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CWSF 2007 - Truro, Nova Scotia

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Tanya - Interested in all aspects of science, especially biology and psychology. Also an avid writer, and work as dedicated Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper. Plan to go into either science or writing (or both) in the future. Free time is spent writing, watching movies, and hanging out with friends.
Shreya - I am currently a grade 11 student with various interests and skills, ranging from debate team and writing for the school newspaper to public speaking and dramatic productions. I have always had deep interest in both science and arts, though my current post-secondary and career plans consist of pursuing a specialized field in health sciences. I take an active role in my school and community, helping organize charity events, doing regular volunteer work, peer counselling and formal tutoring. Although I am generally a very diligent and ambitious person, I sometimes enjoy simply relaxing on weekends with a good book, practicing violin, web/graphics designing, or spending quality time with friends and family. I speak three languages, adore travel, and aspire to publish a successful novel someday. Discovering new things, meeting new people, and all sorts of learning are always welcome experiences to me.

Tanya Decarie, Shreya Jalali

Food for Mood
Division:Life Sciences / None
Region:Bay Area
City:Oakville, ON
School:Abbey Park H.S.
Abstract:Exploration of connections between nutrition and the functioning of the nervous system, by observing mood changes in correspondence with an average teenager’s diet. Mood swings, food cravings, concentration, sleeping habits, energy levels, restlessness, and hunger between meals are recorded and compared. Subjects follow a simple three-week meal plan, progressing from rather unhealthy to relatively healthy, and confirm any direct connections between one’s food and mood.