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ESPC 2008 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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I have played the violin for 8 years and have participated in a junior orchestra for 2 years. I have completed a 4-H sheep club. I have achieved my yellow belt in Ju Jitsu. I enjoy downhill skiing, swimming, and sailing. I enjoy taking pictures. I aspire to be a movie director or producer.

Danielle Appavoo

Lending a Hand: Bio Gloves
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Innovation environnementale
Région:Avon Maitland-Huron Perth
Ville:Goderich, ON
École:Colborne Central P.S.
Sommaire:Environmental problems are growing globally. This project aims to reduce the amount of petroleum products wasted by using non-biodegradable surgical gloves by creating a biodegradable one. Three different starches were tested in creating the plastic and potato starch was he most suitable. A glove was composed of this starch and the water strength of this plastic was also tested. Labeling of biodegradable-plastics is also important.