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ESPC 2014 - Windsor (Ontario)

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Hola. My name is Autumn Wild and I'm in 10th grade at Nepean High school. I stay busy by listening to all kinds of music, playing the flute in band, reading vampire novels for my book club, and being part of the environmental club at Nepean. My close friend Jennifer and I have being doing science fair projects together for the past few years and all habe been focused on environmental issues. We came up with our latest idea of creating an eco-friendly alternative to polystyrene when we noticed how all the plastic waste overflowing the garbage bins in both of our high schools. We decided that it was time to create an eco-friendly and biodegradable alternative to polystyrene. After some trial and error, we created a solution, and we would love to eventually sell our product large scale. Yet we need to further investigate reducing our manufacturing and overall cost of our biodegradable alternative. So like us other students should choose a science project that they can't stop thinking about. You will not only enjoy completing your project, but the judges will certainly recognize your passion.

Autumn Wild

Clean and Green Polystyrene
Ville:Ottawa, ON
École:Nepean H.S.
Sommaire:To reduce the environmental impact of Styrofoam, we must use more eco-friendly biodegradable packaging materials made from sustainable sources. In this study, we utilized agricultural bi-products (straw/grass and corn husks) to create biodegradable packaging, and evaluated them in bio-degradation tests. By reducing the use of non-biodegradable materials and converting bio-waste into useful packaging, we can help create a better environment for future generations.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Intermédiaire
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Société de gestion des déchets nucléaires
100,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 100,00 $