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CWSF 2005 - Vancouver, British Columbia

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Ryan Giuliany

The Force of Magnetic Repulsion
Division:Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Region:Vancouver Island
City:Victoria, BC
School:Esquimalt High School
Abstract:I hypothesized that the force between two repelling magnets would mimic electrostatic point charges and that the force of magnetic repulsion would be inversely proportional to the square of the distance separating the magnets. The empirically derived proportionality disproved my hypothesis. The force was inversely proportional to the distance cubed.

Awards Value
Petro-Canada Peer Innovation Award - Senior
Western Canada
Sponsor: Petro-Canada
The University of Western Ontario Scholarship
Bronze Medallist - $1000 Entrance Scholarship
Sponsor: University of Western Ontario
$1 000.00
Bronze Medal - Physical & Mathematical Sciences
Sponsor: Encana Corporation
Total$1 500.00