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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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I am a grade eight student, with a straight A average, at , in Welland, Ontario. I am part of the student council. I organize school social and sports events. I had the honor of representing the school and welcoming Justin Trudeau to our school. My passion is soccer and I have played for Canada in Brazil. I spent the March Break this year in Cuba training for an upcoming tournament in France. I play for two teams in Toronto. This past September I came in second at the Basset Hound Club of America National Championships, in Gettysburg,USA. This trip gave me an opportunity to study the history of the battle of Gettysburg. Last year I won the Junior division at our local Niagara Science and Engineering Fair as well as several other special awards. This year I was honored to win several awards including being a part of Team Niagara which represents our Region at Truro. I study the guitar. I have a special interest in lamguages which I will use as I travel for soccer. I am bi-lingual and I aim to speak many languages. I plan to play soccer professionally and persue a university education.

Brock Bowman

Autoroute H2O
Division:Sciences de la santé / Aucun
Ville:Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON
École:École élémentaire Sacré-Coeur
Sommaire:This interdiciplinary project uses engineering innovation, alternative energy use, mathematical processes to create a bridge over HWY H20. The bridge prototype is designed to be compatable with the Welland Canal Seaway System. Both vehicular and aquatic traffic co-exist with this bridge design. Thus, as a result, potentially increasing aquatic traffic possibilities and reducing vehicular wait time and greenhouse gas emmissions.

Prix Valeur
Prix Carlson Wagonlit
Sponsor: Carlson Wagonlit Travel
500,00 $
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Médaille de bronze - Génie
Sponsor: Fondation sciences jeunesse Canada
300,00 $
Total1 800,00 $