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CWSF 2017 - Regina, Saskatchewan

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Katie van Kampen is graduating this year and intends to pursue a career in paediatric surgery. Katie has a black belt in Kung Fu and has also won numerous awards at science fairs over the past years. She enjoys playing piano, guitar, and drums, and is a T.A. for drama 7/8. She is a massive nerd and goes to scientific lectures for fun. She also works at UBCO in the Barker biochemical lab where she gets to play with corrosive acids, flammable liquids and dead mice.

Katherine van Kampen

Slowing Neuronal Degeneration
Region:Central Okanagan
City:Kelowna, BC
School:Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School
Abstract:Calcium (Ca2+) influx plays an important role in cell death when concentration reaches toxic levels. At normal levels, calcium is required for regular biological function. However, scientific reports show that calcium enters the cell during degeneration. If we were to stop the wave of calcium that enters the cell before apoptosis, we could potentially slow the degeneration of the cells.

Awards Value
Excellence Award - Senior
Bronze Medal
Sponsor: Youth Science Canada
University of Ottawa Entrance Scholarship
Senior Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: University of Ottawa
$1 000.00
Western University Scholarship
Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: Western University
$1 000.00
Total$2 000.00

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