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CWSF 2011 - Toronto, Ontario

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Jessie - I love sports. Throughout my life I have played figure skating, rep hockey, soccer, swimming, but my favorite is hockey. I have spearheaded a fundraiser which raised 3000 dollars for Haiti. I am very social and love people, i have many friends but few best friends that i trust with my life. I am not a "girly girl" or a drama queen and just like to laugh. I try out for every school sport possible and get asked to participate in others activities like the All Science Challenge at UWO(my team got 4th overall and got the spirit award), David Suzuki day, creative writing groups, the school band, main part in the school play, and the Maple Reading Club. My teachers say i go above and beyond the expectations and that i have amazing imagination and get mostly A's on my report cards. In grade six I won the award for leadership, kindness, caring for others, and helping the community without thinking that i will get anything in return(the "Mavis Govier Memorial Award"). I try not to take anything for granted and I love pictures, I am trying to live life to the fullest and without regrets!
Sam - My thirst for knowledge was shown at a very early age. Even as a young boy I was eager to learn and stumped my parents with my unique and interesting questions regarding life. I love to compete in school sports and I try out for almost every sports team. I also participate in various extracurricular activities such as the school play and the Gauss math contest and the All Science challenge. In grade 6 my All Science team came in fourth place out of around forty teams. We also won the "Spirit" award for our enthusiasm. I am one of the top students in my grade, getting a majority of "A's" on report cards. One thing numerous teachers have said about me is that "I am the glue that holds the class together". I love to help others; last year a couple of friends and I spearheaded a fundraiser for Haiti where we raised 3000 dollars. I also love to explore the outdoors and I am blessed to live in the country where adventures are around every corner. I have a very free flowing personality. I have also attended David Suzuki day.

Jessie Payne, Sam Murray

Can Algae Efficiently Convert Car Emissions Into Wholesome and Healthy Oxygen?
Region:Avon Maitland-Huron Perth
City:Bayfield, ON, Brucefield, ON
School:Huron Centennial P.S.
Abstract:Our project is about converting car emissions into oxygen, using algae. We concluded that when we filtered the car emissions through the algae in an airtight space, that the oxygen levels went up and the chemical or car emissions level went down.

Awards Value
Excellence Award - Junior
Bronze Medal
Sponsor: Youth Science Canada
The University of Western Ontario Scholarship
Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: University of Western Ontario
$1 000.00
Total$1 300.00