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ESPC 2008 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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Eric - Hi, my name is Eric Liu and I am a students at St. George's Junior School, in grade 7. I imigrated to Canada when I was 5 from China, and switched schools three times before coming to my current school, St. George's School, in Grade 6. Since my arrival at Saints, I have participated in a variety of activites including Model United Nations and debating. I recently placed 16th in a Grade 7-10 debating contest, received an honourable mention at VYMUN 2007, and received a outstanding delegate award at the 2008 Vancouver Model UN conference. I am also involved in peer- tutoring grade 2s and I have achieved honour roll with distinction every term. I plan to be a lawyer or doctor when I grow up, and this is my first ever nationwide science fair.
Kais - Hi, my name is Kais Khimji and I am the Assistant Head Boy at St.George's Junior School, as well as maintaing an honours with distinction average. When I grow up, I would like to become a neurologist, majoring with sociology. I want to become this because I am very interested in social interaction (why we do what we do) as well as behaviour. Sports are also a big part of my life; i represent my school in basketball, soccer, and rugby. In addition, I am a Shia, Ismaili, Muslim which is another large aspect of 'me'. Every Friday I go to mosque to pray and usually participate in volunteering programs and fundraising committes. My favourite thing to do is taking a break from a fast-paced life and be with my friends having no worries whatsoever. To be honest, I'm not much of a reader, but one book i did particularly enjoy was The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. My favourite TV shows include One Tree Hill, The OC, and Prison Break.

Eric Liu, Kais Khimji

Come and Get Your Coffee While It's Hot!
Division:Internationale / Innovation environnementale
Région:Greater Vancouver
Ville:Vancouver, BC, Coquitlam, BC
École:St George's School
Sommaire:Ever wonder why you got that 'F' on your term project, or never got hired for that job? Don't blame your teacher or your boss. Chances are their coffee was colder than expected that morning. If you want that 'A' badly, or need that job, then give them a gift. Nothing fancy, just the most insulating coffee mug. But the question is “which is it?”

Prix Valeur
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Mention honorable - Innovation environnementale
Sponsor: EnviroExpo, présenté par VIA Rail Canada
100,00 $
Médaille de bronze - Sciences physiques et des mathématiques
Sponsor: Encana Corporation
300,00 $
Total1 400,00 $