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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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I attend Grade 7 at Robert Ogilvie Elementary in Fort St. John. I grew up in Dawson City, Yukon and I spend my summers gold mining in Dawson with my extended family. I enjoy school, and I pride myself on being an honour roll student. I especially like science, with special interest in environment and ecology. I take part in my school's Leadership Club, public speaking competitions, and various sports teams. This is my first year at CWSF, although I have competed at our Regional Science Fair for four years. I have won the Young Science Innovator of the Year Award, the Chevron Canada Ltd. Award and the FSJ Recycle Award. In my spare time I love to play guitar and enjoy riding my dirt bike, fishing, reading, snowboarding, swimming and playing video games. I have future plans of becoming a dentist and I have wanted to be one for as long as I can remember.

Joseph Fellers

Going Waste Free
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Innovation environnementale
Région:Northern British Columbia
Ville:Fort St. John, BC
École:Robert Ogilvie Elementary
Sommaire:I wanted to see if a regular family of four could live a normal life but produce no garbage; through composting, recycling, and consumer management. I found through careful planning and hard work, a family can in fact reduce its waste output to zero.

Prix Valeur
Mention honorable - Sciences de la terre et de l’environnement
Sponsor: Pétro-Canada
100,00 $
Total100,00 $