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ESPC 2018 - Ottawa (Ontario)

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Whether he is out on trapeze and flying a spinnaker in the English Bay, or orienteering through the forests of the Coastal Mountains, hiking the trails of the Stawamus Chief, skiing on crisp snow on Cypress Mountains, or hustling to school on two wheels, you will often find Aaron Lee, a grade 9 student, outside where he can marvel at wonders of this world. He is fascinated not only by the diverse field of biology but many other fields such as particle physics, mathematics, earth sciences, astronomy, and philosophy. He enjoys discovering, questioning and expanding his understanding of this world. This year will be Aaron's first time attending the CWSF and he will be presenting Bunny Business. His interest in studying the rabbits began at the Jericho Sailing Centre in Vancouver, BC when he was 8. He often wondered how the rabbits have adapted to live with humans in an urban setting, and in the fall of 2017 his school, Prince of Wales Mini, provided an oppertunity for Aaron to formally study this at Jericho. He hopes to study wildlife the summer and encourages others to not be afraid to ask questions because it's fun to find answers.

Aaron Lee

Bunny Business
Région:Greater Vancouver
Ville:Vancouver, BC
École:Prince of Wales Secondary
Sommaire:Bunny Business is a study and assessment on how human activity, specifically feeding, affects feral rabbit health. To do this, I compared two groups of rabbits at the Jericho Sailing Center and assessed their health using a survey that looked for signs of illness. This created a snapshot of the rabbit's well-being which allowed comparison. Studies occurred over 22 field trips through October to January.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Intermédiaire
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 000,00 $