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ESPC 2009 - Winnipeg (Manitoba)

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Victoria Jacklyn - I'm Victoria Evans I'm from Lindsay ON. I'm in grade 8, and I go to a middle school called Central Senior. I am very althletic, I participate in all the school sports and I play competitive volleyball for Durham attack outside of school. I have a 85% average and I can't stand math :) I have two sisters one older and one younger, Jessica 15 and Michelle 10. I have two dogs Sasha and Panda, two cats Mittens and Patchis and a rat named moo. My favorite subject is science and I can't wait tilll the science fair!
Brittany Patricia - Hi, my name is Brittany Reeves, I am in a family of six, my three brothers, Ryan, Nathan, Adam, and I, and my mom and dad, Kenny, and Debbie. I enjoy getting involved in school activities, such as, sports, and intramurials. The sport that is at our school currently is Track and Field, and I plan on going out for the team. I just finished my season for basketball in school and for O.B.A, Ontario Basketball Association. I do well in school, and I have a strong interest in science and math. In the future I plan to study both. I hope to be an architech when I grow up. I have many friends at school, who are very supporting and are happy about this trip, almost as much as I am. In grade seven I passed, getting the academic, and athletic pins. I won a bronze, silver and gold for my Ontario basketball team. I babysit my best friends' sisters. I am really looking forward to going to Winnipeg.

Victoria Jacklyn Evans, Brittany Patricia Reeves

The Effects of Red Bull on a Daphnia's Heart Rate
Division:Sciences physiques et des mathématiques / Aucun
Région:Victoria County
Ville:Lindsay, ON
École:Central Senior School
Sommaire:The true effects of Red Bull need to be investigated on daphnia and reported. By testing the effects of Red Bull on daphnia heart rate and combining it with other stimulants and depressants, we will highlight the dangers of consuming Red Bull.

Prix Valeur
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Médaille de bronze - Sciences de la vie
Sponsor: Pfizer Canada
300,00 $
Total1 300,00 $