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ESPC 2013 - Lethbridge (Alberta)

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Adrian - I am 15 years old and in grade 10 at the Brockville Collegiate Institute (BCI) in Brockville, Ontario. In my spare time, I enjoy building electrical circuits and constructing mechanical and robotic devices. Physics is something that fascinates me and I hope to get a better understanding of it throughout my school career. I play the piano at home and play the clarinet in my school concert band. I enjoy all my different classes at school, especially math and science. When I go to university I plan to take mechanical engineering. This is my fourth time attending a CWSF. I have an honourable mention, a silver medal, and a bronze medal from my previous CWSF's. My brother and I share similar hobbies including Airsoft, the sport that we studied. While he was interested in the surface and design of BB's, I was interested in the mechanics of the BB guns. This led to the thought of working together because of our complementing ideas. I would like to further investigate the physics principles behind our project. Students should try to start as early as possible and to try to make sure that they consult "experts" in the area of study.
Christian - I am in grade 8, attending The St. Lawrence Academy in Prescott, Ontario. I am interested in Math. Some of my hobbies include: playing Airsoft, playing video games, and playing the piano. In the future, I plan on programming computers. In 2012 I won a gold medal at the Canada-Wide Science Fair. One day while playing Airsoft, I wanted to see if there was a difference as far as accuracy and precision between types of surfaces on BB's. My brother was interested in studying the effects of backspin on ballistics. We decided to work together since both of our ideas relate to the same sport- mine focusing on the ammunition, his focusing on the weapon. If I were to expand on this project, I would test additional types of BB's and different types of Airsoft guns such as spring and C02 powered guns. For anybody doing a science project, I would suggest starting early into summer, planning and doing research before school starts. I found science projects very challenging. However, if you have determination and perseverance then you will be able to conquer this challenge.

Adrian Au, Christian Au

Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Région:Rideau-St. Lawrence
Ville:Front of Yonge, ON, Mallorytown, ON
École:Brockville Collegiate Institute, St. Lawrence Academy
Sommaire:Airsoft guns use compressed gas to fire 6mm plastic BB’s. The effects of backspin and surface alterations on the BB’s were studied to observe their impact on flight path and precision. It was hypothesized that more backspin would increase the range and precision of the BB while smoother-surfaced BB’s would be more precise. The application of these findings to the sport of Airsoft was discussed.

Prix Valeur
Prix d'excellence - Intermédiaire
Médaille de bronze
Sponsor: Sciences jeunesse Canada
100,00 $
Bourse d’études de Western University
Médaillé de bronze - Bourse d'admission de 1 000 $
Sponsor: Université Western
1 000,00 $
Total1 100,00 $