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ESPC 2019 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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I took my project into consideration because the suicide rate in Nunavut is so high. It is a big problem not only in Nunavut but in the whole world also. This is where my inspiration for my project comes from. I did a survey in my school. My survey was on suicidal thoughts and if the students grades 7 to 12, had suicidal thoughts and how many times they had experienced suicidal thoughts. So, my plans I have for further investigations is to survey different schools in Nunavut and compare it to my school. I would like to make a brochure and share it with other people in Nunavut, to show people how suicidal thoughts affect a lot of students in Nunavut. The advise I'd give to other students that are thinking about doing a project is to think of something that interests them.

Crystal Mitchell

You Matter
Ville:Taloyoak, NU
École:Netsilik School
Sommaire:My project "You Matter" is on suicidal thoughts. I did a survey in my school. Grades 7 to 12, ages 12 and over participated in my survey. I think that my project is interesting because the information I got from my surveys is outstanding. My project matters because it tells you when students in my school started having suicidal thoughts and if they had them.

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