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ESPC 2010 - Peterborough (Ontario)

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Jenny - My name is Jenny Yao, and I am a grade eleven student in the TOPS (Talented Offering Program in the Sciences) at Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute. I was a finalist at the Canada Wide Science Fair two years ago, and due to restrictions from the Toronto Region, this will be my last time competing. I am a busy but happy person; busy in the sense that TOPS is a demanding program so I have a lot of studying to do every day, and that I join a lot of extracurricular clubs so I commit a lot of my time to charity events. I am happy when I get time to relax and what I enjoy, like playing music, playing basketball, drawing, singing, dancing, reading books, rollerblading, skating, or jamming with my band. My enthusiasm and spirit had led me to take part in the school musical, Music Council, DECA competition, basketball team, Eco-team, Christmas Show, and numerous clubs. Science is one of my biggest interests because there is always more to discover about the world around us, and my curiousity drives me to learn more in order to understand the world.
Robert - Robert Lin (b. 1993) is a Grade 11 student currently attending the Talented Offerings for Programs in the Sciences (TOPS) program at Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute. His love of science extends beyond his many science courses at school and he has taken part in numerous extra-curricular science events. Last summer, Robert had the opportunity to work as an assistant at the Institute for Optical Sciences at the University of Toronto. He is particularly interested in quantum mechanics; it is an area which Robert feels has boundless opportunity. Along with his scientific interests, Robert participates regularly in many clubs and organizations at his school. He has received Marc Garneau’s Garneau Gold extracurricular award every year. Notably, he is the president of chess club and the vice-president of music council. He has led chess club to place well in many tournaments, including second place in the Toronto Team Chess Championships (2008) and second in the TDSB Senior “A” Chess Tournament (2009). Robert was also champion in the Toronto DECA business competition (2009). In addition to this, Robert continues to do well every year in math contests, including coming in first for the Waterloo Fermat math contest.

Jenny Yao, Robert Lin

Charge It Up!
Division:Sciences physiques et des mathématiques
Ville:Toronto, ON
École:Marc Garneau Collegiate
Sommaire:The goal of our project was to generate clean, carbon-free energy. To achieve this, we designed a portable device that generates electricity using electromagnetic induction. It harnesses kinetic energy that would otherwise be wasted. This allows the general public to charge electronics during everyday movements such as walking or running.

Prix Valeur
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Bourse d'admission de l'Université d'Ottawa
Médaillé de bronze, sénior – Bourse d’admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université d'Ottawa
1 000,00 $
Médaille de bronze - Sciences physiques et des mathématiques
Sponsor: Encana Corporation
300,00 $
Total2 300,00 $