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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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Graeme Laturnus is a grade seven French Immersion student at Devon Gardens Elementary School in Delta, B.C. He is an avid hockey player with the North Delta Minor Hockey Association and his team recently won the P.C.A.H.A. playoff banner. He is currently the captain of his ball hockey team and is leading the team in a spirited season. Graeme prides himself on being very knowledgeable about the current and historical facts of the NHL, and other hockey leagues. He hopes to one day have a career in NHL management. Graeme was intrigued with doing some sort of experiment on gasoline. After several conversations with his family, he came up with the idea of “Deadly Fumes that Kill Legumes”. It was a great learning experience, and if he did it again he would extend the duration of the experiment. He would encourage students to identify projects that are both intriguing and have a potential benefit to society.

Graeme Laturnus

Deadly Fumes That Kill Legumes
Région:South Fraser
Ville:Delta, BC
École:Devon Gardens Elementary
Sommaire:My project was to find out which vehicle would emit the most damaging exhaust as evaluated by the health and growth of a bean plant. 5 bean plants were exposed to increasing amounts of exhaust from 5 different vehicles representing the categories of the BC AirCare program. One plant was used as a control. The plant exposed to the Porsche exhaust was damaged the most.