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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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I am 12 years old and a Grade 7 student at Sunrise Ridge Elementary School in Cloverdale, BC. I have a younger brother named Tyler. In Grade 5 I invented the Paint-O-Matic as my Science Fair project and knew then that I loved Science Fairs. I enjoy volunteering for Foresters – it’s a great opportunity for kids to help other kids. I also enjoy sports and have joined all of the sport teams at my school. In my spare time I play ice and ball hockey and curl. This year, my curling team came in second overall in the Optimist Competitive Curling League. The thing I enjoy doing most though is taking things apart and inventing new things in my garage. I can do it for hours! One day I hope to be a famous inventor – inventing things that will help people and the world.

Jordan Tardi

Magno-Car: The Ride of the Future
Division:Sciences de la santé / Innovation environnementale
Région:South Fraser
Ville:Surrey, BC
École:Sunrise Ridge Elementary
Sommaire:This project determines if the distance a car can travel can be increased using magnetic repulsion. My results showed an increase of greater than 30% in the total distance travelled compared to the control. Since it takes less energy to move the Magno-Car using magnetic repulsion, it should increase its fuel efficiency and decrease its pollution.

Prix Valeur
Mention honorable - Génie
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
100,00 $
Mention honorable - Innovation environnementale
Sponsor: EnviroExpo, présenté par VIA Rail Canada
100,00 $
Total200,00 $