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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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Megan - Hi my name is Megan Sportak and I m in the CWSF this year (2007). I was in the MFNSF 4 years and the first year i have been rewarded a bronze because I did "Valcanoes", the second year I did " The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol" and i have been rewarded a silver, then the third year i did " Ozone Depletion" with my partner and we were rewarded a gold, this year I worked on "the Risks and Symptons of diabetes for aboriginal people" and we have been rewarded a gold and the geomics reward, the rescerchers of tomorrow, $200 and we did so well we have been chosen to go to the CWSF. This year has been going so well because i have been chosen to go to the CWSF and i have been skipped up to grade 8 and my school has won the volleyball, basketball championships and I am the star player so far this year and I am working on getting the best athlete's reward, and i was the second best last year. Well thats all I have to say for now I will tell you more when i meet you. buh-bye
Brianna - Hi my name is Brianna Brazeau, I am 11 years old and I am in grade 7. I got the chance to go to the MFNSF 2 time now and this year (2007) I worked with my cousin Megan Sportak, we did "The risks and symptoms of diabetes for aboriginal people".

Megan Sportak, Brianna Brazeau

Risks of Diabetes
Division:Sciences de la vie / Aucun
Région:Manitoba First Nations
Ville:Elphinstone, MB
École:Keeseekoowenin School
Sommaire:The project we are working on is mostly about the risks and symptoms of Diabetes for Aboriginals. We worked hard to get where we are. We did well and we have received many rewards.