
2005 | Object Avoiding & Heat Seeking Robot |
2005 | Oh Deer! |
2005 | Oh-Dee: Orbit Determination |
2005 | Oil Spills |
2005 | One's Bigger But... The Other Will Ketchup |
2005 | Operation Distillation II |
2005 | Ouille! Mon Lit de Clous |
2005 | Pancreatic Cancer - The Silent Killer |
2005 | Papier biologique vs recyclé |
2005 | Parabolic Reflector |
2005 | Parrondo's Paradox |
2005 | Particulate Matters, or Does it? Phase II |
2005 | Peripheral Vision |
2005 | Perpetual Motion: The Energy of the Future? |
2005 | Pesticides Stricken?... Think Chicken! |
2005 | Phytoremediation (A Second Modern Method to Hydrocarbon Clean Up) |
2005 | Picture This Election |
2005 | Pine Marten Habitat Suitability |
2005 | Planets Guarded by Satellites |
2005 | Plant Defence Pathogen Siege, A Microplot Story |
2005 | Plug in the Sun |
2005 | Polysaccharides in Exotic Mushrooms and their Health Benefits |
2005 | Pop Bottle Rockets |
2005 | Power and Money: The Truth about Batteries |
2005 | Power Surge 3 |
2005 | Pressure's Up On Fuel Cells! |
2005 | Problems Popping Up |
2005 | Project Entomopter |
2005 | Project Feeder Watch |
2005 | Protection Against Eye Damage From UV Rays |
2005 | Protective Pants |
2005 | Protein Eaters |
2005 | Quakalator |
2005 | Read to Achieve: Yes, boys can too! |
2005 | Reflexion ou refraction |
2005 | Remember? |
2005 | Remote Controlled Mower |
2005 | Road Ice Detector II |
2005 | Robotic Vision Gait Coordination |
2005 | Rooting for a Cure… |
2005 | Safe Ice Melt |
2005 | Salt Tolerance: Will Biotechnology Help? |
2005 | Sanitizing Sydney: Technologies to Clean Up the Tar Ponds |
2005 | Saving Tsunami Salted Soil |
2005 | SCI II: SCRR |
2005 | See, Hear or Do |
2005 | Self-Made Bed |
2005 | Should You Look A Gift Horse in the Eye? The Validity of the Equine Eye In Assessing Character |
2005 | Silencing Earthquakes with Magnetorheological Fluid |
2005 | Silent Witness |
2005 | Ski-lys |
2005 | Slip, Sliding, No Way! |
2005 | Smart Stuff |
2005 | Smell and Memory |
2005 | Smell That Energy |
2005 | Smoking Sucks |
2005 | Smoking Trends |
2005 | Snip n Dip |
2005 | Snow Goggles |
2005 | Soap Bubble Science |
2005 | Soap Sense |
2005 | Sodium Polyacrylate: The Power of Polymers |
2005 | Soil Solarization |
2005 | Solar Energy: Hot or Cold |
2005 | Subliminal Messages |
2005 | Suicide |
2005 | Sunglasses - Catch Some Rays? |
2005 | Superior Spill Spoiler |
2005 | Sure Fits |
2005 | Surface Swing'n |
2005 | Survivor: Proteins - The Effects of 2,4-D & Glyphosate on Photosynthetic Proteins of Citrus mitis |
2005 | Sweet Heat |
2005 | Sweet Yeast Feast |
2005 | Symsearch 2.0 - Computers & Cognitive Neuroscience |
2005 | Take a Spin |
2005 | Take a Spoonful of Honey and Call Me in the Morning |
2005 | Take Off Eh! |
2005 | Taking Apart the Wiring of the Subconscious |
2005 | Taxes a Pain! Taxus a Cure! |
2005 | Teen Girls |
2005 | Test Anxiety |
2005 | Test My Line |
2005 | Test Tube Taters |
2005 | The Antioxidant Mystery: The Effects of Antioxidants and Free Radicals on Seed Germination |
2005 | The Attraction of Repulsion |
2005 | The Backseat Driver |
2005 | The Carbonator |
2005 | The Cooling Effect of Solid CO2 |
2005 | The Cutting Edge |
2005 | The Darkness Effect |
2005 | The Detection of Mutations in Human Chromosome 8 |
2005 | The Effect of Deficiencies and Supplements on Plants Grown in Hydroponic Solutions |
2005 | The effect of different light colours on the growth of green beans |
2005 | The Effect of Fuel Cell Engines on the Hydrologic Cycle |
2005 | The Effect of pH on the Growth of Marigolds |
2005 | The Effect of Pseudoephedrine on the Heart |
2005 | The Effect of Rising Water Temperature on the Fish's Respiration Rate |
2005 | The Effectiveness of Environmentally Safe Herbicides on the Invasive Vincetoxicum rossicum |
2005 | The Effects of Aerobic Pseudomonades on Diesel Contaminated Soil by using Bioremediation |
2005 | The ePoC |
2005 | The Force of Magnetic Repulsion |
2005 | The Great C8 Debate |
2005 | The Green Machine |
2005 | The Hottest Band in Town |
2005 | The I.V. Plugger-Upper |
2005 | The Kinetic Keyboard |
2005 | The Mathematical Perception: A Unified Theory |
2005 | The Need For Race |
2005 | The Operating System Comparision Project |
2005 | The Positive/Negative Implications of Wearing Ankle Weights |
2005 | The Refractive Issue |
2005 | The Salsa Solution |
2005 | The Solar Collector |
2005 | The Sound Of Stress |
2005 | The Tap Water Test |
2005 | The `Alarming` Cane |
2005 | Think Fast! A Study on the Effects of Gender on Hand-Eye Coordination |
2005 | Tired Concrete |
2005 | To Tell the Tooth... |
2005 | To Win with Less Loss |
2005 | Too Hot to Handle? |
2005 | Toothbrushes: Friend or Foe |
2005 | Touch Sensitivity: Two-Point Discrimination |
2005 | Trajectoire |
2005 | Traps to Modulate Infection |
2005 | Trebuchet Physics |
2005 | Tree Bark vs. Bacteria |
2005 | Tsunamis: Generation, Propagation and Shore Interaction |
2005 | Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star |
2005 | Un poumon pour toit! |
2005 | Using Viruses to Kill Cancer |
2005 | Vapour Injection |
2005 | Vert l'avenir! |
2005 | Vibrato: Quantification of an Aesthetic Feature |
2005 | Visual Vectors Calculator |
2005 | Vitamin C in Orange Juice |
2005 | Water for a Thirsty World |
2005 | What Insulates the Best? |
2005 | What You See Is What You Don't Get - An Application of Cognitive Psychology |
2005 | What's in a Kiss? |
2005 | What's Your Style? |
2005 | Wheat Burner |
2005 | Where the Rubber Meets the Road |
2005 | Where Under the Sun Are You? |
2005 | Which Allergy Medicine Provides the Fastest Relief? |
2005 | Wind - A Renewable Energy Source |
2005 | Wind Energy |
2005 | Wind Energy and Canada Part II |
2005 | Wind Turbine |
2005 | Winding the Way to the Top |
2005 | You've Got Mail |
2005 | `Band-aid` biologique |
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