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ESPC 2008 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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My name is Florent Herbinger. I have 2 brothers, a cat and a huge aquarium with lots of fish! Some of my hobbies are collecting coins and shells from around the world. I am bilingual. My favorite subjects are Math, Science, Art, Social studies, Tech-Ed and Phys-Ed. I play competitive soccer and tennis. I also play basketball, badminton, ping-pong and downhill ski. I spent a year in Polynesia where I scuba dived, surfed and traveled throughout the South Pacific. Now for food I love everything, especially seafood, sushi, all fruits, lasagna and French cheese. I enjoy trying new food from different cultures. In my life so far I’m learning new things and using my imagination to draw landscapes and animals, solve difficult math questions, and design science fair projects. I’m interested about what’s happening through out the world. I’m very concerned about social issues and the environment and would like to do my part to help this planet. In the future I would like to become an architect for energy efficient houses which would run on renewable energy.

Florent Herbinger

Tracking the sun
Division:Internationale / Innovation environnementale
Ville:Shad Bay, NS
École:Brookside Junior High School
Sommaire:This project compares the power output of a solar panel under different configurations and seasons, to see if it is more efficient to track the sun. The four configurations are fixed panel, vertical axis panel, horizontal axis panel and dual axes panel. I also tried to build a simple solar tracker to rotate the panel and by doing so, follow the light.

Prix Valeur
Prix d’excellence en astronomie
Sponsor: La Société royale d'astronomie du Canada
500,00 $
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Médaille de bronze - Sciences physiques et des mathématiques
Sponsor: Encana Corporation
300,00 $
Total1 800,00 $