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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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I enjoy many school activities such as the leadership group, all individual and team sports, and I enjoy volunteering my time mentoring and coaching younger students. I enjoy physical education, science, participating in art classes, theatre, singing, fundraising events, travelling and reading. I love all sports and I am presently into my third year playing rep soccer. I have been an honor/effort roll student since grade four. I posess a babysitting certificate and soccer referee training certificate. My most memorable achievements were winning first place in the crosscountry run, winning a third aggregate title for track and field and winning the school athletic award in grade six. My future goal objectives are to graduate from University, attain a professional career, travel the world, to get married, raise children, and to do things in my life to improve the earth and to help mankind.

Isabella Ruby

Wind Energy
Division:Sciences de la santé / Aucun
Région:Cariboo Mainline
Ville:Wiliams Lake, BC
École:Kwaleen Elementary
Sommaire:This engineering experiment tested various wind turbine prototypes to determine if they intensified more wind creating more power. Various turbine prototypes intensified more wind power rotations because of structural designs. This science project displays an important disruptive technology and alternative clean supply of renewable wind energy that requires further use to solve global environmental problems and our KYOTO commitment.

Prix Valeur
Mention honorable - Génie
Sponsor: Fondation sciences jeunesse Canada
100,00 $
Total100,00 $