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ESPC 2016 - Montreal (Québec)

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Ava Stokke is 14 years old. She lives in Winnipeg, where she attends the Grade 8 advanced program at Grant Park High School. Some of her hobbies include piano, debate, and performing arts. In the future, she hopes to become a lawyer or a biologist. After learning about the harmful effects of consuming meat containing antibiotic residues in science class, Ava was worried that there were antibiotics in the meat she was eating. She decided to take it upon herself to discover if there were antibiotics in the beef her family was buying at the store. In the future, Ava would like to discover if there are antibiotics in other types of meat, such as chicken or pork. She also thinks it would be interesting to learn about antibiotics in wild meats and other growth promoters used in meat such as hormones. To students considering working on a science project, Ava suggests that they come up with a topic that they find interesting because she feels that working on a project you care about is more enjoyable. Also, she thinks that if you have something to prove through your project, you will have greater motivation to do a good job.

Ava Stokke

Antibiotics Everywhere! Using Bacteria to Detect Antibiotic Residues in Meat
Région:Winnipeg Schools
Ville:Winnipeg, MB
École:Grant Park High
Sommaire:As antibiotic resistant bacteria become common, the effectiveness of antibiotics decreases, posing a health threat to Canadians. One way antibiotic resistant bacteria can enter our bodies is through the meat we eat. The purpose of this project was to determine if the organic and conventional beef Canadians buy at the store contains antibiotics and to test the effectiveness of bacterial inhibition assays for antibiotic detection.

Prix Valeur
Prix des 4-H du Canada — Sécurité alimentaire
Sponsor: 4-H du Canada
500,00 $
Prix d'excellence - Junior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 500,00 $