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ESPC 2011 - Toronto (Ontario)

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Johnny - My name is Johnny Su. I am currently a Gr.12 student who enjoys activities such as violin, piano and badminton. My favorite courses in school are biology, physics, math and music. My recent notable achievements include the RCM Gr 5 violin and Gr 9 piano and the gold medal award at the 2011 Toronto Sci-tech Fair. I plan to pursue a career in the medical field in the future.
Dazhi - Hi, I am Dazhi Liao (or Tony Liao for a more pronounceable name). I am a Grade 12 student in Earl Haig Secondary School in Toronto. I love to travel: I’ve spent three months in Luxembourg in my Grade 10, and it’s the most incredible experience! I love music: I play the cello and my favorite composer is Bach. I love meeting new people, because people are interesting. I enjoy the sciences very much, especially physics. I also love unassigned reading: my favorite authors are Romain Rolland, Kafka, and Marquez. I am going to University of Toronto for its Engsci program (yay!). But hey, I am not a complete geek, because I can’t program. I would love to learn it though!

Johnny Su, Dazhi Liao

Biochar: A carbon-negative soil enhancer
Ville:Toronto, ON
École:Earl Haig S.S.
Sommaire:Biochar is an organic material under investigation as a carbon-negative alternative energy strategy and as a growth aid for plants. However, currently few studies on biochar’s environmental effects exist. This short term investigation used fungi-derived biochar to demonstrate biochar’s potential to improve soil quality, enhance plant growth, and mitigate climate change. This finding can have significant implications on global warming and the world’s food supply.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Senior
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
300,00 $
Bourse d’études de l’Université Western Ontario
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse de début d’études de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western Ontario
1 000,00 $
Bourse d'admission de l'Université d'Ottawa
Médaillé de bronze, sénior – Bourse d’admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université d'Ottawa
1 000,00 $
Total2 300,00 $