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ESPC 2008 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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Hello, my name is Douglas Ross Aggark (my Inuktitut name is Alikamiq) and I am 15 years old. I have lived in Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut all my life. I am a beneficiary of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, and I am Inuit. Before earning this amazing opportunity to go to the Canada Wide Science Fair, I had never been further south than Churchill, Manitoba. I am seeing a lot of new things for the first time; paved roads, trees, malls, grass, everything in the south, and lots of people. My community has 350 people, most of whom I am related too. I really enjoy coaching hockey and badminton, as well as playing them. I also really enjoy hunting Caribou and Beluga whales, which I catch to help feed my family. I like watching Polar Bears (sometimes on the porch of my house), and protecting people in town from them. My family also has a dog team with 13 dogs, we are training them to learn how to hunt. I am the Vice-President of our Students’ Council, and I really enjoy helping out with activities at our school. I extremely excited to meet new people and make new friends.

Douglas Aggark

Climate Change--Nunavut's Impact 2
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Aucun
Ville:Chesterfield Inlet, NU
École:Victor Sammurtok
Sommaire:Nunavut has undergone a series of dramatic changes in our weather, we are experiencing thinner sea-ice, more frequent blizzards, new species of birds and bugs, and skinnier Polar Bears. My project attempts to find the per capita GHG production from Nunavut Power plants. Nunavut is leading Canada in GHG per capita production, not a statistic we should be proud of.