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ESPC 2011 - Toronto (Ontario)

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Tristan - My name is Tristan Legare-Matte, and I am currently a student at Westwood Community High School. I spend most of my time doing school related stuff, and I am an avid gamer. I am currently planning to start a physics club at school along with my science fair partner, Usman Kamran. The previous club attempted to build solar panels to help panel the school but did not manage to finish before most members graduated. We are contemplating either finishing their work or starting our own project. I am also learning the C++ programming language in my spare time as I am planning to become an engineer, and software engineering is one of my main domain choices.
Usman - My name is Usman Kamran and I am a student at Westwood Community High School. I have lived in four different countries and traveled to a large variety of others. I was awarded a secondary school scholarship in Qatar and was also successful in a Spelling Bee in that region. Alongside my Science Fair partner, I am President of a prospective Physics Club in which plans are being formed to continue the development of solar panels for the school. In my spare time, I enjoy research in the various horizons of science (neurology, forces and matter, etc.) and am also an avid reader. In the beckoning realms of the future, I intend on obtaining a degree in medicine.

Tristan Legare-Matte, Usman Kamran

The Science Behind Snowflakes
Région:Wood Buffalo
Ville:Fort McMurray, AB
École:Westwood Community High School
Sommaire:"The Science Behind Snowflakes" was a project designed to discover how various factors affect the growth of snowflakes. Atmospheric conditions were modeled to reproduce the creation of snowflakes inside a container. Collected data was used to determine the molecular and physical means through which water particles are able to converge upon a nucleus and form the intricacy that is a typical snowflake.