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CWSF 2015 - Fredericton, New Brunswick

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Vasily - My name is Vasily Kasyanenko, and I attend Forest Hill Public School. During my free time, I love to play chess, play video games, and other various activities. My favourite subjects in school are math and of course science! My advice for other students doing a project would be to create a schedule and pace yourself while creating your project. This is my first time at the Canada Wide Science Fair, but I have been to other regional science and chess competitions. I hope to continue my science path and discover what science can do at this amazing display of creativity in New Brunswick.
Maxwell Thomas - There was the Big Bang, Earth shaped into a planet, bacteria turned into life, dinosaurs ruled the earth, and then it was just filler, until MAX WAS BORN. My favorite things are storytelling (in any form really), film, drawing, music… to be honest science is not exactly my forte (though I seek to find it in the arts) so I channeled storytelling into my science project. And that exactly is what I would recommend. As I strolled around the science fair, the projects that made the biggest impact on me were those that were most clear and well communicated – not necessarily the best science, but the ones that got the message across beautifully. While innovating, make your prototype uncluttered, self-explanatory, it’s your key to success, while making it intriguing for your audience. My inspiration for this project was listening to music on a speaker: I wondered what happened in the middle of the industrial-style black little box, so after some research and more than a few visits to Active Surplus, we were on our way to creating a demystified speaker to teach how sound works.

Vasily Kasyanenko, Maxwell Thomas Shoham

Understanding Sound Machine
City:Toronto, ON
School:Forest Hill Jr. & Sr. P.S.
Abstract:We built a basic sound demonstration device. This was to show people that sound is made from motion. We did this by making a device where you can see a membrane’s movements creating sound. You control the frequency of the membrane’s movement, demonstrating the connection between speed and pitch.

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