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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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My name is Steadman Evans I was born October 20, 1993 at the Fisherman`s Memorial Hospital. I am involved in Discus, Javelin, shot put, and Soccer. I plan to have a career in a biology, geology or genetics. I have always been intersted in the Sciences and love knowing how things work. For the last two years i have finished school with Honors with distinction. I have also gotten the highest exam mark in school this year for math (94%) and social studies (99%). I have a hobby learning the properties of different local herbs and plants. I bicycled around Newfoundland last Summer which took eleven days of biking and was 700Km long, i camped the entire time with my father and we always carried enough supplies for 4 days. I am an amateur techno music maker.

Steadman Evans

Citrus Fuels
Division:Génie et sciences de l'informatique / Innovation environnementale
Région:South Shore
Ville:Riverport, NS
École:Lunenburg Junior-Senior High School
Sommaire:The study and research of a possible new fuel source derived from the peels of citrus fruits. In my project I prove that the paraffinic Hydrocarbon oil is a flammable substance that has is currently being either disposed of or used in cleaning products. I also explain the processes and origins of other bio-fuels.