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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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Currently in grade 10 at Immaculata high school on the honour roll. In grade 9 had the highest average (94%). Received the top award from the Ministry of Education in grade 8 and had the highest average in science (99%), religion and in French. In elementary school, received the top science award and won the principal of the day successful letter composition. Currently completed twenty one hours of community service at Glebe community center in Ottawa, and Audrey’s costume Castle in Ottawa. Attended the Enrichment courses at Carleton University with the course entitled “From Star Stuff To Life” (an astrophysics course) , and was invited to the 2009 enrichment course program. Attended the See Earth program at Algonquin college. Competed in the 2006 and 2007 Ottawa Regional Science Fairs and won the Ottawa Field Naturalist Club Award both years. For my current science fair project “Does Honey have an Antibacterial Effect,” I was interviewed by CBC radio, and invited to the World Intellectual Property Day Reception on Parliament Hill, celebrating Canadian innovation. When finished high school, I would like to pursue studies in the sciences and obtain a PhD. I am interested in being an Astrophysicist in the future.

Robyn Vezina

Does Honey have an Antibacterial Effect?
Ville:Ottawa, ON
École:Immaculata H.S.
Sommaire:The purpose of this project is to examine if honey contains a substance that will show a positive result for honey being a natural antibacterial compound. The chemical breakdown of honey consists of flavonoids, and the key substance is pinocembrin which is unique to honey.