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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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My name is Sam Hodgson. I am in grade 7 at Mackenzie Mountain School. I love sports. My favorite team sports are hockey and basketball. I play floor hockey as a school activity. In the spring I go cross country skiing with my family in the Mackenzie Mountains. When I grow up I want to be a NHL hockey star. I also like to hunt. I have hunted for caribou, ptarmigan and grouse. Last fall I went on a hunting trip to Cache Lake deep in the mountains with my dad. I have some great photos. I also like to go fishing. I fish just about anything that swims in the water. I enjoy the outdoors.

Samuel Hodgson

Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Aucun
Ville:Norman Wells, NT
École:Mackenzie Mountain School
Sommaire:My family fishes in the Mackenzie River for food each year. I help with the fishing and studied every fish that was caught last summer. I recorded the gender, weight, length, and capture data. A scale sample was used to age the fish. The data was charted and analyzed to find any patterns.