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ESPC 2010 - Peterborough (Ontario)

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I would like to introduce myself. My name is Youssef Hassanien. I am originaly from the pharoes land. I'm 14 years old and I am in grade 9. I attend R.D. Parker Colligate in Thompson Manitoba. I'm in band and I play Drums. I have one younger brother. I am a brown belt karate player and I play basketball. I am a social person and I love travelling, camping, hunting and fishing. I am an outdoor person and I like adventure. I am a handy person that uses tools. I can put flooring, painting and other stuff. You can count on me. I am looking forward to be an engineer. I like cars and invention. I like computer and I can work with AutoCAD. I am a fast learner.

Youssef Hassanien

Trienergy Vehicles- Ski-Seff
Division:Sciences physiques et des mathématiques
Région:Northern Manitoba
Ville:Thompson, MB
École:R.D. Parker Collegiate
Sommaire:A triple energy snowmobile, the three sources are solar, wind and AC charger while it's idle. This snowmobile will also have a feature a peddling option which lets the driver to peddle will driving. This snowmobile must be aerodynamic.

Prix Valeur
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Médaille de bronze - Innovation environnementale
Sponsor: EnviroExpo, présenté par VIA Rail Canada
300,00 $
Total1 300,00 $