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CWSF 2009 - Winnipeg, Manitoba

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Riley Jordan - My name is Riley Scott, but most of my friends call me Ry-Ry. Soccer, swimming and volleyball make up the sports I do. My hobbies include drawing, painting, knitting, crocheting, reading and writing. Music takes up a big part of my life, because I play the piano, saxophone, clarinet and guitar. Soon I will be taking my Grade 4 Piano Exam. In school, I'm an honor roll student, and I enjoy math and science the best. I plan to go to a good university after I finish school, and take a job as a scientist. I'm not quite sure what kind of science exactly but I love animals and history so maybe I'll be a paleontologist, archaeologist or veterinarian.
Isabella - I'm Isabella Pedersen! Three words that describe me: determined, artistic, and BUSY! When you're juggling your time between dance, schoolwork, skiing, studying lines for the latest play and STILL try to save a minute to relax, there's no time to be bored. Oh, and SCIENCE FAIR! Life is just too short to not make the most of it, I think. I love learning about biology, and if someone walking in my home trips over a microscope lying around, you can bet it was me checking out the slides. I hope to make it into an Ivy League university, and become a doctor. Some think I should go into show business, since I've performed in several "Idol" competitions and countless plays. Others think I should become an author, as I've won a few Canadawide writing contests, several Remembrance day competitions, wrote some articles for the newspaper and a kid's novel. Hmm... maybe I'll become a teen superstar, attend an Ivy League college, become a doctor and write novels when I retire! Whatever life brings me, I'll make sure that I enjoy it. I just want to leave the world a better place than I found it.

Riley Jordan Scott, Isabella Pedersen

ComPawst Bins: A Bear Necessity
Division:Health Sciences / Environmental Innovation
Region:Canadian Rockies
City:Canmore, AB
School:Lawrence Grassi Middle School
Abstract:This project involved inventing and constructing a bear-proof compost bin. Concrete, Plexiglas and steel were employed for the bin and a force of 401.229 N was dropped from a height of 0.6096 m to simulate a bear. A survey was also conducted to determine public opinion regarding composting. This will be an ongoing project as further testing and design adaptations are required.

Awards Value
Honourable Mention - Environmental Innovation
Sponsor: EnviroExpo, Presented by VIA Rail Canada