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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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Forrest - Forrest Tower was born in Prince George, BC on July 28, 1994. He lived there until the age of one, when he moved with his parents to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Forrest lived in Saskatoon until December 1999, when he and his family returned to Prince George. He attends Westside Academy, a K – 12 independent school, and is currently in grade 9. Forrest has attained A Honour Roll for the entirety of his education. He has competed in the Central Interior Science Exhibition for the past 6 years. His projects, which have varied from Health Sciences to Engineering, have won five gold and one silver. Forrest has won three first place District Remembrance Day Legion Awards and one Regional Remembrance Day Legion Award for poetry writing. Music takes up much of Forrest’s time, as he plays trumpet in his school’s Performance Band and is also a lead guitarist and vocalist in a youth band. Forrest has held lead roles in the Academy’s theatre productions and has travelled as a member of a fine arts group for 2 years. During Spring Break of 2008, he travelled with 20 other students to New York City to participate in humanitarian aid work.
Ashley - Ashley Anderson is 13 years old. She was born on December 6, 1995 and lives in Prince George B.C. Ashley goes to Westside Academy and is in grade 8. She has two younger sisters, Whitney and Alayna .She also has two dogs named Chevy and Dodge. Ashley loves sports especially platform diving, soccer, and hockey. She trains with an Olympic diving coach and hopes one day to represent Canada at the Summer Olympics. She also loves to play the piano, Bass drum, Snare drum, and Mallets. Ashley cheers for the Calgary Flames. She is an “A” student and loves Science. Ashley would like to one day be a Sports Psychologist.

Forrest Tower, Ashley Anderson

Predicting Aggression Using Multiple Regression
Division:Sciences physiques et des mathématiques / Aucun
Région:Central Interior British Columbia
Ville:Prince George, BC
École:Westside Academy
Sommaire:“Predicting Aggression Using Multiple Regression” created a written test to predict hockey player’s aggression, to be used by hockey scouts to find aggressive players. Statistical analysis was used to see if the test was predictive. A test was created that predicts correctly the level of aggressiveness of a hockey player 99.7% of the time.

Prix Valeur
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé d’argent - Bourse de début d’études de 1 500 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 500,00 $
Médaille d’argent - Sciences de la vie
Sponsor: Pfizer Canada
700,00 $
Total2 200,00 $