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ESPC 2017 - Regina (Saskatchewan)

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I am a grade 9 student at Kitchener Collegiate Institute in the French Immersion Program. I love participating in many activities at school beyond the classroom including Curling Club, Junior Leadership, Concert Band and Me to We. Outside of school, I belong to a synchronized skating team and also compete in singles figure skating. Although I'm not a licensed driver yet, I have become quite fascinated in studying roundabouts and in particular, the signalling behaviour of drivers. My favourite subjects in school are math and science and I would eventually like to pursue post-secondary studies in Civil Engineering. This is my second science fair project in the area of transportation engineering. I've continued to study roundabouts because I've been so interested in them and because how to properly drive through them is a "hot topic" where I live in Waterloo Region. There is a lot of confusion by many motorists about how to safely navigate through a roundabout and I'm hopeful that my research will help lead to improved safety of all drivers. My advice to other students contemplating doing a science fair project... find your passion!

Ruth Meyer

Concede to Me! The Effect of Exit – Signalling on Yield Rates in Roundabouts
Ville:Waterloo, ON
École:Kitchener-Waterloo C. & V.S.
Sommaire:One only needs to drive a short distance within Waterloo Region to notice many inconsistencies with the signalling behaviour of drivers in roundabouts. Through observation, this project examined the effect of exit-signalling on the yield rates of drivers entering roundabouts. Data collected clearly supports that exit-signalling significantly increases the likelihood that entering drivers will yield the right of way.

Prix Valeur
Prix de La Fondation actuarielle du Canada
Sponsor: La fondation actuarielle du Canada
750,00 $
Prix d'excellence - Intermédiaire
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 750,00 $