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ESPC 2012 - Charlottetown (Ile-du-Prince-Édouard)

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My name is Tamar Sifri and I'm a grade 8 student at The Study School in Montreal. I am extremely passionate about sciences, but also debate, soccer, robotics, piano, and community service. Each passion of mine opens many doors. For example, my partner and I are representing Canada at an international debate tournament held in England this May. Another terrific experience I have had was co-creating the Sci-Girls science and math summer camp in Jordan for 40 underprivileged girls. Originally, I got the inspiration for my project from an article in the Wall Street Journal on the vitamin supplement industry and how little we truly know about vitamins efficiency! Next year, as an extension of my project, I hope to use my results to test vitamin deficiencies as a treatment for cancer. Later on in life, I aspire to be a doctor. If I were to give any advice to future participants, it would be to pursue your passion. Personally, I spent months on end at a McGill laboratory working on my project. Had it not been a topic I loved, this quality of this fantastic experience would have been greatly diminished.

Tamar Sifri

The Battle Against Aging
Ville:Montreal, QC
École:The Study
Sommaire:This project examines the effect of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin D and vitamin K1 on the aging process of fibroblast cells. Both vitamins were tested at a physiological dosage, a pharmacological dosage, and a zero-vitamin supplementation dosage. It was found that vitamin supplementation in the growing condition slowed down the speed of aging in the supplemented cells versus their non-supplemented counterparts.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Société de gestion des déchets nucléaires
300,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 300,00 $