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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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I'm Nancy Aqqaq from Taloyaok, Nu. I love to travel and meed new friends, see new places, I love to learn anything and eveything I can. One day I would like to become a Environment Techincian. I'm in grade 11. I'm on a Northern Youth Aborad Program for Northern youths to experience to live in the south 1st part on the program I went to Nanaimo, BC for 6 weeks and this is my second year so this summer I will be going to Botswana, Africa for 6-8 weeks. I love to babysit. My hobbies are to hang out with friends, be on the net, listen to music. I have won three regional science fair in a row and twice in a row to the CWSF and its a great experience to have. I'm interested in applying in the Nunavut Sivunisavut in Ottawa after I'm done high school and try and intereseted to moving into a city. I love teach what I can. I totally believe in myself in what I like to achieve and want to do in the future. I love my community but like to see new citys and place. Thank You!

Nancy Aqqaq

Polar Bear
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Aucun
Ville:Taloyoak, NU
École:Netsilik School
Sommaire:My project is on polar bears. It includes the facts about polar bears, and the effects of global warming, such as causing the sea-ice to melt quickly. This distruction of their natural ecological niche is harming their ability to hunt seal and has caused a decline in the health of their populations.