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ESPC 2014 - Windsor (Ontario)

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My name is Maleeha Meghjee and I am a grade 8 student from As-Sadiq Islamic School. I live with my parents and two younger siblings. I love playing sports and play on my school's volleyball, basketball and soccer team. I enjoy learning and doing well in school. I have won many awards in science, English and French since grade 4. In grade 5 I also won the moral character award. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, and I participate regularly in the sport of taekwondo. I am currently a second degree black belt and training towards obtaining my 3rd degree black belt. I hope to one day be able to teach young women the art of self defence. The inspiration for my project came from my mom who regularly uses coconut sugar. I wanted to know if it really is better than white sugar. I plan on further testing coconut sugar on people with diabetes to see if it can help them control their sugar levels. My advice to students looking to choose a project would be to choose something that interests you, and something that can potentially better the lives of others.

Maleeha Meghjee

The Sugar Rollercoaster
Ville:Aurora, ON
École:As-Sadiq Islamic
Sommaire:Coconut sugar is increasing in popularity as a healthy alternative to white sugar. A randomized controlled trial was conducted to determine the effect of coconut sugar and white sugar on blood glucose levels in humans. Coconut sugar resulted in a 13% increase in blood glucose levels; while white granulated sugar increased by 22%. The results were statistically significant thus coconut sugar is a healthier alternative.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Société de gestion des déchets nucléaires
100,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 100,00 $