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ESPC 2015 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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I am a curious, energetic, happy, loves to explore kind of kid. In my spare time I love to tie flies, work on my fort and fish from my kayak. I love to be outside in the wilderness and go camping, fishing, hiking, biking, canoeing and hunting with my family. We have explored many places and camped a lot in Yukon, BC, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. I have participated in adventure camps including: school bison-hunting trip; conservation action team camp paddling the Yukon River and; a fish and game camp focusing on outdoor skills like survival and hunter education. I volunteer regularly for the Canadian Ski Patrol Society, have helped out with projects for Parks Canada and assisted with tagging migratory songbirds. I have referred soccer and assisted teaching down hill skiing. I am passionate about wildlife and want to make a difference helping protect it for future generations. Finding better ways to clean birds affected by oil spills is important to me and was the inspiration for this project. If I were to continue I would want to know if Dawn is as effective for mammals. I think choosing a topic that you are passionate about is important.

Kaleb Pritchett

Oil Spill Rescue: Putting Dawn to the Test
Région:Yukon Stikine
Ville:Whitehorse , YT
École:Vanier Catholic Secondary
Sommaire:Catastrophic oil spills have killed and poisoned living organisms at all levels in the ecosystem including birds. Affected animals are extremely difficult to clean. Dawn has claimed to be the best at cleaning oil safely from oil soaked birds. I tested Dawns claim by comparing it to three other products. Overall Dawn cleaned off the most oil and feather structure was least damaged.