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ESPC 2015 - Fredericton (Nouveau-Brunswick)

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My name is Jessica Bohm and I am in Grade 8. I enjoy a number of sports including waterpolo, basketball, and flag football. I like to babysit my cousins and spend time with young children. My inspiration for this project came from my interest in the environment. I chose this project on oil pipelines because there has been a lot of controversy in the media about the Line 9 Pipeline that runs near my city and the risks that oil spills can have on the environment. Also I am concerned about the impact of human activities on the natural environment. I am interested in studying environmental science and math and may pursue a career in those areas.

Jessica Bohm

Crudely Corrosive: The Effect of Light & Heavy Crude Oils on Pipeline Corrosion
Région:Bay Area
Ville:Dundas, ON
École:St. Augustine E.S.
Sommaire:Environmentalists claim that heavy crude oil is more dangerous to transport through pipelines than light crude because it corrodes steel pipelines and leads to oil spills. However, my study found that steel treated with a coating of light crude and water corroded more than steel treated with heavy crude and water. These results suggest that the risks of transporting heavy crude in pipelines were overstated.