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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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Hello, my name is Carly, and I’m a chatterbox. I tend to talk for unusually long periods of time, whether I am talking to my friends, the media, or someone new, my life is a constant conversation. When community events happen I do try to help out. I have helped out with two event dinners, several school fundraisers, Destination Imagination, Relay for Life, Thunder Mountain Speedway. I haven’t participated in many school events this year, but at the moment I am attending a writing workshop and festival of the arts. My main interests/hobbies are outdoor activities, just hanging out with my friends, listening to music, history of arts/musical theory/first scientific discoveries, comedy, and traveling. My career plans are two opposite topics. I am very interested in the musical arts field. I find it a creative way to express myself, in a way that other people can relate to. My other choice would be a career in the chemistry field. I like chemistry because it is an awesome way to experiment with different liquids and such. Well I hope you look forward to seeing me, Carly

Carly Redford

Methtropolis: The Youth Epidemic
Division:Sciences de la vie / Aucun
Région:Cariboo Mainline
Ville:Lac la Hache, BC
École:100 Mile House Jr Secondary
Sommaire:My name is Carly Redford and I attend 100 Mile Junior Secondary School. I am in grade 8 and I was born June 11th 1993. I have chosen to conduct an experiment to discover what Crystal Meth ingredients could do to muscle and organ tissue, as well as to the body in general.