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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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Hi. I’m Jordan, a 12 year-old somebody currently attending the grade 8 gifted program at Churchill Heights Public School in Scarborough, Ontario. My school is great because all the teachers are exceptionally exceptional, and all the fun, games, and jokes that infect our school with the disease called laughter. I joined the Senior Band, Stage Band, and Intermediate Choir. I play alto and tenor saxophone, violin, and piano. I enjoy arranging, composing, improvising, playing, listening, and sleeping to good music. I’ve been going to the Programming Enrichment Group at Woburn Collegiate Institute after school since Grade 6 for programming, math, and loads of fun. I play badminton every Saturday. In the summer, I go swimming everyday, and cycling in the evening. I like stuffing myself with good food; I eat excessive amounts of whatever tastes best. I am obsessed with movies; in general, one per week. I once watched seven in a row in the holidays. (Notice the lack of computer games in the list.) When I grow up, I want to be a doctor; more specifically, a neurologist or a cardiologist. I’m looking forward to the CWSF in Winnipeg, and I hope to have the time of my life.

Jordan Ho

More Solar Power
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Innovation environnementale
Ville:Scarborough, ON
École:Churchill Heights P.S.
Sommaire:Solar cells provide renewable electricity, but their efficiencies are less than 25%. A parabolic reflector increases the efficiency, but it requires a tracking device to follow the sun, increasing the overall cost. A prototype reflector that improves the efficiency of solar cells by 12.5% over the entire year was constructed. The reflector is easy to manufacture, requires no maintenance and fits on existing solar panels.

Prix Valeur
Prix de La Fondation actuarielle du Canada
500,00 $
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé d’argent - Bourse de début d’études de 1 500 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 500,00 $
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Médaille de bronze - Innovation environnementale
Sponsor: EnviroExpo, présenté par VIA Rail Canada
300,00 $
Médaille d’argent - Sciences de la terre et de l’environnement
Sponsor: Pétro-Canada
700,00 $
Total4 000,00 $