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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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Victoria - I am in Grade 7 at Charles Sinclair School in Fisher River Cree Nation. My favourite subjects are Math, Science, English and Native Studies. I enjoy doing projects for Science Fair. I play hockey with an all-girl team called the Interlake Roadrunners. I dance for a group called the Clifford Maytwayashing Memorial Square Dancers. I enjoy listening to music and playing sports, especially hockey, baseball, and volleyball. My hobbies are writing, painting nails, and singing. I plan on becoming an RCMP officer who will specialize in Forensic Science. My awards include Academics at school and playing hockey. I have been winning medals for my science fair projects since I was in Grade 4. I completed my first project when I was in Grade 3. I am excited and proud of being able to represent First Nations at Canada Wide Science Fair. I help students at my school with their projects and I hope that they find something that is interesting for them so that they can do well in their project too.
Alicia - I am in Grade 7 at Charles Sinclair School. My favourite subject is English because I like to read books. For sports, I enjoy cross-country, badminton, and basketball. My father is from Fisher River Cree Nation and my mother is from Peguis First Nation. Although I am a Peguis Band Member, I live and go to school in Fisher River. I enjoy reading chapter books about non-fiction, especially fantasy and listening to music. Most of all I love doing projects for science fair. I plan on going to university and becoming an astronomer. I have won many awards for my science fair projects. I have competed in our school fair and went on to attend at the Manitoba First Nations Science Fair (MFNSF), Manitoba Schools Science Symposium (MSSS) and Youth Encouraging Sustainability (YES) Showcase. Our interest in this project started last year, and we continued to improve it this year, by determining if a wind turbine is feasible for our Community. We plan on continuing with our project, but determining other sustainable resources for our community. Take the time to read and learn about different things. Even if they don’t seem interesting, find something that is. You will learn alot.

Victoria Garson, Alicia Mallette

Wind and Water Turbines for Fisher River: A Feasibility Study
Région:Manitoba First Nations
Ville:Koostatak, MB
École:Charles Sinclair School
Sommaire:Our project is about Wind and Water Turbines. We wanted to see which turbine would be feasible for our community. We found out that the wind turbine is feasible for our community so we are trying to see what size of a wind turbine we will need to power our community youth cabin in Fisher Bay.