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ESPC 2010 - Peterborough (Ontario)

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Lauren - Lauren Andersen is a grade 7 student who lives in Magnetawan, Ontario. She is in a French Immersion program. Lauren enjoys volleyball, basketball, tack and field and is on the Almaguin Gazelles Hockey Team. Lauren is an honour student who enjoys Math and Science. When Lauren is not doing her sports she loves to play the piano, read and spend time with her family and friends. Laurens future goals are to pursue a career in medicine- Dentistry. This is Laurens first trip to the CWSF.
Fiona - Fiona Weaver is a grade seven honor student At Land of Lakes Senior Public School. She lives in South River, Ontario, a small town three hours north of Toronto. Her favorite subjects are math, writing and science. She enjoys sports and plays on several school teams. Hockey is the sport she likes the most and she is the goalie on an all girls team. She is a member of the L.O.L School Council and participates in extra school activities. During the summer she enjoys traveling or camping with her family. Her favorite pastime is just spending time relaxing at the cottage and being with her friends. Fiona is not completely sure in what direction her future is headed but she has lots of time to explore her options. This is Fiona’s first year participating in science fairs. She is very excited and honored to have the opportunity to attend CWSF.

Lauren Andersen, Fiona Weaver

Bugs in a Bag
Région:East Parry Sound
Ville:Magnetawan, ON, South River, ON
École:Land of Lakes Senior P.S.
Sommaire:People are using reusable shopping bags to help the environment by decreasing the use of plastic single use bags. For our project, we compared reusable bags to single use bags to see if they were contaminated with bacteria before and after use. Our results showed that using reusable bags may not be as good for the consumer as they believe.

Prix Valeur
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé d’argent - Bourse de début d’études de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
2 000,00 $
Médaille d’argent - Sciences de la santé
Sponsor: Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
700,00 $
Total2 700,00 $