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ESPC 2012 - Charlottetown (Ile-du-Prince-Édouard)

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I am Caroline Kohlen and I am in grade 8 and attend Westside Academy in Prince George, B.C. I am on the school soccer team and play the alto saxophone in our school band who has won gold for three years in a row. I have been doing science fair since grade 5 and have won 1 silver medal, 3 gold medals, the B.C. Genome Award twice, the B.C. Teachers award, 2 Best in Category Awards. This is my first time going to the National Science Fair. I also won the Principal's List in grade 7. I love to travel. I have been across Canada and the States. When I graduate i would either like to be a doctor or a teacher because i love being with young children. I developed this project because fruit flies are commonly used in biology experiments and I am also very interested in genetics. If I were to investigate this project further I would run more tests and also experiment with more mutant fruit flies. My advice to future students interested in doing a project would be that they understand and follow the scientific method.

Caroline Kohlen

Mate Selection: Drosophila Melanogaster
Région:Central Interior British Columbia
Ville:Prince George, BC
École:Westside Academy
Sommaire:In this project I was testing to see the preference that a fruit fly,of Drosophila melanogaster, would have for a mate. I used Drosophila melanogaster for various practical reasons. I was also studying fruit fly genetics, physical characteristics, and their mating behavior.