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ESPC 2007 - Truro (Nouvelle-Écosse)

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I was born in October 1993 in Toronto. At the age of three I moved to the small town of Summerland in the interior of BC. I moved to Victoria halfway through grade six and entered my very first science fair immediately after. During school I have made it my goal to join every club and school sports team I can, and I have done this from a health club in grade 5 to a basket ball team in grade 8. I have also done a bit of volunteering work: I was a reading buddy at the library and a camp leader last summer. I have always loved sports and my favorite sport is soccer. In grade six I joined a school juggling club and learned to juggle. This year my ability to juggle got me into a major Victoria Ballet production as a jester. I was also invited to juggle at a few clubs and a parade. I play the guitar and am preparing for the grade 4 music exam this year. I have always loved the ocean and everything in it, especially whales. I plan to be a marine biologist, go boating, scuba diving, and travel the world.

Avery Noonan

Tseycum: est-il propre?
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Aucun
Région:Vancouver Island
Ville:Victoria, BC
École:L'ecole Victor Brodeur
Sommaire:The effectiveness of a wetland to improve the water quality of a creek receiving runoff from agricultural land was investigated by measuring physical/chemical water quality parameters and assessing the benthic community upgradient and downgradient of the wetland. No significant difference was measured between physical/chemical water quality parameters. However, benthic community results indicated that water quality below the wetland was better than that above.