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ESPC 2010 - Peterborough (Ontario)

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My name is Victoria and I am 13 years old. This is the 5th year that I have competed in a science fair, each time making it to Regionals and receiving a gold or silver medal. I am extremely proud that I have been chosen to represent my commity at the CWSF. I chose my project because I love to figure skate. I have been skating for 4 years and have competed at many local competitions.

Victoria Rea

Crash, Boom, Bang, Let's Make Skating Safer!
Région:Northern British Columbia
Ville:Fort St. John, BC
École:Charlie Lake Elementary
Sommaire:In Crash Boom Bang I surveyed skaters to determine if injuries are occurring in the sport. I figure skate six hours per week. i noticed that my body ached. I wondered if other skaters were also in pain. I surveyed skaters from different clubs. The form showed the front and back of a blank body; skaters colored where they hurt. Results were surprising.