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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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My name is whitney gould I am 18 years of age a Grade 12 student attending the We'koqma'q Fisrt Nation Secondary School. School Activites : Art work on the ceiling, Logo Art work/ Art work for school. Community Activities: Help catering, face paint at pow-wow, Turing soil ceremony for the new school. My Hobbies are helping people when they are in need, spend time with family and friends, go walking, listening to music, drawing art work, also doing my science project, surfing the net, baby sitting, and meeting new people. I'm planing on going to CBU and become a Climatogist. Awards: 1st place in a art for art sake contest The most outstanding female 80% and over, Won 2 times Highest in science 10-12 Governor Generals Award 1st place in W.F.N.S.S science fair. Won 2 times 05-07 3rd place at regionals 2006 1st place at regionals 2007 + Scholarship Scholarship for CBU enterance I've beeen in envirothon for 3 years. Techsploration

Whitney Gould

An Analysis of Local Climate Change in Relation to Traditional Knowledge
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Aucun
Région:Mi'kma'q First Nation
Ville:whycocomagh, NS
École:We'koqma'q First Nation Secondary School
Sommaire:I consulted the elders of their knowledge over decades of the environment and climate. They said that the climate has changed quite a bit. I compared our survey to statistics going back 100 years substantially. I found that there was an increase in temperature in recent times. I have found that the temperature has definitely changed over the past two years.