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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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My name is Kylie McDonnell-Wade. I go to Calvin Park Public School, in Kingston, Ontario. I also live in Kingston. I have a brother of four and a sister of eight. My brother and I both have type one (juvenile) diabetes. My birthday is the 25th of July and I am currently 12 years old, and in grade seven. My hobbies in my free time include: sewing, knitting, reading, and writing stories. I am also involved in a few after school activities: First Lego League Lego robotics program as well as the Skills Canada Lego robotics program. I participated in the Seven-Eight Enrichment Day Studies at Queen’s University.

Kylie McDonnell-Wade

Ready? Set? React!
Division:Sciences de la vie / Aucun
Région:Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Ville:Kingston, ON
École:Calvin Park P.S.
Sommaire:The purpose of this project was to measure human reaction time to a visual cue using a JavaScript and HTML program. Reaction times were determined for 134 participants. The median reaction time was found to be 352 ms. A small difference was found between males and females. No significant increase of reaction time with age was found.

Prix Valeur
Mention honorable - Sciences de la santé
Sponsor: Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
100,00 $
Total100,00 $