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ESPC 2008 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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Tamsen - Tamsen was born in Sudbury, Ontario on September 12, 1990. She continues to live in Onaping with her family. Currently, Tamsen is a Grade 12 student at Chelmsford Valley District Composite School. She enjoys a variety of sports and has been an active member in her school’s athletics. To date, she has been on the following school sports teams: girls volleyball, girls soccer, badminton, swimming, girls basketball and cheerleading. Tamsen also enjoys a variety of other extra curricular clubs and activities including CVDCS Students Leading Students group, Yearbook Committee, Prom Committee, Reach for the Top and Students’ Council. Furthermore, she was Vice Chair of the Rainbow District School Board Student Senate and the CVDCS representative this year. Tamsen has not decided where she will be taking her undergraduate degree in Biology next year. After her degree, she wishes to pursue a career in medicine.
Kari Alexander - My name is Kari Vierimaa and I am a grade 11 student at Lockerby Composite School in Sudbury, Ontario. I was born July 11, 1991 in Timmins, Ontario. I moved to Sudbury at age four and began elementary school at Levack Public School. In grade 2 I had the opportunity to skip the third grade, and I did so. In grade 8 I was accepted into the Science and Technology Education Program at Lockerby Composite School. I am studying in the STEP French Immersion program. My interests include: languages, science, politics, geography, history and travel. Over the last two years i've had the chance to experience travelling to China, Spain, Morocco and most recently New York City. At school I'm the assistant editor of the yearbook and student chair of the Open House Comittee. I love sports, I love to run, play tennis, swim, curl, bike, play soccer and ski among others. I would like to take a Political Science/Biochemistry double major in University and eventually get into an MD/PhD program, where i can do both research and practice medicine and later on in life go into Medical Journalism and perhaps politics.

Tamsen Lahnalampi, Kari Alexander Vierimaa

Taxol and Flaxseed: A more effective treatment of Breast Cancer
Division:Sciences de la vie / Aucun
Ville:Onaping, ON
École:Chelmsford Valley District Composite School, Lockerby Composite
Sommaire:Breast cancer affects many women. Based on initial findings; Flax Seed Oil was tested with multiple chemotheraputics to determine the effectiveness in comparison to the chemotherapy treatment alone. Taxol and Flax have the most effective treatment combination in comparison to other drugs. This combination promotes apoptosis and at high doses the combination promotes necrosis. This is a significant step forward in future treatments.