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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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Paddy - My name is Patrick Bogart. I am in grade 7 at Upper Canada College in Toronto. I have 4 siblings and 2 dogs. I am an avid hockey player and play for UCC and for the Toronto Marlies at the minor bantam level. The inspiration for this project was a result of reading a newspaper article about a boy who lost his hand from bacterial infection as a result of a dirty hockey glove. My partner and I wanted to better understand which piece of hockey equipment attracted the most bacteria and what was the most effective cleaning method to get rid of the bacteria. We continue to think through other ways to clean the equipment which may lead to a potential business opportunity. My advice to other students working on projects is to combine the science with an effective presentation to communicate the results. I would also suggest that they select a topic of great interest to them because it can be fun at the same time.
Christopher - I'm involved in many sports including hockey, soccer, tennis and lacrosse. Each of these sports require some type of equipment. I was curious to know, in particular, which piece of hockey equipment contained the most bacteria and what would be the most effective way to clean the equipment. Going forward, I would like to examine other pieces of sporting equipment to determine if our methods and results are accurate to other sports. My advice to other students who are doing a project in the future would be to chose a topic that interests them and can motivate them to work hard to determine the results. Another fact about me is that I am involved in music almost every day playing the trumpet, guitar and piano.

Paddy Bogart, Christopher Cusinato

Hockey and Bacteria Share the Same Bag
Ville:Toronto, ON
École:Upper Canada College
Sommaire:In our project, we carried out experiments to determine which piece of hockey equipment contained the most bacteria, by swabbing the equipment and placing the bacteria in petri dishes. Several cleaning methods were examined to discover the most effective way to eliminate bacteria from the hockey equipment.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille d'or
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
700,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé d’or - Bourse d'admission de 4 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
4 000,00 $
Total4 700,00 $