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ESPC 2010 - Peterborough (Ontario)

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My name is Viane and I'm a grade 12 student at Old Scona School in Edmonton. I've traveled a lot growing up. I was born in San Diego, CA, went to France as a baby and lived there for a few years, came to Halifax, NS, and finally ended up in the City of Champions. I am very passionate about school, in fact so passionate that it seems to be one of the few things I do other than science! I have a cat who I like to think is my little angel. When I do have free time (which isn't very often halfway through senior year), I like to watch hockey. I love participating in science fairs because nothing is better than going to an event where everyone can just talk science and teach all the interesting things they know!

Viane Faily

Fatty Acids and the Efficacy of Chemotherapy on Breast Cancer
Ville:Edmonton, AB
École:Old Scona School
Sommaire:The purpose of my project was to determine if the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids doxosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid enhanced the effects of the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin on MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. I measured cellular growth by performing viable cell counts using a trypan blue stain and the WST-1 assay, which measures cellular metabolic activity.