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ESPC 2015 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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My name is Luke Macmillan, I attend school at South Colchester Academy in Nova Scotia. I enjoy many activities such as woodworking, camping, and many sports. It was hockey that gave me the idea for this project, I was always looking for ways to skate faster and improve the game and when I heard about Superfeet. I wanted to know if they worked. In the future I think it would be interesting to look at the affect of Superfeet on sprinters as any increased speed could make a huge difference. If I was to give advice to a student thinking about doing a project I would tell them to start really early and work on it a little bit at a time rather than doing it last minute.

Luke Macmillan

Feet or Superfeet?
Région:Chignecto West
Ville:Brookfield, NS
École:South Colchester Academy
Sommaire:Superfeet-Yellow insoles were tested with twelve hockey players to determine if they affected their speed, agility and acceleration. Height, leg length, weight, skate weight, knee bend and leg strength were also measured to determine if they had any relation to Superfeet. If Superfeet do increase skating performance it could make a huge difference in competitive hockey games.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Intermédiaire
Médaille d'argent
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé d’argent - Bourse d'admission de 2 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
2 000,00 $
Total2 000,00 $